1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

You've never been to family court, and you've never known someone who has been to family court.

Or, you are lying. I don't know which.

Women get whatever they want. And that is a man's money and not his presence.
I have been to family court. I was a single father. I chose to be present.

No, I do not no a single man that was forced out of his child's life by a judge. None.


Well-Known Member
Again, we disagree. Nothing special. I'm not going to convince you, you won't convince me, I don't care.
Even the crazy feminist left that steals children from dads know they have to explain the obvious problems:

Women get all the children any time they want, and they get the man's money too.

That's why they file all the divorces, kick teh dads out to keep welfare, etc.


Inordinately Right
Not as long as the list of children waiting to be adopted.
That doesn't have anything to do with abortion though.

The left wing narrative is, hurr durr who's going to adopt all the babies. It's a false argument. There is a long waiting list.

Women just don't want to be inconvenienced by a pregnancy so they kill the baby.