1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
No, it's not. And so? All those kids need is Jesus and a chance!!!
Evangelicals still adopt those at higher rates than anyone else, but most of us already have children. And so it's really only empty-nesters who take the problem kids. You can't take in a problem case when you have kids.

Is your complaint that evangelicals only adopt more than anyone else, but still not enough?
Evangelicals still adopt those at higher rates than anyone else, but most of us already have children. And so it's really only empty-nesters who take the problem kids. You can't take in a problem case when you have kids.

Is your complaint that evangelicals only adopt more than anyone else, but still not enough?
No, I don't have a complaint, pro-lifers do.


Well-Known Member
So, evangelicals already solved the orphan crisis and established a waiting list for all new babies put up for adoption.

What other problems will you allow us to solve?


Well-Known Member
The one where all the people in your cult die and find out none of it was real.
So, the only thing we have to solve is your conception of eternal life?

You admit we've solved the orphan problem? That 100% of babies are adopted already, and largely by evangelicals?


Now, answer the one you skipped over: How many kids have you killed?
So, the only thing we have to solve is your conception of eternal life?

You admit we've solved the orphan problem? That 100% of babies are adopted already, and largely by evangelicals?


Now, answer the one you skipped over: How many kids have you killed?
Just one. You've never sniffed that level of ROI.