1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know, seems pretty reasonable what he’s saying there…
its another opinion selectively based on his own biases. I didnt understand why you felt he needed to brought into the discussion. what he says is not a fresh new insight.
i think we can all honestly say that the abortion debate has been beat to death here over the last two and a half decades.
If you would set aside your religious obsession with Donald Trump for a minute, you might realize he doesn't decide abortion law.

Well, you see, he’s a presidential candidate and talking about what he believes in for federal law

So you’re saying he’s wrong and you disagree with him right?
If you would set aside your religious obsession with Donald Trump for a minute, you might realize he doesn't decide abortion law.

Why are you spamming this thread with irrelevant screenshots?

Try to use your words like a big boy.
Ok, no problem. You accused @Next Day Err of lying for saying that voters will have to choose for a national abortion ban ticket or not. You said “neither party is pushing for that”

I then showed a picture of you quoting JD Vance saying that trump is the “leader of the Republican Party, and his views on abortion will be the views driving the party forward”

I then showed you a source of trump saying he will back a national abortion ban

So you are wrong. Again.