1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
and where pray tell would you find them? In this day and age-stable parents?--good luck.
Get rid of no-fault divorce, automatic female custody, cash and prizes for women who destroy marriages and alienate fathers, etc.

You know, the same as it was 100 years ago when they all had married parents.


Well-Known Member
You're creative, I'll give you that. Almost as creative as those asshats that wrote that book you live your life and judge others by.
I'm quite happy to judge a man who murders kids with a clean conscience, and then claims moral superiority while I write big checks to help the kids you didn't get to kill.


Retired 23 years
It's too late in the sense that there is no public support for the proper solutions, yes.

But I've listed the proper solutions.

Slaughtering them as babies remains an unacceptable solution.
I guess you can keep your head buried in the sand and wish for peace on Earth and good will toward men but you know that isn't going to happen.


Well-Known Member
I guess you can keep your head buried in the sand and wish for peace on Earth and good will toward men but you know that isn't going to happen.
I care first about what is right, and then secondly about how to make it happen.

If you only think of what appears possible, you end up saying crazy things and being useless.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not even close. Nazis believed in a narrative fed to them by their leaders. A narrative contrived from presumption with no basis in fact and cannot be proven other than trusting someone's word.

Christians are closer to Nazis than a guy that unapologetically paid for a legal abortion.
Think of the narrative you swallowed. A narrative contrived from presumption with no basis of fact. One that ignores science so you can kill your responsibility to do the right thing.
A guy who is unapologetic and not ashamed to openly boast of his great power and payment. All legal. He has made the State nod with approval.
Pedophiles are monsters because the child is not of age to make that kind of choice....
But, Super Studs like you can make the choice because... cost you couple of drinks... walk proud.
I'm quite happy to judge a man who murders kids with a clean conscience, and then claims moral superiority while I write big checks to help the kids you didn't get to kill.
Moral supereriority? Nooooo sir, I've not and would not make such claims. I know who I am and what I've done, I'm no moral true north. You are carrying that superiority complex and insist on projecting it, I don't really care what you think of me. I'm just glad you insisted on pushing this conversation only to end up at the end of it hours later being wrong.


Well-Known Member
Moral supereriority? Nooooo sir, I've not and would not make such claims. I know who I am and what I've done, I'm no moral true north. You are carrying that superiority complex and insist on projecting it, I don't really care what you think of me. I'm just glad you insisted on pushing this conversation only to end up at the end of it hours later being wrong.
I have not denied that I am morally superior to you. Of course I am.

I'm not a murderer.


Can’t even pretrip
So I haven’t read any posts here and I don’t know what anyone is talking about, who anyone is or what anyone believes but here’s my 2 cents ok: there seems to be a lot of judgment up in this bitch.


Well-Known Member
So I haven’t read any posts here and I don’t know what anyone is talking about, who anyone is or what anyone believes but here’s my 2 cents ok: there seems to be a lot of judgment up in this bitch.
Judgment makes the world go 'round.

I judge murderers, because murder is bad.

Now, you are up to speed.