1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I'm aware some fundamentalist religious people think contraception is abortion.

I'm also aware that the radical left likes to pretend it's abortion in order to blur the lines and obfuscate their support for partial birth murder of babies.

I'm not entirely interested in your semantics game. Is there a state that has laws or has a chance of banning the morning after pill? No. Because realistically most people don't think it's the same as abortion.

So the rape argument is meaningless.
Take the pill, don't murder a baby with a heartbeat
Raped women don’t always have access to a morning after pill


Well-Known Member
The cult of yourself.
Total narcissist.


Inordinately Right
It doesn’t occur to you a woman can be kidnapped, or be a young teenager raped at home by a family member with no recourse?
I'm simply pointing out that rational people don't support murdering babies during birth because of infinitely rare cases of teenage rape victims hiding their pregnancies.

Women have access to the morning after pill.
Rape is not a valid reason to support abortion.