1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough

Margaret Sanger would have agreed with your statement.

It is genocide plain and simple, minorities and the poor deemed unnecessary.

Big business killing babies...follow the money...


Well-Known Member
You DO realize that not every woman who gets an abortion lives a degenerate lifestyle, right?
Legal abortion allows women, and men, to live a lifestyle that was never intended for us. Sometimes it's necessary though. A young girl gets impregnated by a relative for example. A woman who'll likely die if she gives birth.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Legal abortion allows women, and men, to live a lifestyle that was never intended for us. Sometimes it's necessary though. A young girl gets impregnated by a relative for example. A woman who'll likely die if she gives birth.
What ever happened to “safe, legal and rare”? They kept expanding it to the point that they want to murder a full term baby. Name another so called civil right that had this creeping expansion.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to “safe, legal and rare”? They kept expanding it to the point that they want to murder a full term baby. Name another so called civil right that had this creeping expansion.
Right now our Democrats will bend over backwards to violate the Constitution to allow millions in illegally and give them financial support but will kill millions of by birthright American citizens before they come through the birth canal and in some cases even after if that's what the mother wants. It's insanity.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Right now our Democrats will bend over backwards to violate the Constitution to allow millions in illegally and give them financial support but will kill millions of by birthright American citizens before they come through the birth canal and in some cases even after if that's what the mother wants. It's insanity.
We’re circling the drain.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
you DO realize 99% of abortions are completely elective, right?

95% of the country has no problem making laws allowing abortion to save the life of the mother, or in case of rape

the 99% other times where it's so baby-mama can go back to drinking and partying? GET ***KED
I wasn’t talking about those people. He was saying that ALL women who have abortions live degenerate lives.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The problem with abortion is you can't define when life begins, obviously everybody has different opinions on it, what you can't argue is liberals want to be able to do abortion at any weeks, Mississippi said we don't want it after 15 weeks and some said 6 weeks, nor does overturning roe vs wade stop anyone from getting an abortion it just throws it back to the states, and in my opinion if the 2nd amendment can be regulated by states so can abortion, even though nowhere in the constitution do you have the right to kill a baby and if people actually saw the procedure and the fetis on the table afterwards in some of these cases they would change their minds, just my thoughts


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough
No, I'd disown my daughter and keep the kid, because she's clearly not worthy of an active mothering role.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Then if you believe it is then what weeks do you object to when it is done
The parameters are already set, different times for different reasons. I’ll leave the morality of it up to women and their doctors. Their decision not mine.