1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
I'm simply pointing out that rational people don't support murdering babies during birth because of infinitely rare cases of teenage rape victims hiding their pregnancies.

Women have access to the morning after pill.
Rape is not a valid reason to support abortion.
The baby is the same entity at 40 weeks as he or she is at 4 days.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Are you willing to follow the science and admit Evangelicals have the best sex lives?
I replied to this already
I'm simply pointing out that rational people don't support murdering babies during birth because of infinitely rare cases of teenage rape victims hiding their pregnancies.

Women have access to the morning after pill.
Rape is not a valid reason to support abortion.
You’re wrong


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough


IE boogeyman
You DO realize that not every woman who gets an abortion lives a degenerate lifestyle, right?
you DO realize 99% of abortions are completely elective, right?

95% of the country has no problem making laws allowing abortion to save the life of the mother, or in case of rape

the 99% other times where it's so baby-mama can go back to drinking and partying? GET ***KED


IE boogeyman
“I have to sexually repress myself because the invisible man in the sky told me to, so I’m not going to allow other people to have consequence-free sex and be happy in ways I never will”

-conservatives, definitely
the most sexually satisfied people are those in a heterosexual marriage

the least satisfied are single women, especially over 30

go make up your BS stats elsewhere


IE boogeyman
Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough
nope, not worth it on about 1000 levels

you can keep your culture of death to yourself