1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Just exactly who in your opinion is "our" when it comes to those who are entitled to certain rights under the law? Obviously you believe that it does not include women and that they are to be automatically relegated to second class citizen status for no other reason than their gender. Well pal, this is 2022 not 1922 and today's women have education, careers, money and power and they are NOT going to be relegated to the second class citizenship that you in your self righteous moral might believe they should be relegated to.
As was astutely pointed out earlier America is the only industrialized nation with no universal healthcare. Therefore as long as this nation has no federally mandated employer paid family. medical and maternity leave and no universal healthcare then as long as that kid in that woman is not yours then you stay the hell out of it and let parties rightfully involved in the matter make their own decisions as they are entitled to without outside meddling.

It takes two to tango...most every time a woman aborts a baby, the projected so called father jumps for joy. Most of the young men in our current subculture are selfish pigs, only out for one thing, I seen it the woman gets pregnant after a one night stand, the boyfriend or acquaintance pressures the girlfriend into an abortion saying that he will pay for it which never happens.

Who really has been benefiting from these abortion on demand rulings, it ain't the women...Roe v Wade ruling was the best thing to happen to the immature male...just think about..no child support for 18 + years, no responsibility on raising the child...simple fix and most will continue to satisfy their lusts knowing full well that all it takes is a visit to the local Mill.

These Doctors that do abortions are not considered medical professionals by other real physicians, most real Doctors think they are like Scabs or Butchers looking for a fast buck.

By the way do you remember the "Me Too" movement, what happen?


Well-Known Member
It takes two to tango...most every time a woman aborts a baby, the projected so called father jumps for joy. Most of the young men in our current subculture are selfish pigs, only out for one thing, I seen it the woman gets pregnant after a one night stand, the boyfriend or acquaintance pressures the girlfriend into an abortion saying that he will pay for it which never happens.

Who really has been benefiting from these abortion on demand rulings, it ain't the women...Roe v Wade ruling was the best thing to happen to the immature male...just think about..no child support for 18 + years, no responsibility on raising the child...simple fix and most will continue to satisfy their lusts knowing full well that all it takes is a visit to the local Mill.

These Doctors that do abortions are not considered medical professionals by other real physicians, most real Doctors think they are like Scabs or Butchers looking for a fast buck.

By the way do you remember the "Me Too" movement, what happen?
Boomer alert. Boomer alert.

Don't be a white-knight for those sl00ts.
The women are using the men as much as the men are using the women. They're not some innocent victims getting taken advantage of by players. The women are using the men to get the babies, and then kicking the men out.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't take a degree in anything to know that blending up babies is wrong in every sense. Most people can just imagine the horror of it and know it's wrong. Then there's people who want to detach the reality from the words with euphemisms that allow them to justify slaughtering innocent babies. How can anyone think that if babies don't have the right to live that anyone else has any rights at all?
Just who appointed you America's moral arbiter ? America's a democracy not a theocracy run by a bunch of unelected clerics who decide what form of human behavior is agreeable to them and them alone. If that's the kind of rule you want to live under you're welcome to do so and there's plenty of places in the world where it's practiced.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
"Muh women's rights."



Well-Known Member
It takes two to tango...most every time a woman aborts a baby, the projected so called father jumps for joy. Most of the young men in our current subculture are selfish pigs, only out for one thing, I seen it the woman gets pregnant after a one night stand, the boyfriend or acquaintance pressures the girlfriend into an abortion saying that he will pay for it which never happens.

Who really has been benefiting from these abortion on demand rulings, it ain't the women...Roe v Wade ruling was the best thing to happen to the immature male...just think about..no child support for 18 + years, no responsibility on raising the child...simple fix and most will continue to satisfy their lusts knowing full well that all it takes is a visit to the local Mill.

These Doctors that do abortions are not considered medical professionals by other real physicians, most real Doctors think they are like Scabs or Butchers looking for a fast buck.

By the way do you remember the "Me Too" movement, what happen?
The American Medical Association, their peers, the certification boards and the state that granted them a license do not consider them to be "Scabs or Butchers".

Now my county publishes every week a very very long list of absconders who have bench warrants out on them for non payment of child support. Determining how much they owe based on their income is not easy to establish when they by design don't hold jobs especially those that are required to be reported under FICA. They work under the table for cash so they can report zero income. And the cost of the manpower to send field agents to simply go out and find them is substantial. And what are you going to do with them even if you do find them? Throwing them in jail? That's still not going to get the money out of them.

Do I endorse this kind of socially irresponsible behavior? Definitely not!. But effective deterrents are nowhere near as simple and plentiful as some of you believe.


Well-Known Member
The American Medical Association, their peers, the certification boards and the state that granted them a license do not consider them to be "Scabs or Butchers".

Now my county publishes every week a very very long list of absconders who have bench warrants out on them for non payment of child support. Determining how much they owe based on their income is not easy to establish when they by design don't hold jobs especially those that are required to be reported under FICA. They work under the table for cash so they can report zero income. And the cost of the manpower to send field agents to simply go out and find them is substantial. And what are you going to do with them even if you do find them? Throwing them in jail? That's still not going to get the money out of them.

Do I endorse this kind of socially irresponsible behavior? Definitely not!. But effective deterrents are nowhere near as simple and plentiful as some of you believe.
The butchers run those institutions. They have declared themselves innocent. Most murderers do.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Roe has been overturned.
The Left is upset and demands action.
So when will the Left begin to support safe, accessible daily care for the minors in working households ?
The left has always supported it. Build Back Better includes the creation of a federal childcare registry that will establish a registry of safe inspected and regulated childcare centers. The Left has pointed out repeatedly that the lack of childcare is one of the reasons why women are not returning to the workplace thereby contributing to the labor shortage.

So tell me just exactly what legislation has the Right offered to address the issue?


Well-Known Member
The left has always supported it. Build Back Better includes the creation of a federal childcare registry that will establish a registry of safe inspected and regulated childcare centers. The Left has pointed out repeatedly that the lack of childcare is one of the reasons why women are not returning to the workplace thereby contributing to the labor shortage.

So tell me just exactly what legislation has the Right offered to address the issue?
Childcare provided by intact families is superior to any "regulated and inspected childcare center."
The right respects the family and encourages procreation to take place in a context that will take care of children.

That's why there are millions of responsible, married, Republican couples waiting to adopt democrat abandoned children.


Well-Known Member
Do you respect an organization that supports murdering babies and giving castration drugs to young children?
When you find yourself in the ER seriously ill or injured will you refuse to allow a person who is an AMA board certified ER doctor to provide you with the treatment methods that will decide whether or not you will continue to live?


Inordinately Right
When you find yourself in the ER seriously ill or injured will you refuse to allow a person who is an AMA board certified ER doctor to provide you with the treatment methods that will decide whether or not you will continue to live?
I don't respect the AMA, a doctor's certification with them is meaningless to my choice of doctor. Where did you get lost?

You said you're okay with murdering babies to save money, so your opinion is also meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Childcare provided by intact families is superior to any "regulated and inspected childcare center."
The right respects the family and encourages procreation to take place in a context that will take care of children.

That's why there are millions of responsible, married, Republican couples waiting to adopt democrat abandoned children.
Oh so you are trying to tell me that Democrats are the only people who abandon their kids? LMFAO! If that isn't ridiculous enough you're also claiming that only Republican couples make the most astute the most loving and most economically supportive parents. So tell me just what corroborated and certified statistical data do you have to offer to support this absurd claim?


Well-Known Member
When you find yourself in the ER seriously ill or injured will you refuse to allow a person who is an AMA board certified ER doctor to provide you with the treatment methods that will decide whether or not you will continue to live?
Yes, compartmentalized competence is a thing.

They're great at healing. And murdering. I can support one and not the other.