1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
And your way of doing that is to deny a woman the right to make the decisions as they pertain to her own body and reproductive rights. That's your idea of Christianity . It 's why pews are empty and churches close . More people continue to reject that warped ideology.
Liberal churches are empty. The more conservative and more traditional a church is, the more it's thriving.


Well-Known Member
And your way of doing that is to deny a woman the right to make the decisions as they pertain to her own body and reproductive rights. That's your idea of Christianity . It 's why pews are empty and churches close . More people continue to reject that warped ideology.
If you say so heathan. But wait, if churches are empty then who are these religious extremists who got Roe overturned?


Well-Known Member
If Republicans care so much about babies, why do red states have the highest infant mortality?


Look at all those lib states like California, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, NY, Colorado with low numbers. Then look at all those red/Bible Belt states with higher rates.


Well-Known Member

Then explain to me why America the most powerful industrialized nation on earth still has the fifth highest infant mortality rate. Now look at the nations with the lowest mortality rate. Notice something? They all have universal healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Then explain to me why America the most powerful industrialized nation on earth still has the fifth highest infant mortality rate. Now look at the nations with the lowest mortality rate. Notice something? They all have universal healthcare.
Yah, because we're busy spending our money protecting them so that they can spend more on healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Because red states have the highest black populations, and black mothers kill themselves with obesity and diabetes.
All of your most recent posts blame everything on black people. if I had known that pure racism is the driver behind your increasingly bizarre responses I would have never engaged you.


Well-Known Member
Then explain to me why America the most powerful industrialized nation on earth still has the fifth highest infant mortality rate. Now look at the nations with the lowest mortality rate. Notice something? They all have universal healthcare.
Because universal health care is a liberal cause. So thus, it's a bad thing and must be stopped.


Well-Known Member
All of your most recent posts blame everything on black people. if I had known that pure racism is the driver behind your increasingly bizarre responses I would have never engaged you.
Look at the kids up for adoption, and who has the maternal deaths and the causes of deaths.
I didn't make the facts. But I do respect them.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The Left has pointed out repeatedly that the lack of childcare is one of the reasons why women are not returning to the workplace thereby contributing to the labor shortage.
Guess companies are gonna have to pay men single-income, family-supporting wages again.


Well-Known Member
Then explain to me why America the most powerful industrialized nation on earth still has the fifth highest infant mortality rate. Now look at the nations with the lowest mortality rate. Notice something? They all have universal healthcare.
We count our dead babies for real. Other nations do a lot more selective genocide of risky things. They murder the problem or risky cases, and then report lower rates of accidental deaths.

It's not hard. America is the best place to have a kid in a hospital.