1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Yah, because we're busy spending our money protecting them so that they can spend more on healthcare.
They don't need our money. They have some of the highest per capita incomes in the world. You think Sweden Switzerland and France needs our money?
Because universal health care is a liberal cause. So thus, it's a bad thing and must be stopped.
In fact vantexan had a heart attack had no insurance so the taxpayer supported medical assistance had to hoark up a 100K + hairball to pay for his open heart surgery. Imagine where he would be if the Right had prevailed in their never ending effort to abolish such programs. Chances are he would today be on the wrong side of the grass.


Well-Known Member
We count our dead babies for real. Other nations do a lot more selective genocide of risky things. They murder the problem or risky cases, and then report lower rates of accidental deaths.

It's not hard. America is the best place to have a kid in a hospital.
Until you're pushed out after 48 hours. The US standard is 2 days. In most of Europe the standard is 4 days with some going 5, 6 or 7.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member

I Catholic and personally Pro Life. If there was never another abortion I would be happy. But I’m also realistic.

The problem with Conservatives is they want all babies born but then don’t want to pay the burden. They also don’t want to assist with pregnancy prevention.

Birth control should be extremely cheap or free. Well mother care for pregnant women should be a main principle. Adoptions should be facilitated and easier. Maternal and paternal leave should be greatly expanded. WIC and other public assistance for poor mothers should be expanded.

I know what the response will be.
Birth control is free if you are poor, and so cheap if you are not officially poor. And available everywhere..it was not in the 70s..even what was available was not even close to 100%. Ps I have two boys born in the 70s, so I do know. I'm for life, but I get it is a huge life change. I accepted it..and have no regrets..to each their own, but you may have to go outside of your area to get one, just like pre 73.


Well-Known Member
In fact vantexan had a heart attack had no insurance so the taxpayer supported medical assistance had to hoark up a 100K + hairball to pay for his open heart surgery. Imagine where he would be if the Right had prevailed in their never ending effort to abolish such programs. Chances are he would today be on the wrong side of the grass.
He got his, so screw everyone else.


I'm a star
And just who commissioned , appointed and empowered you to make those decisions ? Unless you are a federally or at the very least a commissioned employee then just who appointed you America's moral arbiter?

Government is your religion. You don't have to be very morally intelligent to know that baby smoothies are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Until you're pushed out after 48 hours. The US standard is 2 days. In most of Europe the standard is 4 days with some going 5, 6 or 7.

Yes, length of stay does not determine quality of maternal care.
Have you ever even had a kid?
We schemed, planned, and ghetto-argued our way out of the hospital less than 24 hours after each birth. The hospital is not where I want to be.
You don't sleep. The kid barely eats. Nobody is comfortable. Home is the place to be.
So, we have the kid in the safety of the hospital, and jet out as soon as we can.

Short maternal stay is better.


Well-Known Member
They don't need our money. They have some of the highest per capita incomes in the world. You think Sweden Switzerland and France needs our money?

In fact vantexan had a heart attack had no insurance so the taxpayer supported medical assistance had to hoark up a 100K + hairball to pay for his open heart surgery. Imagine where he would be if the Right had prevailed in their never ending effort to abolish such programs. Chances are he would today be on the wrong side of the grass.
Who said anything about giving them money? I said we're spending our money protecting them. That frees up a lot.of tax money for them to spend on social programs.

And you had your brain replaced on the government dime and so far I can't see that it did you any good.


Well-Known Member
Birth control is free if you are poor, and so cheap if you are not officially poor. And available everywhere..it was not in the 70s..even what was available was not even close to 100%. Ps I have two boys born in the 70s, so I do know. I'm for life, but I get it is a huge life change. I accepted it..and have no regrets..to each their own, but you may have to go outside of your area to get one, just like pre 73.
Birth control is free for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about giving them money? I said we're spending our money protecting them. That frees up a lot.of tax money for them to spend on social programs.

And you had your brain replaced on the government dime and so far I can't see that it did you any good.
NATO nations all have to contribute 2% of their GDP on their defense of their nation. They are not getting a free ride.


Well-Known Member
Show me the data that supports you're conclusion. My mother had diabetes. Vantex had diabetes . they're all white people.
Congratulations. I didn't say all diabetics were black.
It's outstandingly disproportionate, and if you don't already know that, there is no point in proving it to you.


I'm a star
Just who appointed you America's moral arbiter ? America's a democracy not a theocracy run by a bunch of unelected clerics who decide what form of human behavior is agreeable to them and them alone. If that's the kind of rule you want to live under you're welcome to do so and there's plenty of places in the world where it's practiced.

Your feeble attempts to justify murder have been noted. Now go drink your fetus frappé.