1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Are you willing to pay for contraception so that your daughter can enjoy her youth and sexuality in a responsible manner? And don't try your religious virtues with me. I know of numerous preacher's daughters and granddaughters who got knocked up unmarried in their mid teens.
No, I'm not willing to pay for contraception for anyone, especially for my daughter. You've got to be kidding.


Well-Known Member
Iceland does NOT have to provide with support for your views. They are a sovereign nation with their own laws

And just exactly what additional funds are you willing to contribute to ensure that the kids who will be brought full term even if the mother doesn't want to will have everything they will need to better insure that they will have a safe and secure childhood? or are you just another consercuk with no bucks.? You're the guy who has set out to save them and then after you do save them what are you going to do?
Mothers in every state already have free everything. Chill out.


Well-Known Member
Do you realize every argument you make in support of killing human babies is about money?

What does that say about you and your morals, or lack there of?
Just as I figured Another consercuk with no bucks. You still just don't get it. The issue as has been discussed numerous times today is this nation's unpreparedness and with you people's unwillingness to take the steps needed so that the prenatal post natal adolescent healthcare and childcare educational opportunities will be available when it's needed if there is and likely will be a major uptick in births whether planned or unplanned wanted or not. Which is worse? A woman who did not plan to get pregnant or a nation that did not bother plan to accommodate the consequences resulting from the overturning a 50 year old piece of finished law? The overturn has been done. Measures must be now taken and most importantly....THERE IS NO CHEAP WAY OUT.


Well-Known Member
Just as I figured Another consercuk with no bucks. You still just don't get it. The issue as has been discussed numerous times today is this nation's unpreparedness and with you people's unwillingness to take the steps needed so that the prenatal post natal adolescent healthcare and childcare educational opportunities will be available when it's needed if there is and likely will be a major uptick in births whether planned or unplanned wanted or not. Which is worse? A woman who did not plan to get pregnant or a nation that did not bother plan to accommodate the consequences resulting from the overturning a 50 year old piece of finished law? The overturn has been done. Measures must be now taken and most importantly....THERE IS NO CHEAP WAY OUT.
Every baby has a line of adopting parents waiting for them. Every poor mother has free health care, food, shelter, and clothes

Stop whining on behalf of whores.


Well-Known Member
Mothers in every state already have free everything. Chill out.
And there could very easily be many more seeking benefits to which the law entitles them to. After getting your own way with the abortion ban now you not only want to refuse funding to the women who are now forced to carry a full term fetus you now want to cut benefits to the women who are currently receiving them.


Well-Known Member
And there could very easily be many more seeking benefits to which the law entitles them to. After getting your own way with the abortion ban now you not only want to refuse funding to the women who are now forced to carry a full term fetus you now want to cut benefits to the women who are currently receiving them.
So, you're whining about what might happen, while acknowledging that poor women already have everything they need?


Well-Known Member
You just got done talking about the kids who are currently waiting for adoption . Now which way is it?
There are no babies waiting for adoption.
There are foster kids who can't find permanent homes, mainly because whenever foster kids go into homes, they molest and assault their benefactors.


Well-Known Member
So, you're whining about what might happen, while acknowledging that poor women already have everything they need?
You see what Ohio is smartly doing. Finding the funding that will be needed in the post Roe era. for Ohio a billion bucks is a lot when you consider that it's general fund budget is only 22B Now lets see how they're going to raise the extra cash. Now lets wee what Mississippi the poorest state in the nation is going to do to raise all that extra benefit cash that will be needed.


Well-Known Member
There are no babies waiting for adoption.
There are foster kids who can't find permanent homes, mainly because whenever foster kids go into homes, they molest and assault their benefactors.
I know a couple who raised 6 foster kids. NOTHING like you say happened in that household. In keeping wit that how many foster kids did you take in and what were your experiences with them?


Well-Known Member
You see what Ohio is smartly doing. Finding the funding that will be needed in the post Roe era. for Ohio a billion bucks is a lot when you consider that it's general fund budget is only 22B Now lets see how they're going to raise the extra cash. Now lets wee what Mississippi the poorest state in the nation is going to do to raise all that extra benefit cash that will be needed.
The funding isn't needed. There are adoptive parents for every baby. And a line a mile long.

And poor mothers already have free everything.

There is no need.


Well-Known Member
I know a couple who raised 6 foster kids. NOTHING like you say happened in that household. In keeping wit that how many foster kids did you take in and what were your experiences with them?
Did they raise 6 foster kids alongside their own natural kids?
If so, they simply didn't see it. It happened.
And they also go 500 to 1000 per month for each kid.