10 step pay raises


Well-Known Member
The guy cries about stuff that happened in 1991, 1995,1999, on and on. How can anyone that holds a grudge after all these years be happy. I don't believe he would be happy no matter what the circumstances are. Some people are just mad at the world and never happy. Like tex
Things that happened from the 80's all the way through until 2016. You'd know if you transferred around. Either the route was extremely bad and no one local would touch it, or manager was so bad no one wanted to work for him, or a combination of both. Or incredibly crazy situations like managers putting packages in U.S. Mail to keep me from getting overtime(no they didn't have company permission to do so). And trying to intimidate me into going along with it. All that against the backdrop of company lying about pay and pension. You have no idea how crazy it can get, and good for you, wouldn't wish it on anyone. But you are constantly saying I'm lying. You're obnoxious, and proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I'm no longer restrained by company rules so I'd knock you flat on your ass if you said it to my face. Takes a real big man to be so brave behind your keyboard. Think you're getting to me? Nope, I'm just being matter of fact. Right now I'm researching airlines to Europe. All that FedEx crap is behind me. But I'm still going to say FedEx cheated tens of thousands of employees when you start spouting off. So spout away amigo!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
People that complain they can't save $20 a week are the same people drinking Starbucks 5 days a week, driving new cars with huge car notes and watching every possible premium channel on their TV at home while they have the latest and newest I-Phone every time they come out. Most Fedex employees can save money, they just have their priorities in the wrong place.
Generalize much? You have no idea what people's situations are. You remind me of a guy I worked with once who made the following most idiotic statement to me, Single mothers choose to be that way. My response to him was, That has to be one of the dumbest statements I've heard anyone say. Tell that to the women whose husbands were killed at war or in traffic accidents. Or to the women whose husbands left them for younger women, etc., etc. Yes, I know there are some who DO choose that lifestyle, but I'd bet the majority don't.

You can't see beyond your nose to see that sometimes life happens fast for some people and some things are out of their control. Open your mind. Expand your horizons. The world might just surprise you.


Well-Known Member
The 401k only works if you use it. If you don't invest, you won't have any retirement. Your example about people having nothing in a 401k because they don't invest reminds me of people that don't receive Social Security when they retire because their government job opted out of SS. Their pension is about 55 or 60% of their working income and they complain they can't live on that. Why didn't they invest the 6% the rest of us have to put into SS each month and they would be sitting on plenty to retire with.

I am not as smart as Tex but I know the 401k works for those that are smart enough to use it. You start when you are young, invest a little at a time and get a company match of up to 55% of your contribution. You stay with it, getting 10 to 15% returns plus saving 12 to 15% on your taxable income come tax season. 30 to 40 years later, you are sitting on a nice nest egg come retirement.

If you just save $100 a month between your contribution and the company match for your entire work career and get a very conservative 8% return, you will be sitting on close to 300k come retirement. That would be about $20 from your weekly check and $5 company match. People that complain they can't save $20 a week are the same people drinking Starbucks 5 days a week, driving new cars with huge car notes and watching every possible premium channel on their TV at home while they have the latest and newest I-Phone every time they come out. Most Fedex employees can save money, they just have their priorities in the wrong place.
Many people have to make hard decisions about where the little bit they have goes. If you've got kids you put them first. They're not blowing money at Starbucks. A lot of people spend whatever loose change they have keeping their car going, couldn't imagine owning a new car. And a lot of people are as you say, irresponsible, but not all of them. I have a problem with those who always seem to have cigarettes and beer, but are always broke. But it's truly unfair to characterize everyone who didn't save as irresponsible. This is a very expensive country, and half the people in it barely scrape by.


Well-Known Member
Takes a real big man to be so brave behind your keyboard. Think you're getting to me? Nope, I'm just being matter of fact. Right now I'm researching airlines to Europe. All that FedEx crap is behind me. But I'm still going to say FedEx cheated tens of thousands of employees when you start spouting off. So spout away amigo!
This is the best part about him. He acts like he's some sort of model employee but then acts like a petulant 12 year old, trolling a message board, trying to start arguments because it amuses him, instead of acting like an adult and participating in meaningful debate.


Well-Known Member
Things that happened from the 80's all the way through until 2016. You'd know if you transferred around. Either the route was extremely bad and no one local would touch it, or manager was so bad no one wanted to work for him, or a combination of both. Or incredibly crazy situations like managers putting packages in U.S. Mail to keep me from getting overtime(no they didn't have company permission to do so). And trying to intimidate me into going along with it. All that against the backdrop of company lying about pay and pension. You have no idea how crazy it can get, and good for you, wouldn't wish it on anyone. But you are constantly saying I'm lying. You're obnoxious, and proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I'm no longer restrained by company rules so I'd knock you flat on your ass if you said it to my face. Takes a real big man to be so brave behind your keyboard. Think you're getting to me? Nope, I'm just being matter of fact. Right now I'm researching airlines to Europe. All that FedEx crap is behind me. But I'm still going to say FedEx cheated tens of thousands of employees when you start spouting off. So spout away amigo!
Speaking of being an internet tough guy. I am terrified of you.
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Well-Known Member
Generalize much? You have no idea what people's situations are. You remind me of a guy I worked with once who made the following most idiotic statement to me, Single mothers choose to be that way. My response to him was, That has to be one of the dumbest statements I've heard anyone say. Tell that to the women whose husbands were killed at war or in traffic accidents. Or to the women whose husbands left them for younger women, etc., etc. Yes, I know there are some who DO choose that lifestyle, but I'd bet the majority don't.

You can't see beyond your nose to see that sometimes life happens fast for some people and some things are out of their control. Open your mind. Expand your horizons. The world might just surprise you.
I know all about single moms. My mom raised 3 kids by herself. You know how we survived, she worked some evenings and weekends after her main job to support her family. ANY able bodied person who works a 40 hr week and is broke should be ashamed. They have another 15 or 20 hrs they could be working to make extra money. My wife will do Uber and Lyft when she is running errands and killing time. We both delivered flowers for a florist the Saturday before Mothers day and she did again on Sunday while I worked at Fdx. My neighbor is a single mom and she cuts a few yards on the weekend for extra money. She told me she has started shopping at Thrift stores and sells some of the items on Ebay. She makes several hundred $ each month doing that. There are many ways a person can make extra money but many will just complain about being broke instead of doing something about it. It isn't fun working extra jobs but being broke is not fun either. You can either accept your situation and do nothing about it, or you can do your best to get out of your bad financial situation with hard work and determination.


Well-Known Member
I know all about single moms. My mom raised 3 kids by herself. You know how we survived, she worked some evenings and weekends after her main job to support her family. ANY able bodied person who works a 40 hr week and is broke should be ashamed. They have another 15 or 20 hrs they could be working to make extra money. My wife will do Uber and Lyft when she is running errands and killing time. We both delivered flowers for a florist the Saturday before Mothers day and she did again on Sunday while I worked at Fdx. My neighbor is a single mom and she cuts a few yards on the weekend for extra money. She told me she has started shopping at Thrift stores and sells some of the items on Ebay. She makes several hundred $ each month doing that. There are many ways a person can make extra money but many will just complain about being broke instead of doing something about it. It isn't fun working extra jobs but being broke is not fun either. You can either accept your situation and do nothing about it, or you can do your best to get out of your bad financial situation with hard work and determination.
There's nothing wrong with what you're saying OF provided that your health will hold out and the economy in your locale has extra income opportunities available . For many decades I did things similar to what you've described and invested as wisely as possible and during the final 23 years of my working lifetime I was with RPS/ FXG missed a total of 5 days of work often because I was out of hours or had funerals to tend to including running 6 days a week year round for more than 5 of those years. But 2 years ago at age 62 my hip joints were so completely destroyed that the final months were spent delivering with the use of a cane. The surgeon told me that replacing my hips joints was easy because there were no joints left to remove. In the complex economy of today ambition still has to be combined with vision and a huge amount of good fortune including being born at the right time and in the right place.


Well-Known Member
I know all about single moms. My mom raised 3 kids by herself. You know how we survived, she worked some evenings and weekends after her main job to support her family. ANY able bodied person who works a 40 hr week and is broke should be ashamed. They have another 15 or 20 hrs they could be working to make extra money. My wife will do Uber and Lyft when she is running errands and killing time. We both delivered flowers for a florist the Saturday before Mothers day and she did again on Sunday while I worked at Fdx. My neighbor is a single mom and she cuts a few yards on the weekend for extra money. She told me she has started shopping at Thrift stores and sells some of the items on Ebay. She makes several hundred $ each month doing that. There are many ways a person can make extra money but many will just complain about being broke instead of doing something about it. It isn't fun working extra jobs but being broke is not fun either. You can either accept your situation and do nothing about it, or you can do your best to get out of your bad financial situation with hard work and determination.
Yes Captain Oblivious one can do all that you do because you have had a cake route most of your 40 years. Those of us who actually worked for a living were pretty exhausted by the time we finished an 11 hour day. And let's not forget your motivation. You are driven by the need to Lord it over others that you have more, are living the good life, and thus superior. If it makes you feel good C.O. more power to you. Most of us don't feel the need to act that way. I eat well, have a decent roof over my head, have access to the internet, and get by comfortably. My life isn't going to have less meaning if I don't have a new car, a 60" tv, a 5000 square ft home. And that you think that it does says volumes about you, nothing about me. I'd say get over yourself, but that ego is too big to climb.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of being an internet tough guy. I am terrified of you. I imagine you couldn't even beat your meat, much less another person.
A Trumpian response! 6'2", 257 lbs. I volunteered to unload cans in my late 40's for 4 years. I think I can deal with you. Have lost weight eating fresh food in Mexico by the way. 275 when I got here. All that processed food you eat will kill you before you get to enjoy your money.


Well-Known Member
A Trumpian response! 6'2", 257 lbs. I volunteered to unload cans in my late 40's for 4 years. I think I can deal with you. Have lost weight eating fresh food in Mexico by the way. 275 when I got here. All that processed food you eat will kill you before you get to enjoy your money.
Mercy. I hope I can sleep tonight know Billy Bad Asz is looking for me. I am scared.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
This is the best part about him. He acts like he's some sort of model employee but then acts like a petulant 12 year old, trolling a message board, trying to start arguments because it amuses him, instead of acting like an adult and participating in meaningful debate.
I'm tellin' ya, it's the avatar - the avatar! :wink2:


Well-Known Member
The 401k only works if you use it. If you don't invest, you won't have any retirement. Your example about people having nothing in a 401k because they don't invest reminds me of people that don't receive Social Security when they retire because their government job opted out of SS. Their pension is about 55 or 60% of their working income and they complain they can't live on that. Why didn't they invest the 6% the rest of us have to put into SS each month and they would be sitting on plenty to retire with.

I am not as smart as Tex but I know the 401k works for those that are smart enough to use it. You start when you are young, invest a little at a time and get a company match of up to 55% of your contribution. You stay with it, getting 10 to 15% returns plus saving 12 to 15% on your taxable income come tax season. 30 to 40 years later, you are sitting on a nice nest egg come retirement.

If you just save $100 a month between your contribution and the company match for your entire work career and get a very conservative 8% return, you will be sitting on close to 300k come retirement. That would be about $20 from your weekly check and $5 company match. People that complain they can't save $20 a week are the same people drinking Starbucks 5 days a week, driving new cars with huge car notes and watching every possible premium channel on their TV at home while they have the latest and newest I-Phone every time they come out. Most Fedex employees can save money, they just have their priorities in the wrong place.

No it doesn't work for the majority of workers that use it.

The data about 401k's shows actual workers who are putting money away in their actual 401k plans and it is not working for the vast majority of them.

Again, you are defending this thing called the 401k as if it is a person or a religion or an ideology that you are "believing in", instead of a part of the tax code meant to aid in retirement.

Either it works in reality for workers or it doesn't work.

And the data is very very clear, the 401k objectively for most American workers that are in fact using their 401k doesn't work for them at providing stable retirement income.

Now either we can discuss the factual info about the 401k and how it is actually working for Americans, or I'm done with this discussion.

I see zero benefit in continuing a discussion in which you tell me you basically believe in the 401k or you tell me you just know the 401k works if people use it or you give a theoretical example of how great the 401k works which is devoid of any data about how it works in reality for most workers.

Don't believe, don't go on theory, look at the actual data about how the 401k is actually working in the real world for actual human beings, objectively the 401k is not working for the vast majority of workers that use the 401k.
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Well-Known Member
No it doesn't work for the majority of workers that use it.

The data about 401k's shows actual workers who are putting money away in their actual 401k plans and it is not working for the vast majority of them.

Again, you are defending this thing called the 401k as if it is a person or a religion or an ideology that you are "believing in", instead of a part of the tax code meant to aid in retirement.

Either it works in reality for workers or it doesn't work.

And the data is very very clear, the 401k objectively for most American workers that are in fact using their 401k doesn't work for them at providing stable retirement income.

Now either we can discuss the factual info about the 401k and how it is actually working for Americans, or I'm done with this discussion.

I see zero benefit in continuing a discussion in which you tell me you basically believe in the 401k or you tell me you just know the 401k works if people use it or you give a theoretical example of how great the 401k works which is devoid of any data about how it works in reality for most workers.

Don't believe, don't go on theory, look at the actual data about how the 401k is actually working in the real world for actual human beings, objectively the 401k is not working for the vast majority of workers that use the 401k.
What ever you say boss. I will retire with dignity with my 401k, You do whatever it is you do.

It's like losing weight with Weight Watchers. It works for some and not for others. It just depends how dedicated you are to the program. I have been dedicated to the 401k since 1985 or so and I have very positive results. Others might not. Bummer


Well-Known Member
No it doesn't work for the majority of workers that use it.

The data about 401k's shows actual workers who are putting money away in their actual 401k plans and it is not working for the vast majority of them.

Again, you are defending this thing called the 401k as if it is a person or a religion or an ideology that you are "believing in", instead of a part of the tax code meant to aid in retirement.

Either it works in reality for workers or it doesn't work.

And the data is very very clear, the 401k objectively for most American workers that are in fact using their 401k doesn't work for them at providing stable retirement income.

Now either we can discuss the factual info about the 401k and how it is actually working for Americans, or I'm done with this discussion.

I see zero benefit in continuing a discussion in which you tell me you basically believe in the 401k or you tell me you just know the 401k works if people use it or you give a theoretical example of how great the 401k works which is devoid of any data about how it works in reality for most workers.

Don't believe, don't go on theory, look at the actual data about how the 401k is actually working in the real world for actual human beings, objectively the 401k is not working for the vast majority of workers that use the 401k.

My 401k is working as intended to supplement my retirement income.


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents. I always have this reoccurring scenario where the US changes so much that by the time I go to collect my 401k a far left candidate is on office and effective immediate, raises the tax rate to 51% or some wild number. OR Government is so broke it seizes all assets and funds to pay national debt. Returns to you at a minuscule %


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents. I always have this reoccurring scenario where the US changes so much that by the time I go to collect my 401k a far left candidate is on office and effective immediate, raises the tax rate to 51% or some wild number. OR Government is so broke it seizes all assets and funds to pay national debt. Returns to you at a minuscule %
Happened in Argentina.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Just my 2 cents. I always have this reoccurring scenario where the US changes so much that by the time I go to collect my 401k a far left candidate is on office and effective immediate, raises the tax rate to 51% or some wild number. OR Government is so broke it seizes all assets and funds to pay national debt. Returns to you at a minuscule %

Same here. Putting a larger chunk into after-tax/Roth plans. There's the loss of the employer contribution for a little more peace of mind. I don't think much of anything will happen, but when you've got trillions of untaxed dollars sitting around and you can impose a tax that's all but impossible for anyone to avoid... people start getting ideas.


Well-Known Member
Same here. Putting a larger chunk into after-tax/Roth plans. There's the loss of the employer contribution for a little more peace of mind. I don't think much of anything will happen, but when you've got trillions of untaxed dollars sitting around and you can impose a tax that's all but impossible for anyone to avoid... people start getting ideas.

They could always find a way to tax a Roth. Maybe the growth. You never know.

I tried a Roth 1 year. Got killed at tax time. Gonna take my chances with taxes at retirement