10 step pay raises

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Once again, he had the same type post about me earlier and YOU decide to dwell on my post about him. Double standard at work again.

That is why your criticism of me has no merit because it is all one sided.
Didn't happen.
Just walked through the entire thread. Makaveli made NO derogatory post towards you.
That makes you a liar.


Well-Known Member
Didn't happen.
Just walked through the entire thread. Makaveli made NO derogatory post towards you.
That makes you a liar.
Whatever you say mr double standard.

You need a hobby in the WORST way. You went thru 33 pages of posts?Don't you have anything better to do?


Well-Known Member
Some on here could see a raise and a step jump on their check in 3 weeks and would still post that they expect the company retract one or the other. They have serious trust issues.
Being told you can keep your traditional pension and having it "retracted " two years later will do that to a person.


Well-Known Member
Being told you can keep your traditional pension and having it "retracted " two years later will do that to a person.
They eliminated further pension activity and replaced it with another account. The didn't take anything away that you already had. So you believe you can see a raise and step increase on a future check and are fearful that it will be taken away?


Well-Known Member
Thought u put me on ignore.

Aren't people gonna get the Traditional payments they earned before the plan was eliminated.
Yep, but they gave us a choice to stay in it, but were only trying to lure those 40 and over into the new plan so that they wouldn't have to pay the extra 4% that they gave those who were forced into it. Nice people.


Well-Known Member
Yep, but they gave us a choice to stay in it, but were only trying to lure those 40 and over into the new plan so that they wouldn't have to pay the extra 4% that they gave those who were forced into it. Nice people.
Ok. At what point did your balance in any account DECREASE like you say it did?


Well-Known Member
Ok. At what point did your balance in any account DECREASE like you say it did?
What decreased is the amount of money would've gotten if they left us in the traditional. You got more in your portable pension because you are topped out. Our contributions are based on considerably less pay. And overall the portable plan just pays less. Even those that start now in twenties and work into their 60's won't get as much and don't have the option to quit at 55 without really getting slammed on their retirement.


Well-Known Member
What decreased is the amount of money would've gotten if they left us in the traditional. You got more in your portable pension because you are topped out. Our contributions are based on considerably less pay. And overall the portable plan just pays less. Even those that start now in twenties and work into their 60's won't get as much and don't have the option to quit at 55 without really getting slammed on their retirement.
WRONG answer. Nothing was ever taken back that was already given. Future money was deposited into another plan. NO money that was already in anyone's account was taken away. People have speculated on this post that they are fearful that the company will give a raise and or a step increase, then take it back. You said that has happened in the past. Yet that simply isn't true. We never had a salary decrease like corporate did and NO money already in any account was taken back. Just like no raise previously given was ever taken back.