$1000 Ft $500 PT bonus paid January 15 Express


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your testimony that, other than the workload, the job is the same.
Yup "other than quality, I paint just as well as picasso"
I drove for UPS, both companies have challenges, UPS is volume, Express is time commits(and volume too)
I'll tell you what UPS drivers earn every dollar(UPS gets their moneys worth) at UPS the incentive is that check at the end of the week
At Express there is no incentive unless you are topped out, there is no pride.


Well-Known Member
I never understood that complaint. You got an extra 6 months of higher pay.
The complaint is A LOT of us should be topped out and we’re not. Doesn’t matter what they do. Raises 6 months early. $1,000 bonuses. The complaints won’t stop. Because none of it adds up to what top out would be for us. Nobody wants little pick-me-ups every few years. We want to top out. Employee morale at this company is so much lower than management can imagine. And it’s because of the 20+ year top out plan. Anything other than a step raise every single year until top out is going to be met with employee rage. Because most of us are already so behind, that throwing us a bone every now and then just feeds the fire. Anything less than a step raise at this company is a slap in the face.


Well-Known Member
What happened to your Argentina bound plans?
My father is frail and needs help. Can't go to Argentina anyways until they open the country. But looks like that's on hold for awhile. He fell the other day and tore up his hands and face. Gave himself two black eyes hitting concrete with his glasses on. My sister has been trying for months to get me in there but he likes his privacy. Finally admitted he needs help.