2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
The fate that befell these Saints in Heaven, is the same fate that awaits Trump if he doesn’t win. There is no lose. He needs to convince 80mil republicans that this election was truly stolen. Rallies should start resuming. Time to keep showing strength.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Widespread reports of poll watchers being denied access which IS disturbing. Doesn't mean there was fraud but certainly opens up that possibility.

You guys are ridiculous! Poll watchers were being denied entry because they had already reached the maximum number of poll watchers allowed to enter the counting center. The video Dotard Jr. tweeted of the center in Detroit already had 130+ republican poll watchers inside the counting center... I bet the article you read forgot to mention that little fact!



Well-Known Member
Biden has to win Nevada still.
It’s not really looking good for him.
Even if Trump wins, there needs to be a recount or an investigation into fraud. Too much evidence circulating right now to brush it off. People need to face some federal time for this

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!

Wisconsin has same day voter registration, the numbers on your article did not include voters who registered on election day.

You should be smart enough to figure something is amiss when the top two districts in your article show Trump winning 600 or so votes in districts with 630+/- registered voters. Do you really think Trump would garner 95% of the votes in a blue city?

Fake News!

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
The votes left are all mail-in ballots which are trending pretty blue in Nevada.

Same is true in PA and GA.

Biden looked competitive early on in a few states like Ohio, TX and Florida because those states started counting mail in votes right away. Since democrats are more likely to vote by mail, Biden looked to be off to a strong start but in actuality, it was all downhill for him after the mail in ballots were counted.

The opposite is happening now in GA, PA and a few of the other states. He looked to be trailing but is now catching up because only mail on votes remain.

Biden is getting over 70% of the votes in GA today. If that number stays constant for the remaining outstanding ballots, Biden could win GA as well.