2020 Presidential Updates

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
The rest of the world respects us when we are strong, treats us like a doormat when we're weak. Guess how they'll view us with Biden as president.

Trump may still pull this out, but, I have to give all you Trump lovers credit for the amount of desperation and despair you can put into every post.


nowhere special

Trump may still pull this out, but, I have to give all you Trump lovers credit for the amount of desperation and despair you can put into every post.
Trump has a small chance but not looking very likely. His court challenges will expose corruption but unlikely to get many votes tossed out. Once they get in the system its very hard to reverse that. Doesn't matter if the person voting is older than the oldest person alive. One was born in 1850. C'mon man!


Well-Known Member

Trump may still pull this out, but, I have to give all you Trump lovers credit for the amount of desperation and despair you can put into every post.
The Dems have openly talked of packing the court, creating two new states for no other reason than 4 new Dem senators, and making 20,000,000 illegal aliens citizens for an overwhelming edge in voting. We can only take them at their word.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
And that level of turnout is impossible

“ According to Wisconsin Elections Commission, there are 3,684,726 active registered voters as of Nov. 1. This figure, as well as denial that the state has more ballots than registered voters, was affirmed by the commission on its official Twitter account.

Voter turnout is reported to have topped 3.2 million, the highest turnout out Wisconsin has seen since the 2004 election.

The chart used in the Facebook image appears to be taken from a website called World Population Review, which claims its number of registered voters by state reflects 2020 and cites the U.S. Census Bureau's Voting and Registration page as a source. USA TODAY found the figure actually used is from the November 2018 election. It is important to note, 2020 census results will not be available until late 2020 to early 2021.”


Well-Known Member

“ According to Wisconsin Elections Commission, there are 3,684,726 active registered voters as of Nov. 1. This figure, as well as denial that the state has more ballots than registered voters, was affirmed by the commission on its official Twitter account.

Voter turnout is reported to have topped 3.2 million, the highest turnout out Wisconsin has seen since the 2004 election.

The chart used in the Facebook image appears to be taken from a website called World Population Review, which claims its number of registered voters by state reflects 2020 and cites the U.S. Census Bureau's Voting and Registration page as a source. USA TODAY found the figure actually used is from the November 2018 election. It is important to note, 2020 census results will not be available until late 2020 to early 2021.”

Turnout was 72% in Wisconsin in 2004, and that was the highest ever recorded.

3.2 million voters out of 3.6 million registered is about 88%.

Stop following that propaganda. This is fraud on an epic level. 88% turnout is impossible.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Sorry, bud. A lotta folks wanted the God Emperor out and a lotta folks wanted to keep him in.
Turnout was 72% in 2004,and that was the highest ever recorded.

88% happens... Nowhere.

So I just showed all the numbers you got from the election commission were BS. And then you still double down just because orange man bad.

Fraud. Treason. And I hope they hang.