2020 Presidential Updates

El Correcto

god is dead

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


"A Pennsylvania judge has granted the Trump campaign’s request to observe -- up-close -- Philadelphia poll workers as they process the remaining mail-in ballots, overturning earlier rules that kept them further back out of concern about the coronavirus.

Judge Christine Fizzano Cannon reversed a lower court decision, and concluded that “all candidates, watchers, or candidate representatives be permitted to be present for the canvassing process … and be permitted to observe all aspects of the canvassing process within 6 feet, while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, including, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.”

Trump campaign officials hailed the decision, calling it a “massive” win “for every person who has casted a legal ballot in the state of Pennsylvania."


Inordinately Right

"A Pennsylvania judge has granted the Trump campaign’s request to observe -- up-close -- Philadelphia poll workers as they process the remaining mail-in ballots, overturning earlier rules that kept them further back out of concern about the coronavirus.

Judge Christine Fizzano Cannon reversed a lower court decision, and concluded that “all candidates, watchers, or candidate representatives be permitted to be present for the canvassing process … and be permitted to observe all aspects of the canvassing process within 6 feet, while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, including, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.”

Trump campaign officials hailed the decision, calling it a “massive” win “for every person who has casted a legal ballot in the state of Pennsylvania."
Do you really not understand how the fraud is occurring? Votes received after the election need to be segregated in accordance with the supreme court's ruling. You really think that's happening?

The case was left open by the liberal justices. It will be back before them. The conservative justices explicitly said this crap was going to happen, and here we are.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Do you really not understand how the fraud is occurring? Votes received after the election need to be segregated in accordance with the supreme court's ruling. You really think that's happening?

The case was left open by the liberal justices. It will be back before them. The conservative justices explicitly said this crap was going to happen, and here we are.

Is the issue lack of segregation or that PA Republicans don't like the US Supreme Court's three day ballot counting ruling?

Pennsylvania counties told to segregate ballots received after 8pm on Election Day

"New guidance from the state means ballots received after 8:00 p.m. on Election Day must be separated from all other ballots, should a future court ruling mean they cannot be counted.

The Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth issued guidance to the county boards of election directing them to securely segregate all mail-in and civilian absentee ballots received between 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020, from all other voted ballots, according to a letter sent to the U.S. Supreme Court from the Attorney General's Office.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that absentee and mail-in ballots mailed by voters and postmarked by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 shall be counted if they are valid and received by the county boards of election on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020.

Pennsylvania Republicans are challenging the Supreme Court ruling that allows for ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted. With the influx of mail-in ballots expected, they also have this advice for counties.

"I'm going to strongly urge every single county to start pre-canvassing the ballots on Election Day. If it's not 7:00 a.m. at some point on Election Day because it's going to take a while," Secretary of the Commonwealth, Kathy Boockvar said. "And the sooner they start, the sooner they'll finish."


Well-Known Member
If the fraudulent votes are disregarded and Biden STILL wins, Ill take it in the a-- like a first-class champ. I just dont see that being realistic. The amount of crime witnessed by the left over the course of the last several years, but specifically the last 4, has demonstrated their willingness to disregard every law, including murder, to achieve their goals. *shrug*

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If the fraudulent votes are disregarded and Biden STILL wins, Ill take it in the a-- like a first-class champ. I just dont see that being realistic. The amount of crime witnessed by the left over the course of the last several years, but specifically the last 4, has demonstrated their willingness to disregard every law, including murder, to achieve their goals. *shrug*
That should be easy. There is no evidence of fraud.