2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
Hope he gets all the recounts he wants. Greater confidence that the vote count is accurate after a Biden victory could only be a good thing.
Thats right. Like I said, if they are willing to allow our electoral system to function as its intended to and arent trying to hide anything, and Biden STILL wins, he deserves to and we'll just have to be sad. Nothing wrong with an honest loss. But there is something very wrong with a stolen victory.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Trump would start a civil war before he allowed the election to be stolen from the American people, and thank God for that

Trump's a sissy boy who would only do that if his own safety and well being would be guaranteed. If throwing Ya'll Qaeda and their battle trailers into the meat grinder would lead to no consequences for himself he probably would go for it.


Well-Known Member
Great! just getting to the Drama Trump still in the game, Biden is getting the chills
To bring you up to speed, Trump has armed federal agents on the way to these contested vote counting facilities where they arent letting observers in.

Turns out, firearms are outstanding persuaders of compliance

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage



Well-Known Member
Along with voter reform, this election has revealed the dishonorable nature of people in general. When voter reform does take place, measures need to be taken to:

-Minimize the amount of human contact with ballots ie robots
-Be observed at every location by police and federal agents wearing bodycams that can not be turned off
-Have a method of encrypted paper trails to verify vote counts

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Along with voter reform, this election has revealed the dishonorable nature of people in general. When voter reform does take place, measures need to be taken to:

-Minimize the amount of human contact with ballots ie robots
-Be observed at every location by police and federal agents wearing bodycams that can not be turned off
-Have a method of encrypted paper trails to verify vote counts

For real! The God Emperor couldn't possibly lose an election unless systemic raci.....errrr....I mean, systemic voter fraud had run rampant in the streets!