2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
Have the Supreme Court throw out all mail in ballots.

And watch the Dem heads explode.
lol oh for sure.

I still think this will turn into a war, at least, Im hoping it will anyways. Antifa was ready to kick one off simply based on losing. If they redo the election and Trump is announced the genuine victor.... pshhhhh... Ill be packin errr'where I go


nowhere special
lol oh for sure.

I still think this will turn into a war, at least, Im hoping it will anyways. Antifa was ready to kick one off simply based on losing. If they redo the election and Trump is announced the genuine victor.... pshhhhh... Ill be packin errr'where I go
No chance of a redo but if there isn't significant reform there will be war on the streets next time.


Trumps campaign is calling for recounts in all of them, and they should. They need to have federal agents there as witnesses at all of them though.

Federal agents? Are you sure we can trust them?


Well-Known Member
Federal agents? Are you sure we can trust them?
No. Im not really sure how they would go about screening ppl for bias but I do think that forcing them to all wear activated bodycams that are recording video AND audio would be necessary. Theyd have to be issued bodycams that can not have either the video or audio off


nowhere special
One thing is for sure, we're gonna find out in the next 24-48 hours. LOL I dont see Trump sitting on his hands over this
The left has been constantly blaming the right for violence when it has all been from their side. Wait until the right really does get violent.


Well-Known Member
The left has been constantly blaming the right for violence when it has all been from their side. Wait until the right really does get violent.
The potential for catastrophic warfare is legitimate. Though I do suspect other foreign governments would intervene on the lefts behalf. Would end up just like Iraq. There would be no going back to normal for many many years. But again, "Justice Be Done Though The Heavens may Fall"...


No. Im not really sure how they would go about screening ppl for bias but I do think that forcing them to all wear activated bodycams that are recording video AND audio would be necessary. Theyd have to be issued bodycams that can not have either the video or audio off

Nah that’s old news I’am thinking a chip imbedded in their forehead like a 3rd eye

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
True. Not sure how they would validate that.
Course, thats out of my hands anyways as Im not the one doing the validating. We'll have to see what they come up with
That's a smart approach!!!
That's why I don't take politics seriously! It's outta my control so I don't take it seriously.


nowhere special
Nah that’s old news I’am thinking a chip imbedded in their forehead like a 3rd eye

Uhm you can’t just do that Joe.


"A Pennsylvania judge has granted the Trump campaign’s request to observe -- up-close -- Philadelphia poll workers as they process the remaining mail-in ballots, overturning earlier rules that kept them further back out of concern about the coronavirus.

Judge Christine Fizzano Cannon reversed a lower court decision, and concluded that “all candidates, watchers, or candidate representatives be permitted to be present for the canvassing process … and be permitted to observe all aspects of the canvassing process within 6 feet, while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, including, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.”

Trump campaign officials hailed the decision, calling it a “massive” win “for every person who has casted a legal ballot in the state of Pennsylvania."
It won't matter, we are taking PA.