Most don’t properly fund their 401(k) because they do not understand it. There’s no investment vehicle that is guaranteed. Ask the people who were retiring in 2008 and had to keep working because there 401K‘s were decimated. Keep doing what you’re doing you will be fine you’ll retire with plenty. You are well diversified here.
Yes.. a maxed out Roth 401k plus a maxed out Roth IRA plus pension plus social security… even if one fails or benefits get reduced still got the other sources in retirement. For one more pillar in the retirement foundation we hope to own a four plex that will generate some positive cash flow as well.
But the other perceived “benifit” of a pension is the money is never in the members hands until benefits are paid in retirement, The thought is that if pension contributions were just paid to us….we would not invest them for retirement we would spend it all on beer!
it would be interesting to take the dollar amounts contributed to pension and socisl security over the years and calculate what it would be worth if invested in S&P500 index fund and just left there whole working life time…but seriously how many people would?