Its good, to have management try to use our phones to contact us. If there was "strong language" about contacting us on our phones, they would make us leave them in our personal vehicles.
As a shop steward working out of building 50 miles from where my management team is… being able to pick up my phone and call center manager on an issue is important to me. Also, I drive a rural route...unlike a heavy city route sometimes it’s more than worth it for me to call my customers.. just yesterdsy had two irregulars for one of my regulars (see what I did there?

) who has a gate.. he had it open for me so I could drive up and deliver to his shop. Easy for him easy for me! I’m old, I like easy.
My cell plans are all basically unlimited believe me I would not be spending one penny of my own money on UPS.
Plus as you so accurately point out… I can totally be “out of range” if I don’t want to chat…