Well-Known Member
Lol. That post was a classic. Never seen that thinking before. You will scare brown with that one.
I clocked out before 4 PM today, going home with 6 hours worked and getting paid 8. Yesterday I was off by 4:30. The day before was 5. I've mowed my yard already, done all the laundry I need to, cleaned the house, gone grocery shopping, and a few other odds and ends. My kid/SO are both dependent on me to do everything outside of the house (errands/etc) due to my daughter being severely at-risk due to health issues. My SO is staying home to do virtual school with my daughter while paying her bills she has with the savings from the beginning of this year with her working from home/keeping my daughter home from daycare (now Kindergarten.) It's not the most ideal situation but it's what works for me.