
OH , you know more than I do. I didn't know Kim passt away already, because otherwise she would be paying taxes until she does.
If Kim passed(spelled correctly) away, I feel bad for her family and hope they can get past (spelled correctly) the pain of loosing a loved one.

That doesn't change the fact that all tax payers in her province helped pay for her babies birth, there was a cost.


Für Meno :)
If Kim passed(spelled correctly) away, I feel bad for her family and hope they can get past (spelled correctly) the pain of loosing a loved one.

That doesn't change the fact that all tax payers in her province helped pay for her babies birth, there was a cost.

And it's proven the US pays twice the healthcare costs.
So, for 1 baby the US delivers, we can afford 2 at the same price !

There is much more to b.itch about then a baby delivery. That's a 1 time cost. Who cares ?
Me, being single, in the highest tax bracket possible, and giving married people a break with paying for thier children to go to school, giving them child allowance, and an income tax break, too. Subsidized daycare and much more.

That's life.
And as long I don't starve, I guess it's ok.
And it's proven the US pays twice the healthcare costs.
So, for 1 baby the US delivers, we can afford 2 at the same price !

There is much more to b.itch about then a baby delivery. That's a 1 time cost. Who cares ?
Me, being single, in the highest tax bracket possible, and giving married people a break with paying for thier children to go to school, giving them child allowance, and an income tax break, too. Subsidized daycare and much more.

That's life.
And as long I don't starve, I guess it's ok.
As far as I am concerned you can hand over every dime you make...I do not care. Just don't expect me to do the same.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Our fearless leader says:
[h=3]President Obama Proclaims Abortion Necessary for “Our Daughters … to Fulfill their Dreams.”[/h]
Back in Washington, D.C., while thousands mourned the over 50 million lives lost to abortion, President Barack Obama said the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is the chance to position abortion as a “fundamental constitutional right” and to “continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.”

I feel other wise and endorse the following:

“Women have the ability to achieve their dreams and embrace their families. To insinuate otherwise is an insult to the multi-faceted contributions of women to our nation.”


golden ticket member
[h=2]Awesome: Susan G. Komen Cancer Charity Halts Funding To Planned Parenthood…[/h]

Some much needed good news.
NEW YORK (AP) — The nation’s leading breast-cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, is halting its partnerships with Planned Parenthood affiliates — creating a bitter rift, linked to the abortion debate, between two iconic organizations that have assisted millions of women.

The change will mean a cutoff of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, mainly for breast exams.
Planned Parenthood says the move results from Komen bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists. Komen says the key reason is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Congress — a probe launched by a conservative Republican who was urged to act by anti-abortion groups.

The rupture, which has not been publicly announced as it unfolded, is wrenching for some of those who’ve learned about it and admire both organizations.

“We’re kind of reeling,” said Patrick Hurd, who is CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia — recipient of a 2010 grant from Komen — and whose wife, Betsi, is a veteran of several Komen fundraising races and is currently battling breast cancer.


Nine Lives

This is the full article from Lifenew.com.
Lifenew.com is a pro-life/anti-choice organization.
I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the reported conference.

Why Did Komen Stop? Planned Parenthood Doesn't Do Mammograms | LifeNews.com

Every Planned Parenthood, without exception, tells the women calling that they will have to go elsewhere for a mammogram, and many clinics admit that no Planned Parenthood clinics provide this breast cancer screening procedure.
“We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” admits a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona while a staffer at Planned Parenthood’s Comprehensive Health Center clinic in Overland Park, Kansas tells a caller, “We actually don’t have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics.”

It appears the initial news reports were politically motivated - imagine that!


Well-Known Member

This is the full article from Lifenew.com.
Lifenew.com is a pro-life/anti-choice organization.
I have no reason to doubt the veracity of the reported conference.

Why Did Komen Stop? Planned Parenthood Doesn't Do Mammograms | LifeNews.com

Every Planned Parenthood, without exception, tells the women calling that they will have to go elsewhere for a mammogram, and many clinics admit that no Planned Parenthood clinics provide this breast cancer screening procedure.
“We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” admits a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona while a staffer at Planned Parenthood’s Comprehensive Health Center clinic in Overland Park, Kansas tells a caller, “We actually don’t have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics.”

It appears the initial news reports were politically motivated - imagine that!

moreluck, this is why you should always click on the link and read the article before posting the link. Dave.


bella amicizia
The planned parenthood were I live doesn't offer abortions. It escapes me why, considering there are many more like this one, why people hate planned parenthood so much. If parents would parent, we wouldn't have so many of these damned abortions. And, I am not just saying parent your daughters. Sons need to be taught personal responsibility, just as much, if not more.


golden ticket member
moreluck, this is why you should always click on the link and read the article before posting the link. Dave.
The 2nd paragraph in my link tells about the women not being able to get mammograms and being sent elsewhere because P.P. doesn't do them......AND ,that's the whole point!

What's the diff?


Well-Known Member
The 2nd paragraph in my link tells about the women not being able to get mammograms and being sent elsewhere because P.P. doesn't do them......AND ,that's the whole point!

What's the diff?

Right but why would Komen stop funding now for a service that was never available? Komen stopped the funding because PP is under Federal investigation. Women who used to support Komen are now saying they will no longer participate in their walks.

You need to make sure the headline and article are in sync with one another before posting a link.


Well-Known Member
The planned parenthood were I live doesn't offer abortions. It escapes me why, considering there are many more like this one, why people hate planned parenthood so much. If parents would parent, we wouldn't have so many of these damned abortions. And, I am not just saying parent your daughters. Sons need to be taught personal responsibility, just as much, if not more.

I have both a son and daughter and do admit that there is a double standard when dealing with this issue. "Boys will be boys" just doesn't cut it.


golden ticket member
Right but why would Komen stop funding now for a service that was never available? Komen stopped the funding because PP is under Federal investigation. Women who used to support Komen are now saying they will no longer participate in their walks.

You need to make sure the headline and article are in sync with one another before posting a link.
Well, thanks, but I'll do it my way and you can skip the posts.

Like I've tried to tell you a hundred times......if it's copied & pasted.......I am not the creator of the headline, nor the writer of the story. It's all one package!

So that only leaves you not liking my source for the story. It's a free country and I can get my stories from the source of my choosing and it's not NPR or PBS or MSNBC..........shock!


Well-Known Member
Well, thanks, but I'll do it my way and you can skip the posts.

Like I've tried to tell you a hundred times......if it's copied & pasted.......I am not the creator of the headline, nor the writer of the story. It's all one package!

So that only leaves you not liking my source for the story. It's a free country and I can get my stories from the source of my choosing and it's not NPR or PBS or MSNBC..........shock!

...and like I have tried to tell you a hundred times you have to make sure that the headline and the story match or you end up looking like a fool for having posted the link.

It takes just a few seconds to click on the link and read the article to make sure that what is said there matches what the headline says. In this case, as is the case in many of the links that you post, they did not match. Susan G. Komen did not stop funding Planned Parenthood because they do not perform mammograms. They stopped funding because PP is under Federal investigation.

I don't care where you get your news just make sure the headlines and articles are in sync.


golden ticket member
...and like I have tried to tell you a hundred times you have to make sure that the headline and the story match or you end up looking like a fool for having posted the link.

It takes just a few seconds to click on the link and read the article to make sure that what is said there matches what the headline says. In this case, as is the case in many of the links that you post, they did not match. Susan G. Komen did not stop funding Planned Parenthood because they do not perform mammograms. They stopped funding because PP is under Federal investigation.

I don't care where you get your news just make sure the headlines and articles are in sync.

I'll try and explain it so even you can get it.

If I have the L.A. Times and I cut out the headline and the story........It's one "unit". I don't cut out the headline of one story and the story part of another. It's already a package and I just 'cut it out'. There's nothing to check !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's put together the way the author at the news source has constructed it.

I don't understand why you think I have a choice of headline and a choice of story and I purposely put the wrong one together. :dissapointed:

The article was read before I posted it....it's exactly what I wanted....who are you to judge?


Well-Known Member
I know that you are not a stupid person which is why I can't understand why you are having such a hard time understanding this.

In the link you provided the headline blared "Komen to Stop Funding Planned Parenthood Due to Lack of Mammograms" or something to that effect. The body of the article then countered that headline when it stated that Planned Parenthood doesn't perform mammograms so why would Komen stop funding PP based on a service that they don't even provide? The truth is they chose to stop funding PP because they are under Federal investigation.

Let me put this in simpler terms:

Moreluck Hires Undocumented Gardener

A southern California housewife hired the We Lay Sod lawn care company which was cited by the CHP earlier this year for hiring undocumented workers.

In this example, the headline makes it sound like you physically hired the undocumented worker whereas in the body of the article it shows that you hired the company which in turn hired the illegal.

Now do you get it??