

golden ticket member
I know that you are not a stupid person which is why I can't understand why you are having such a hard time understanding this.

In the link you provided the headline blared "Komen to Stop Funding Planned Parenthood Due to Lack of Mammograms" or something to that effect. The body of the article then countered that headline when it stated that Planned Parenthood doesn't perform mammograms so why would Komen stop funding PP based on a service that they don't even provide? The truth is they chose to stop funding PP because they are under Federal investigation.

Let me put this in simpler terms:

Moreluck Hires Undocumented Gardener

A southern California housewife hired the We Lay Sod lawn care company which was cited by the CHP earlier this year for hiring undocumented workers.

In this example, the headline makes it sound like you physically hired the undocumented worker whereas in the body of the article it shows that you hired the company which in turn hired the illegal.

Now do you get it??
Hello, it's all MOOT now.....Komen decision is reversed.....Look, no headline. It's just words that came out of my mouth, so there's no source either and no quotation marks.

Thankyou California Paul for seeing why I get so frustrated trying to talk to a wall !!


golden ticket member
Now do you get it?? (upstate)

No, because I don't control what headline is introducing which story.........It's just one package!!


golden ticket member
My marital status has nothing to do with it. She is simply unable to grasp a simple concept. How hard is to click on a link to make sure the headline and the body of the article are in sync with one another?
I already told you I clicked on the link, read the article and copied and pasted both the article & the headline.

Now if the headline was about Komen and the body of the article was about the Akron Soap Box Derby, then I could understand your frustration........but you are just being anal!
...and like I have tried to tell you a hundred times you have to make sure that the headline and the story match or you end up looking like a fool for having posted the link.

It takes just a few seconds to click on the link and read the article to make sure that what is said there matches what the headline says. In this case, as is the case in many of the links that you post, they did not match. Susan G. Komen did not stop funding Planned Parenthood because they do not perform mammograms. They stopped funding because PP is under Federal investigation.

I don't care where you get your news just make sure the headlines and articles are in sync.
Dave, go back and read your own post. The link stated the SGK stopped funding to PP because they didn't provide mammograms , Right?
The body of the article quoted PP as saying that They did not provide mamograms, Right. The body of the article and the link are almost exactly the same. You point is moot because it doesn't have a leg to stand on.

The federal investigation thing was something SGC implemented a while back and this is the first time one of their recipients fell under that category. Thus the stated reason for the refunding. If PP does not provide for mammograms for early detection of breast cancer, why would SGK even provide money to them. Well the answer is that PP will refer women to other places for that service.


Well-Known Member
Right but why would Komen stop funding now for a service that was never available? Komen stopped the funding because PP is under Federal investigation. Women who used to support Komen are now saying they will no longer participate in their walks.

You need to make sure the headline and article are in sync with one another before posting a link.

Dude, the article is 90% about the lack of mammograms. The title matches the article. They realized in March that PP doesn't provide actual screening and cut them out in their next funding cycle. The only mention of the investigation is that future funding is unlikely because of the lack of screening and the investigation. Of course that is obviously irrelevant now due to the adroit use of false messaging by the pro-choice camp.
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golden ticket member

Here's the whole darn story for those who think I mix & match headlines and stories. Even with the mess up over the past few days, the big thing is.......Planned Parenthood DOES NOT need federal funding.....they can get plenty all by themselves!
[h=1]Komen Funding Flap Exposes Planned Parenthood's Lie[/h] Posted 02/03/20

Charity: On the surface, the Komen Foundation's reversal of its Planned Parenthood grant cut-off shows the left's power to enforce conformity. What it really reveals is that Planned Parenthood doesn't need taxpayer support.

When the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation announced it was planning to stop giving money to Planned Parenthood a short five years after it started, you'd have thought from the reaction that it had committed a capital crime.

Liberals brutally denounced the charity. More than two dozen Democratic senators called on Komen to reconsider. One of them, California's Barbara Boxer, said the funding cutoff reminded her of "the McCarthy era."

In short order, Komen more or less reversed itself, rather than see its hugely successful, 30-year effort to cut breast cancer deaths burned to the ground by a liberal lynch mob.

But before Komen caved, an interesting thing happened: Donations to Planned Parenthood exploded. Within hours, in fact, 6,000 donated a total of $400,000. A family in Dallas pledged $250,000, and New York's Mayor Bloomberg promised to match that.

In other words, Planned Parenthood more than made up for the $680,000 in grants that Komen was planning to withhold.

Clearly, there are a lot of people out there, some with plenty of money, who believe in Planned Parenthood but have been sitting on their wallets.

This, more than anything else, calls the lie on protestations by Planned Parenthood that it can't possibly function without taxpayer support.

When Republicans threatened last year to cut off federal funds because the group performs more than 300,000 abortions each year, Planned Parenthood warned of devastation, saying "more women will experience unintended pregnancies and face potentially life-threatening diseases."

Given that it was able to drum up $900,000 in a matter of hours, surely over the course of a year Planned Parenthood could make up for lost federal grants, which the Government Accountability Office pegged at about $20 million a year.

The same holds true for other groups claiming taxpayer cash is critical to their survival. National Public Radio, for example, wailed last year about the "profound impact" that losing taxpayer funding would have.
As we saw last week, when people believe in a cause and worry that its future is at risk, even in hard times many will dig deep to lend support. In a free society founded on the principle of limited government, that's precisely how it should be.


Staff member
The real story is that Komen should have stuck to their mission and stayed out of politics. Now they've pissed everybody off and regardless of how it turns out they will probably lose sponsorships and donations.


Nine Lives
How hard is to click on a link to make sure the headline and the body of the article are in sync with one another?

UpState and All,

One could do this but I don't think that is a realistic approach.

If you copy and paste a URL, the Brown Cafe software reads the metadata of the originating URL. The person that wrote the metadata for that URL is the one that is not syncing the contents of that page with the metadata.


Nine Lives
The real story is that Komen should have stuck to their mission and stayed out of politics. Now they've pissed everybody off and regardless of how it turns out they will probably lose sponsorships and donations.

I don't think the original intent of the decision to not fund PP was politically motivated.
The mangling of the announcement and consequent feeding frenzy by the MSM turned this into a political event.

I agree with the concept and logic of Komen of cutting out the middle agency and trying to find an charities that provide mammograms and funding them directly.


golden ticket member
I don't think the original intent of the decision to not fund PP was politically motivated.
The mangling of the announcement and consequent feeding frenzy by the MSM turned this into a political event.

I agree with the concept and logic of Komen of cutting out the middle agency and trying to find an charities that provide mammograms and funding them directly.
Exactly....why give hundreds of thousands of dollars to a "referrel svc".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Susan Komen put herself in the middle of a political debate by "caving" first to right wing extremist religious groups and going public by airing that she was going to cut off funding to PP. PP who provides WAY MORE services to women than just abortions, asked her to reconsider and she refused.

Then, those persons in the country who are "progressively minded" started to contact KOMEN and advise her that her own program would be defunded if she continued with her decision. Money Talks and B.S. walks, and then KOMEN reverses her decision along with a couple of resignations of top officials at KOMEN.

It has already been proven that PP doesnt need public funding, but in being fair, accepts public funding as do other clinics in the marketplace.

KOMENs decision to reverse her planned cutoff was welcomed by the majority of americans and she had to decide whether to "cave in" to the left or the right and in this battle, the left wins.

I applaud her decision to continue funding of PP. Theres more to PP than just abortions.




Staff member
I don't think the original intent of the decision to not fund PP was politically motivated.
The mangling of the announcement and consequent feeding frenzy by the MSM turned this into a political event.

I agree with the concept and logic of Komen of cutting out the middle agency and trying to find an charities that provide mammograms and funding them directly.
And I've got a bridge to sell you. Why do you think pro-life groups were so happy about the initial decision? They knew exactly what Komen was up to. Read up a little bit on Karen Handel, The senior V.P. for Public Policy that Komen brought on board last April. They came up with a rule that specifically targeted Planned Parenthood for defunding and they didn't just "mangle the announcement", they lied about why they were doing it and and everyone saw right through it. They screwed up because they forgot that their support comes from everyone who cares about breast cancer, not just those on the right.



Well-Known Member
Excuse me. While I am respectful of all peoples views I demand they be respectful of mine. I am very far from from being "extreme right "

I do not oppose all Abortions --for example if the woman,s life is in danger --a choice is made. I am also fine with any birth control method including the morning after pill for reducing the amount of abortions in this country.

I do not know how people can be comfortable after viewing a sonar assisted abortion and seeing the BABY put up its little hands and feet up trying to fend off the death stab. Still claiming that a LIFE is not taken.

I contribute to many charities and feel it is a good thing to do. I expect MY money to be used for what I had intended it to.

I do not want to contribute to Planned Parenthood !!

If Planned Parenthood cannot guarantee that Komen money will not be used for Abortions(my money) Then very simply I will donate to a different Cancer Society.

Over 54 million Abortions and counting since Row vs Wade is too much for me.

P.S. There is ALOT of money donated from the evil right.


Nine Lives
And I've got a bridge to sell you. Why do you think pro-life groups were so happy about the initial decision? They knew exactly what Komen was up to. Read up a little bit on Karen Handel, The senior V.P. for Public Policy that Komen brought on board last April. They came up with a rule that specifically targeted Planned Parenthood for defunding and they didn't just "mangle the announcement", they lied about why they were doing it and and everyone saw right through it. They screwed up because they forgot that their support comes from everyone who cares about breast cancer, not just those on the right.


Everyone sees the world through their own filter.

Will we ever know the truth?