

Well-Known Member
Those would almost all be Democrats ...be careful what you wish for.

Although many would not be able to vote as they would be felons.


I know that I am repeating myself --but I strongly believe they should have the chance to grow up and live --no matter what they become.

Unfortunately right now --there are people who will speak and represent them --but the baby or fetus if you prefer --cannot speak for itself,contribute money for lobbies, demonstrate,protest or vote. They are only allowed to occupy a womb for a very short time until they are VIOLENTLY evicted. Nancy pelosi has stated this is a great victory for women --does that include the ones that have already and will be aborted ??


Nine Lives

Nancy pelosi has stated this is a great victory for women --does that include the ones that have already and will be aborted ??

Just think of the possibility that Nancy (not UpState) would not be here today if abortions were legal when she was conceived.

There is a silver lining in every dark cloud.
Susan Komen put herself in the middle of a political debate by "caving" first to right wing extremist religious groups and going public by airing that she was going to cut off funding to PP. PP who provides WAY MORE services to women than just abortions, asked her to reconsider and she refused.

Then, those persons in the country who are "progressively minded" started to contact KOMEN and advise her that her own program would be defunded if she continued with her decision. Money Talks and B.S. walks, and then KOMEN reverses her decision along with a couple of resignations of top officials at KOMEN.

It has already been proven that PP doesnt need public funding, but in being fair, accepts public funding as do other clinics in the marketplace.

KOMENs decision to reverse her planned cutoff was welcomed by the majority of americans and she had to decide whether to "cave in" to the left or the right and in this battle, the left wins.

I applaud her decision to continue funding of PP. Theres more to PP than just abortions.


Just another fine example that when you don't know what you are talking about you make crap up. The first clue was when you didn't know Susan G Komen died in 1980 ( I'm not buying the "corporations are people" argument). The second and most important clue was the claim that the decission was because of extremist religious groups. The new head of the foundation has a personal belief in anti-abortion, she needed no influence to make those decisions.

The fact is, extreme left liberal, pro-baby killing group's pressure is why the decision was reversed. Yes many of the past supporters voiced opposition but also many democrat law makers pressured the foundation as well. I can understand the individual supporters position, I can not understand the law makers pressure. I'm sure that more cancer prevention people contribute to the foundation than pro-baby killers.

Don't be surprised if something else changes in the foundation's policies in the near future.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
No matter what, or how if anything politics was involved in the Komen for a cure, it did bring attention to a cancer, that before had been pretty much ignored. And the pink brought a little levity to a very dastardly disease.
yes planned parenthood does a multitude of services, all are not bad, but I do not think we should pay for abortions at this or any clinic. If private ins wants to do it, fine, I dont think the govt should be involved in anyones uterus.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I used the wrong word TRP. I no longer can edit my posts, so I couldnt correct my error. My intention was to call them "they" and not SHE. It does not change the point. Pressure is pressure, no matter what side it comes from.

The right got early pressure and a decision to stop funding occured, then the left placed its pressure on the organization and they changed their minds.

Its still political pressure. It also comes down to money. People were outraged when the cut in funding was announced and the organization knew it would suffer financially, so they changed the decision.

Political pressure on both sides came into play and the left won.




golden ticket member
I used the wrong word TRP. I no longer can edit my posts, so I couldnt correct my error. My intention was to call them "they" and not SHE. It does not change the point. Pressure is pressure, no matter what side it comes from.

The right got early pressure and a decision to stop funding occured, then the left placed its pressure on the organization and they changed their minds.

Its still political pressure. It also comes down to money. People were outraged when the cut in funding was announced and the organization knew it would suffer financially, so they changed the decision.

Political pressure on both sides came into play and the left won.


They knew they would suffer????

SGK got record donations from conservatives for standing up to P.P. Sounds like you're using Klein facts!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We will have to see what happens from right wing donations over time. To argue now is pointless. The lefts pressure came with large $$$ signs attached to it. I am sure it outwieghed the right or the decision wouldnt have been made.




Nine Lives
We will have to see what happens from right wing donations over time. To argue now is pointless. The lefts pressure came with large $$$ signs attached to it. I am sure it outwieghed the right or the decision wouldnt have been made.



Can we apply that to the Presidential election? Pleeeese.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Why is this place even getting Federal funds ???????

"Planned Parenthood—with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion—" (WSJ)


Well-Known Member
I know this is not a contraception thread but close enough. What Obama is trying to do with this whole ruling on catholic entities having to offer contraception for their employees is actually a DEFENSE of religious freedom!!Religous freedom is a right of THE PEOPLE , not their bosses!! Those catholic hospitals and clinics and schools ARE BUSINESSES. If they cannot handle the "free market" in health care, especially for their willing customers who want and need those products, they should pack it in!!


golden ticket member
I know this is not a contraception thread but close enough. What Obama is trying to do with this whole ruling on catholic entities having to offer contraception for their employees is actually a DEFENSE of religious freedom!!Religous freedom is a right of THE PEOPLE , not their bosses!! Those catholic hospitals and clinics and schools ARE BUSINESSES. If they cannot handle the "free market" in health care, especially for their willing customers who want and need those products, they should pack it in!!
Gee, where is Biden during all this.......I think they have him locked in a closet somewhere! O has pissed off the wrong people!!