

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Many ultrasounds after nine weeks are done by transabdomen . Same as news reports you have to sort out what is true and what is not.

If we take the report as 100% accurate. Sad that the Baby cannot vote . The real choice Penetrate the Vagina with the probe or penetrate the babies heart with a knife. I am sure that the vast majority of the 54 million babies that have already been aborted would have voted that their mothers were probed and they remained in what should be the safest place in the world the womb.


Staff member
So if health insurance is part of compensation and the church can say "we will make it impossible for you to use it for contraception," can they also mandate that none of the compensation they pay out is used for the purchase of pornography?


Staff member
So if health insurance is part of compensation and the church can say "we will make it impossible for you to use it for contraception," can they also mandate that none of the compensation they pay out is used for the purchase of pornography?
The more I think about it, the more I am sure the Obama administration is going to win this. If health insurance is part of a compensation package, the employer's dictates end once the employee receives them. Can the church dictate that money paid to it's workers not be spent on pornography because the church finds it contrary to it's teachings? Can the church dictate that a vacation taken by it's employees not include gambling and "houses of ill repute" while in Nevada? Can a retiree from the church be prohibitted from moving to Amsterdam to take advantage of it's ultra-liberal drug laws? It is clear that the answer to each should clearly be "no" and thus it is clear that health insurance as part of a compensation package is not subject to the moral objections of the employer no matter how strongly believed, felt, or expressed.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
The vast majority of these ultrasounds are done on the abdomen and do not require penetration of the vagina. It is these ultrasounds that are the heart of the debate.
There is also a big difference between a doctor requiring an ultrasound for the benefit of the medical team performing the procedure to ensure that there are no complications, and bunch of male politicians ordering women to undergo an ultrasound as part of an attempt to shame and intimidate them out of doing something that the male politicians don't approve of.


Well-Known Member
A paper has been submitted to the Journal of Medical Ethics entitled, "After-birth abortion:why should the Baby live?"

Opening Abstract from the paper itself:

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not
have anything to do with the fetus’ health. By showing
that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the
same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that
both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3)
adoption is not always in the best interest of actual
people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth
abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all
the cases where abortion is, including cases where the
newborn is not disabled.

Alex Jones InfoWars has more on this story here.
There is also a big difference between a doctor requiring an ultrasound for the benefit of the medical team performing the procedure to ensure that there are no complications, and bunch of male politicians ordering women to undergo an ultrasound as part of an attempt to shame and intimidate them out of doing something that the male politicians don't approve of.

I suggest the purpose is not to shame nor intimidate the female but to educate them on reality. The reality is that this is a human being with a heartbeat and an instinct to survive that does feel pain as they are being ripped apart.