

Für Meno :)
There is also a big difference between a doctor requiring an ultrasound for the benefit of the medical team performing the procedure to ensure that there are no complications, and bunch of male politicians ordering women to undergo an ultrasound as part of an attempt to shame and intimidate them out of doing something that the male politicians don't approve of.

America has the highest amount of infant mortality rate, and it's just because of lack of prevention !
Some don't have healthcare and can't afford pre-born medical inspections.

Insane Sani wants to ban it alltogether ? Good luck !
A paper has been submitted to the Journal of Medical Ethics entitled, "After-birth abortion:why should the Baby live?"

Opening Abstract from the paper itself:

Alex Jones InfoWars has more on this story here.
There is something wrong with Alberto Giubilini, and Francesca Minerva. I would vote for these two to be the first trial after birth abortions . Then we wouldn't have to suffer from their lunacy.


Well-Known Member
I think we are barbarians !

All the uproar about a so called war on women because many people know that contraception is available through planned parent hood and many other sources --just simply do not want to pay for their extracurricular sex.

No uproar over Obama's vote in Chicago to let a baby die in a bedpan if a abortion has failed. Say what you want --if you can watch a breathing human being --crying, helpless just die in a bedpan ---I really have no use for what you say.


Well-Known Member
My local newspaper decided not to run this 6 part series so I thank you for posting it here. The first part doesn't seem too bad but I can already see where this is going.


golden ticket member
This is untrue and unfair. Abortions are a very low percentage of the total services offered/performed at PP.

Take a minute to "take in" the numbers.....it's from 2011, so it's only gotten higher. It makes me mad that taxpayer monies go to kill babies. P.P. makes so much money, they sure don't need to be subsidized by the gov't. As far as pamphlet passing out about pregnancy....people can get the pamphlets at any clinic.

Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds—As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati | CNSNews.com

You can't get a mammogram at a Planned Parenthood facility.....they just refer and you can go someplace else all by yourself.
And, my post was my opinion....P.P. and abortion are synonymous to me. My opinion and it's TRUE to me!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Take a minute to "take in" the numbers.....it's from 2011, so it's only gotten higher. It makes me mad that taxpayer monies go to kill babies. P.P. makes so much money, they sure don't need to be subsidized by the gov't. As far as pamphlet passing out about pregnancy....people can get the pamphlets at any clinic.

Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds—As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati | CNSNews.com

You can't get a mammogram at a Planned Parenthood facility.....they just refer and you can go someplace else all by yourself.
And, my post was my opinion....P.P. and abortion are synonymous to me. My opinion and it's TRUE to me!!

Did it bother you the same when BUSH was invading IRAQ and he killed 250 thousand men, women and children with tax payer money? Or is your hypocrisy limited to abortions?

