

Well-Known Member
Swing and a miss.

Emily's List, which is a pro-choice PAC, is dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women.

This is in no way "funding abortions".

Nice try--thanks for playing.


golden ticket member
Swing and a miss.

Emily's List, which is a pro-choice PAC, is dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women.

This is in no way "funding abortions".

Nice try--thanks for playing.

"This Mother's Day, I can't think of a better way to honor all the mothers in the country -- past and present -- than with a contribution to EMILY's List,"

This to me, because Emily's List is all about pro-choice......(which means abortion to me IS NOTHING TO CELEBRATE ON MOTHER"S DAY

It's a warped, backward, flippant attitude towards the life of a child. Sen. Gillibrand demonstrates to me the disregard for human life and the total ruination of Mother's Day,

And you're welcome,I played and I hit it out of the park!!


Well-Known Member
You missed it by a mile.

Pro-choice simply means that women have the right to choose to have an abortion, not that women are mandated to have an abortion.

Emily's List is dedicated to ensuring that future generations of women continue to have the choice to have an abortion.


golden ticket member
You can't tell me how I can think, Nancy! Your'e suppose to be totally ignoring me.
Choosing to have an abortion is wrong in my book!! Celebrating the idea that you can choose to have an abortion and KILL YOUR BABY (cause that's what you're doing) and using Mother's Day to celebrate that right to choose is just diabolical !! Stupid! Ignorant! And the bitch of a senator is a real skank for even thinking along these lines.

I didn't miss ! , but you continue to renege over& over again.


Well-Known Member
You posted a misleading headline and I am simply calling you out on it.

I am not reneging--my only vow with you was to not mention your post count.

BTW, Kirsten is by no means a skank--she is HOT!


golden ticket member
You posted a misleading headline and I am simply calling you out on it.

I am not reneging--my only vow with you was to not mention your post count.

BTW, Kirsten is by no means a skank--she is HOT!

Sometimes, skank has nothing to do with your looks!!
For the 90th time, you are wrong and you revowed to me, so quit breaking your oath.

Mother's Day is the day they pick to celebrate this 'choice" SOOOOOOOOOO that makes the headline correct.

Go bother some noobie who doesn't know yet just what you are!!


Well-Known Member
This is not funding abortions!!!!

It is funding female Democratic pro-choice political candidates to help ensure future generations have the choice to decide what to do with their bodies.



golden ticket member
I found tons of pictures of aborted babies that I could post and put Happy Mother's Day above them. I will not resort to that, but it's what I am trying to get across to people who refuse to think that celebrating the right of killing babies is in poor taste when done on Mother's Day.

According to you then, the Time magazine cover is AOK too. BS. There's privacy and closeness to a child and then there's exhibition !! I wouldn't use that picture to celebrate Mother's Day either.

You aren't a mother. So I'm not paying attention to what you think you know about women's choices. You are ignorant in that area and have no knowledge.......and I can't write my name in the snow by peein' it.

We all have different strengths. Let's see, give birth and feed a nation or pee in the snow.


Staff member
I sense some pee pee (in the snow).

I know a gal who had an abortion years ago and is now a happy and vibrant mother. Maybe I should get her a mother's day card with a picture of an aborted baby that reads "To Mommy From the baby you chose not to have." Yeah, that's friend'd up, but I think some riight to lifers are cruel enough to print such things.


golden ticket member
I sense some pee pee (in the snow).

I know a gal who had an abortion years ago and is now a happy and vibrant mother. Maybe I should get her a mother's day card with a picture of an aborted baby that reads "To Mommy From the baby you chose not to have." Yeah, that's friend'd up, but I think some riight to lifers are cruel enough to print such things.
What's friend'd up is celebrating the right to have an abortion on Mother's Day. That's just wrong!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
A woman should have a right to choose, and in 2012, there is no reason abortion has to be a choice of contraception. The states should decide, not the feds whether it be legal in a state.
Knowing many woman who had abortions, I think they go on with their lives, and learn. As they should. You have to forgive yourself if that is a decision you made. And those who made that choice it was a difficult one, made for a varied amount of reasonings. I could never judge them.
They were all encouraged at the facilities not to do it, by protestors outsede. Very difficult.
But today there are so many choices, for Birth control, it should not even be a discussion. For the 2% or less failure rate, it is an option. There should not be millions a year, it should not be a thriving business.


golden ticket member
"..................I pick my battles very carefully---when I do decide to fight something ..........." (upstateupser)

Yeah right!
You battle just to make your Saturdays and Sundays less boring!!