

Für Meno :)
A woman should have a right to choose, and in 2012, there is no reason abortion has to be a choice of contraception. The states should decide, not the feds whether it be legal in a state.
Knowing many woman who had abortions, I think they go on with their lives, and learn. As they should. You have to forgive yourself if that is a decision you made. And those who made that choice it was a difficult one, made for a varied amount of reasonings. I could never judge them.
They were all encouraged at the facilities not to do it, by protestors outsede. Very difficult.
But today there are so many choices, for Birth control, it should not even be a discussion. For the 2% or less failure rate, it is an option. There should not be millions a year, it should not be a thriving business.

I thought most of you were against regulations, I guess they don't include abortions or same sex marriages. You want those to be regulated and what other personal choices ?


golden ticket member
I thought most of you were against regulations, I guess they don't include abortions or same sex marriages. You want those to be regulated and what other personal choices ?
If we were against ALL regulations we'd all be dead of salmonella!


golden ticket member
Re: Planned Parenthood

Just a tad creepy.......
May 21, 2012 (LifeSiteNews) — A Florida Planned Parenthood affiliate has taken the opportunity of “National Masturbation Month” to highlight the national organization’s promotion of masturbation as part of a “a common and safe kind of sex play” with “many health benefits.”

On Friday, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida tweeted, “Happy Masturbation Month! We’ve got lots of info on masturbation here,” providing a link to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s page on masturbation.

There, Planned Parenthood states that “there are many harmful myths about masturbation that may cause us to feel uncomfortable about it. These myths can cause guilt, shame, and fear. Let’s get the facts straight. Masturbation is a natural and common activity for both women and men.”

The parenting section of Planned Parenthood’s website tells parents to encourage elementary-age children to experiment with masturbation.

“Kids begin to want additional sexual experiences, and Planned Parenthood is there to sell them products and to make millions from them,” said Sedlak.


Well-Known Member
Re: Planned Parenthood

Just a tad creepy.......
May 21, 2012 (LifeSiteNews) — A Florida Planned Parenthood affiliate has taken the opportunity of “National Masturbation Month” to highlight the national organization’s promotion of masturbation as part of a “a common and safe kind of sex play” with “many health benefits.”

On Friday, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida tweeted, “Happy Masturbation Month! We’ve got lots of info on masturbation here,” providing a link to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s page on masturbation.

There, Planned Parenthood states that “there are many harmful myths about masturbation that may cause us to feel uncomfortable about it. These myths can cause guilt, shame, and fear. Let’s get the facts straight. Masturbation is a natural and common activity for both women and men.”

The parenting section of Planned Parenthood’s website tells parents to encourage elementary-age children to experiment with masturbation.

“Kids begin to want additional sexual experiences, and Planned Parenthood is there to sell them products and to make millions from them,” said Sedlak.

Not a tad, but blatant.....


golden ticket member
I actually removed the story shortly after I posted it.....seems the link to "masturbation" did not appear as it said. It is, however , under information for teens on the Planned Parenthood site.


Well-Known Member
I actually removed the story shortly after I posted it.....seems the link to "masturbation" did not appear as it said. It is, however , under information for teens on the Planned Parenthood site.

Not at all dissing on you.

It was the Planned Parenthood and their mentality / mind set report.

None are perfect, especially me. But there seems to be no shame anymore.

Planned parenthoods conscious is seared.

My God help us.


golden ticket member
I glanced through the PP link and didn't see anything that I would disagree with. What's the issue?
The link in the original article said to click it to see where masturbation is encouraged for children. I clicked the link and the word "m" was never seen (at least not by me). You would have to go to the PP site and click on info. for teens. So, I removed the orig. article because it's link was not true.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, the article's link was misleading.

Like sheep over a cliff.....


So desperate to post something raunchy, you get caught posting a bogus story.

