

golden ticket member
The University of Notre Dame along with dozens of other Catholic institutions sued the Obama administration Monday to block the mandate requiring employers to provide contraceptives to employees.

In a discussion about this matter on MSNBC’s Hardball Monday, host Chris Matthews asked one of his guests, “Do you think they’re all Republican, the bishops?”

Yeah, and all MSNBC hosts are idiots!!!


Well-Known Member
If it's wrong to kill an innocent child 2 months before it's birth, then why is it OK to kill an innocent child 2 months after it's birth?

If the argument against abortion is that it's morally wrong, then why is this morally right?

At least some from a religious perspective are trying to be consistent.


golden ticket member
"The question put to abortion is not the rights of the mother, but what is the value of human life."

Ben Lucian


golden ticket member
If I put a quote, "Give me liberty or give me death".....you'd question the validity of it and where I got it.

It was a quote......I put the source.

Homo Sapiens:
The simplest definition of a person may be “a member of the species homo sapiens, the human species.” The fetus obviously has the same DNA as everyone else and can’t possibly be classified as any species other than homo sapiens, so isn’t it obviously a person?


Well-Known Member
If I put a quote, "Give me liberty or give me death".....you'd question the validity of it and where I got it.

It was a quote......I put the source.

Homo Sapiens:

The simplest definition of a person may be “a member of the species homo sapiens, the human species.” The fetus obviously has the same DNA as everyone else and can’t possibly be classified as any species other than homo sapiens, so isn’t it obviously a person?

He didn't question your quote, his question just goes to the root of the whole abortion debate.


Retired 23 years
The real question is why would anyone (especially a women) let someone else (especially a man) tell them what they can or can't do to their own body. Especially something legal. The USA is going up in smoke while people argue over silly things like gay rights and abortion. When all hell breaks loose when the economy totally poops out I guarantee abortion and gay rights will be the last things you have to worry about.

(its kind of a dull rainy day around here so I figured I better stir the pot a little)


golden ticket member
He didn't question your quote, his question just goes to the root of the whole abortion debate.
The quote said what the question was already.

He said what the question should be.....according to him.

He didn't need to respond to a quote...... He could post his own quote in his own post!!


Well-Known Member
The quote said what the question was already.

He said what the question should be.....according to him.

He didn't need to respond to a quote...... He could post his own quote in his own post!!

I did not respond to your quote---I posted what many feel to be the true question regarding abortion.

When does life begin??


golden ticket member
I did not respond to your quote---I posted what many feel to be the true question regarding abortion.

When does life begin??
And in case you missed it the first time.......here's the best answer I've heard.......

The simplest definition of a person may be “a member of the species homo sapiens, the human species.” The fetus obviously has the same DNA as everyone else and can’t possibly be classified as any species other than homo sapiens, so isn’t it obviously a person?


Well-Known Member
And in case you missed it the first time.......here's the best answer I've heard.......

The simplest definition of a person may be “a member of the species homo sapiens, the human species.” The fetus obviously has the same DNA as everyone else and can’t possibly be classified as any species other than homo sapiens, so isn’t it obviously a person?

I was hoping to hear from an unbiased source. wkmac?


golden ticket member
Everybody says the moment of conception.....but the answer I just printed seems more scientific, but says the same thing.
Take the petri dish, combine egg & sperm.....take the DNA........voila!!


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to hear from an unbiased source. wkmac?

From all that I've read, the moment life begins is the moment of conception when you have a zygote. But at what point does that sub-dividing cell takes on the form of human and human consciousness? That is the great question that is the philosophical question of our age.

As for abortion, I'm personally against it on the grounds that it violates the non-aggression principle but my dilemma is I can't answer when that moment is that the fetus takes on some measure of self awareness and self consciousness. But then my other dilemma is I also can't use force against the mother (violates the non-aggression principle) because I can't answer that self aware problem and therefore if I impose my will, I could be wrong in doing so. I'm left with only I'll never get an abortion because of my philosophical position but then I'll never need one to begin with so there I am.

At this point I'm left with leaving it up entirely to the woman, hoping she makes the best decision, help her in any way to do so and thank goodness that the number of abortions have been trending down over the years. Let's just hope one day there will be no such thing anymore. I do agree with Rod, this issue is going nowhere and thus it should just be left as it is and move on to more important matter but the religious political movement in this country will not let it go.

I know it's not a cut and dry answer but for me there no clear answer at this point. Sorry that this is as little as I can give. You might find something worthwhile from this piece published by Princeton University.


Well-Known Member
Well while you look for that birth certificate, why don't you look for those secret sons too.

Then you can hit him with a twofer!