

Für Meno :)
How come women don't lay eggs, like my birds, and then would be forced to sit on them for 9 months ?
Just by neglecting that egg, nevermind breaking it would be a crime.

That's how life should be ! right Moreluck ?


golden ticket member
I thought Ed Henry asked a good question at the press conference...

Ed Henry asked, “since the president has been outspoken about being against gender-based discrimination, how can you allow gender-based abortion?”

It doesn't matter what the answer was it was the usual Jay Carney tap dancing....'Carney' is the perfect name for that guy


golden ticket member
[h=2]Undercover Video Catches Arizona Abortion Clinics Arranging Illegal Sex-Selection Abortions…[/h]
Sex-selection abortions are a felony in Arizona.
Via LifeNews:
A third video in a series devoted to exposing how the abortion industry is willing to arrange sex-selection abortions for women who seek them shows two National Abortion Federation-affiliated clinics in Arizona agreeing to break state law and perform an illegal sex-selective abortion.

Live Action has released the third video in the series after two other videos exposed how staff at Planned Parenthood abortion centers agreed to facilitate sex-selection abortions.

The new footage shows two NAF members, Camelback Family Planning in Phoenix and the Tucson Women’s Center in Tucson, promising to ignore the law and perform a sex-selective abortion and coaching a woman to lie on official paperwork to conceal the illegal abortion.

When the woman purportedly seeking to abort her girl and try again for a boy explains this at the Camelback abortion clinic, a counselor named Barb advises, “Don’t tell us that, because we don’t want to know.” Referring to the clinic’s abortion doctor, Gabrielle Goodrick, Barb says, “You can tell her, she’s gonna tell you the same thing, just: Don’t let it be down! She’s really good about that. You’ll like that about her.”

At the Tucson clinic, the surgical assistant Francisco tells the woman, “We could lose our license,” but agrees to cover-up her sex-selective abortion. “I’ll just forget about it,” he says, “But just be sure not to mention it” to the abortion doctor–“Don’t even mention it to him.”



KTM rider
If conservatives spent as much time and money taking care of the already born, I could certainly see their opposition to abortion.


golden ticket member
If conservatives spent as much time and money taking care of the already born, I could certainly see their opposition to abortion.
Killing babies is never the answer and it has nothing to do with conservative or liberal.........I don't see the differece from killing a baby in utero or a toddler on a tricycle. Both are wrong (to me).
That's my opinon. I know others think killing is OK.


Well-Known Member
If conservatives spent as much time and money taking care of the already born, I could certainly see their opposition to abortion.

This is the problem so elequently stated !! The people that truly believe the GOVERMENT should take care of them. The Conservative born already believe in PERSONAL responsability and freedom. I take care of myself and my family --why do you believe I should also take care of YOU and yours ???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is the problem so elequently stated !! The people that truly believe the GOVERMENT should take care of them. The Conservative born already believe in PERSONAL responsability and freedom. I take care of myself and my family --why do you believe I should also take care of YOU and yours ???

Why do you think its ANY of your business to concern yourself with another persons life?




Für Meno :)
This is the problem so elequently stated !! The people that truly believe the GOVERMENT should take care of them. The Conservative born already believe in PERSONAL responsability and freedom. I take care of myself and my family --why do you believe I should also take care of YOU and yours ???

So, what's the conservative answer to when someone tells them I cannot afford this pregnancy , neither the baby ?
What is their answer ?
Give birth anyways and we'll take care of you, or give birth anyways, and you must give the baby away for adoption ?

Just wondering - what is their and even your answer to that ?

Mind you, the USA has the highest infant deathrate in the western industrialized world ('cause of no national healthcare plan in place, and many can't afford to do medical precheck-ups during pregnancy).
So, basically, already neglected in the womb.

Is that really taking care of the unborn , that you and others think of so precious ?


golden ticket member
So, what's the conservative answer to when someone tells them I cannot afford this pregnancy , neither the baby ?
What is their answer ?
Give birth anyways and we'll take care of you, or give birth anyways, and you must give the baby away for adoption ?

Just wondering - what is their and even your answer to that ?

Mind you, the USA has the highest infant deathrate in the western industrialized world ('cause of no national healthcare plan in place, and many can't afford to do medical precheck-ups during pregnancy).
So, basically, already neglected in the womb.

Is that really taking care of the unborn , that you and others think of so precious ?
You don't give a crock, so what does it matter........remember you were all for killing that little baby that the parents wanted to take home?


Für Meno :)
Of course I was, that baby didn't stand a chance, and died 2 weeks later anyways.
Should have gotten a needle instead, and stop the suffering.

Same with my niece, she didn't stand a chance - and was pumped up on morphine and I even think a cocaine drug to ease the pain.
It should come to a point where a doctor should be able to say, "enough is enough".
Even her own parents said that.
She would have been better off if they would allow merci-killing.

Waiting for her to take her last breath was hard on everyone - luckily I wasn't there (Doctor told us in advance, that today is the day), and it was best just to have her immediate family there.

My brother (her father), still has nightmares. It's not easy, playing the waiting game on death, and sure was much harder for his daughter.


Well-Known Member
So, what's the conservative answer to when someone tells them I cannot afford this pregnancy , neither the baby ?
What is their answer ?
Give birth anyways and we'll take care of you, or give birth anyways, and you must give the baby away for adoption ?

Just wondering - what is their and even your answer to that ?


You have had the answer right in front of you --either you cannot read or you cannot understand.

PERSONAL RESPONSABILITY. Do not make your problem mine. I did not get make you have sex. I did not get you pregnant. I did not prevent you from using a condom. I did not prevent you from using birth control --my tax money provides FREE condoms at many agencies such as planned parenthood. TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN PROBLEMS. Liberals just continue to ENABLE poor decisions and lack of personal responsability and control and then EXPECT other people to pay for it . If you cannot afford the medical treatment or the Baby --DO NOT GET PREGNANT !!


Für Meno :)
So you automatically asume everyone had thier babies planned and well thought out.
I'm not one of those lucky children (babies). I just happened to come along, like many others out there.

Oh yeah - unwanted - I may add.


Well-Known Member
So, what's the conservative answer to when someone tells them I cannot afford this pregnancy , neither the baby ?
What is their answer ?
Give birth anyways and we'll take care of you, or give birth anyways, and you must give the baby away for adoption ?

Just wondering - what is their and even your answer to that ?

Mind you, the USA has the highest infant deathrate in the western industrialized world ('cause of no national healthcare plan in place, and many can't afford to do medical precheck-ups during pregnancy).
So, basically, already neglected in the womb.

Is that really taking care of the unborn , that you and others think of so precious ?