

golden ticket member
So you automatically asume everyone had thier babies planned and well thought out.
I'm not one of those lucky children (babies). I just happened to come along, like many others out there.

Oh yeah - unwanted - I may add.

Boo Hoo, wah,wah, call the Wah-mbulance !!! At least you knew who your mother is/was. Get over it.


Well-Known Member

What should have been posted along with my last post is the following.

Your statement on Infant Mortality rates worldwide in Industrial nations --to say the least is very missleading. I would hope that you did not do this intentially.

An honest statement involving Infant Mortality Worldwide is the following :
The leading cause of Infant Mortality worldwide is Premature or Pre-term.

Canada, Japan, Germany and Austria do not consider a pre baby less than 500g as a living child.

U.S all premature and pre-term are considered live infants.

This make huge difference in the reported numbers ---more that accounts for the 1.5 percentage point between the U.S and Canada.

Compare apples to apples or babies to babies and suddenly your touted Healthcare system does not look as good as you claim.

While the U.S considers all premature as living babies and count them in the mortality rates ---many of the so called "Advanced Intellectual Industrialized Western Nations " consider them as miscarriages and do not count them in the mortality rates.:warriorsmiley:


So you automatically asume everyone had thier babies planned and well thought out.
I'm not one of those lucky children (babies). I just happened to come along, like many others out there.

Oh yeah - unwanted - I may add.

And still to this day, I might add.


Well-Known Member
ok, great, I believe you. Healthcare is not needed for pregnancies. The US proves it.


Very difficult when you are confronted by facts. When you count all premature and preterm babies your Healthcare system is not the answer to infant mortality. No one has said that healthcare does not matter --it was you that claimed that Infant Mortality In the U.S was the highest in the Industrialized Western World---while not counting the prematures that account for over 41% of the infant deaths.


Für Meno :)
Whatever you believe.
I know you think out healthcare sucks, and we have higher infant mortality rates, but the world sites say otherwise.
I don't care.
I do know that over 50 million Americans have no insurance and therefor can't afford to see any doctor during pregancy.
(ER won't take anyone in, unless there are some serious complications, but for checking up - nope).


Für Meno :)
Canada abortion foe may be treated as criminal -court

Fri Jun 8, 2012 1:11pm EDT

* Protesting 63-year-old loses battle on criminal charges
* She had violated bubble zone around abortion clinics
* Abortion clinic hails ruling as "huge victory for women"
* Defendant says she is peaceful, doesn't harm anyone

By Randall Palmer
OTTAWA, June 8 (Reuters) - The province of Ontario was within its rights to press criminal charges against a grandmother who has spent 10 of the last 18 years in jail for defying court orders not to demonstrate outside abortion clinics, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Friday.


golden ticket member
The E.R. wasn't designed for checkups. People abuse them like they abuse 911 and call it to get a cat out of a tree.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
The president actually said this.....

(CNSNews) — Listing the reasons why Americans should vote for him, President Barack Obama told a high school audience on Monday that failure to subsidize abortions and contraception is the same as “restricting access” to those services.

I read this 3 or 4 times and I'm thinking....."No, it's not the same!" If your access is restricted that means you can't get it whether you can pay for it or not....you're not getting it!!


golden ticket member
The horror of not wanting to piss away taxpayer dollars to fund the murder of unborn children.
Via LifeNews:

As he has multiple times throughout the campaign, pro-abortion President Barack Obama is back to attacking presidential candidate Mitt Romney over his opposition to taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.

Obama’s campaign has released an ad titled “Troubled,” that points out how Romney supports overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason and bashes him for supporting de-funding of the nation’s biggest abortion business, which has endorsed Obama and purchased ads also attacking Romney’s pro-life views.

“Every woman who believes decisions about our bodies and our health-care should be our own is troubled Mitt Romney supports overturning Roe v. Wade,” a woman narrator says. “Romney backed a law that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.”

The ad also features a clip of a video in which Romney said he wants to “get rid” of Planned Parenthood, though he meant getting rid of the taxpayer funding of the abortion company.

The ads will run in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Nevada and Virginia.


golden ticket member
Note: Planned Parenthood derives more than 80% of its revenue from abortions and does not provide mammograms, they are simply a referral service (hence the reason Komen initialy withdrew its funding).

Planned Parenthood Chief: “Our Work Is Consistent With Conservative Republican Values”…
How is killing babies “consistent” with conservative values?

Cecile Richards: Republicans Aren’t Abandoning Planned Parenthood — National Journal
NJ Why do conservatives, including Rush Limbaugh, keep reviving these issues?
Richards They know the fire’s hot but they just keep putting their hand in it. We’ve had a cascading waterfall of new supporters starting with efforts to defund Planned Parenthood by the House. I’m not surprised by anything Rush Limbaugh says. He seems to live to provoke people. I was certainly encouraged to see the uniform — almost uniform — reaction and public conversation about the inappropriateness (of what he said about Sandra Fluke). My reaction was to call my daughters and just feel like you had to apologize that any man would ever say that to a woman.
NJ In a recent op-ed in The New York Times, Campbell Brown accused Planned Parenthood of self-destructive behavior, including “blind partisanship” and burning instead of building bridges to Republicans.

Richards Many Republicans support Planned Parenthood and they have for decades. Frankly our work is consistent with the conservative Republican values of individual responsibility and government staying out of people’s personal lives.
In Arizona, Peggy Goldwater [Barry Goldwater’s wife] was one of our founders. The entire presidential primary was a race to the bottom on women’s health care. It’s very challenging when you have a Republican Party platform that is demanding Republican opposition to [Roe v. Wade], demanding opposition to Planned Parenthood, opposition to birth control coverage.

Frankly, I think that is out of step with where the American people are.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
If men were able to accidentally get pregnant, then abortions would be available on demand at every Jiffy Lube and car wash in the country, and there would be coupons for discount abortions in every Playboy magazine.


golden ticket member
There ya go, 1 major reason Condi Rice will never become VP for Romney.
She is pro-choice and as the cartoon illustrates - she doesn't fit into the republican agenda at all !
Condi says herself that she's "mildly pro-choice" and her beliefs in that area will not have an effect on whether she'd make a good veep or not.

“I myself am someone who believes strongly in parental notification. … I’m against late-term abortion, which is, I think, really very cruel,” Rice said in a 2008 interview with CBS News’ “60 Minutes.”


Für Meno :)
Isn't that normal ?
Newsflash, all westernized countries don't allow abortions after 6 or 8 weeks , unless of course medical complications are involved where the mother could die if she goes thru with the pregnancy, or the fetus can't be rescued/born due to an accident or medical reasons.


golden ticket member
Isn't that normal ?
Newsflash, all westernized countries don't allow abortions after 6 or 8 weeks , unless of course medical complications are involved where the mother could die if she goes thru with the pregnancy, or the fetus can't be rescued/born due to an accident or medical reasons.
Newsflash : if you get DNA from a newly conceived ....the dna will be homo sapien (human) person. It's a baby from the very beginning. Calling it a fetus just makes those killng the child feel better.

Either way, the point was about Condi..................her belief would not affect her job if she was veep!!