
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Newsflash : if you get DNA from a newly conceived ....the dna will be homo sapien (human) person. It's a baby from the very beginning. Calling it a fetus just makes those killng the child feel better.

Either way, the point was about Condi..................her belief would not affect her job if she was veep!!

Top GOP leaders say CONDI has as much a chance as being VP as SARAH PALIN does.

Time to put that rumor to bed.




Für Meno :)
Newsflash : if you get DNA from a newly conceived ....the dna will be homo sapien (human) person. It's a baby from the very beginning. Calling it a fetus just makes those killng the child feel better.

Either way, the point was about Condi..................her belief would not affect her job if she was veep!!

She is NOT becoming Veep !!!!!! Period !


golden ticket member
In a shocking coincidence, Planned Parenthood just dropped $1.4 million on campaign ads to support Obama.

Via LifeNews:
After reaching an agreement to send more than $1 million over three years to a Planned Parenthood in Tennessee, the Obama administration has awarded $3.1 million in federal funds to Planned Parenthood affiliates in New Jersey.

The grant announcement was made Tuesday by Sens. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Robert Menendez, (D-NJ), two pro-abortion Democrats in the U.S. Senate who are longtime allies of Planned Parenthood. The funding comes through the Department of Health and Human Services to Planned Parenthood and other agencies.

The Obama administration grant to the abortion company also comes after Governor Chris Christie again vetoed state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

The New Jersey Senate passed a measure to restore the $7.5 million in funding 26-13 with all of the Senate Democrats voting to restore the Planned Parenthood funds along with Republicans Diane Allen and Jennifer Beck. Pro-life advocates called on him to rescind the funding again, after two of the abortion business’ centers closed last year following the first veto of the funding.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Via LifeNews:

As LifeNews reported last week, a new annual report the Planned Parenthood abortion business released shows it helped fewer pregnant women with prenatal care and the number of pregnant women it referred for adoptions declined as well.

The report also breaks down the “services” Planned Parenthood offers in addition to abortions. Planned Parenthood has always come under fire from pro-life groups for doing hundreds of thousands of abortions by providing little in the way of help for pregnant woman wanting to keep their baby or considering adoption. The new report shows that hasn’t changed.

The new document the abortion organization posted shows Planned Parenthood did 329,445 abortions in 2010 while it provided prenatal care to only 31,098 women and referred only 841 women to adoption agencies.


Well-Known Member
All American's should simply watch a sonogram. We would not have 45 million more abortions.

It is a shame that this LIFE ending procedure is nothing more than a political or bumper sticker slogan for many.


golden ticket member
Andrea Mitchell is one of the last remaining HAGS !!!!

Via Mediate:
During an interview with a Republican guest who described herself as “pro-life” on Wednesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell cut her off to correct her. Mitchell said that she thought “anti-abortion” was a better term which was, in her opinion, more “value neutral.”

“Some veteran Republican politicians and strategists believe that the Republican Party needs to rethink its position on women’s reproductive issues after losing the women’s vote once again in the presidential race, and losing at least two Senate races after ill-tempered comments by Republican men,” Mitchell began.

Mitchell introduced Juleanna Glover on her program to discuss her proposals for how the GOP soften its hardline stance on access to contraception.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Thanks Jones for fixing the article (Link) I came upon it by accident( or maybe not) The paper had fallen on the lunch room floor at my full time job and was open to the page that caught my eye "Gettysburg" being interested in the place and the Civil War I picked it up and started to read and found it was something totally different but more dear to my heart and I thought I would share it here.


golden ticket member
Via The Telegraph:
Illegal abortion on the grounds of gender may be taking place in Britain within immigrant communities, ministers have admitted for the first time, after an official analysis of birth statistics.

The Government was on Thursday night urged to open an inquiry after officials found signs that birth rates for girls and boys vary noticeably according to where their mothers were born.

A health minister said that these differences in rates of male and female births among mothers of certain nationalities may “fall outside the range considered possible without intervention”.

It forms the first official statistical evidence potentially backing up concerns that sex-selection abortions are being carried out in Britain.

Andrew Lansley, the former health secretary, last year criticised the “illegal and morally wrong” practice following a Daily Telegraphinvestigation into the issue.

After this newspaper received information that the procedures were becoming increasingly common for cultural and social reasons, undercover reporters filmed doctors offering women terminations based on gender.
