

golden ticket member
And yet we slaughter countless thousands of them every year.

(CNSNews.com) – The Alabama Supreme Court ruled in a case on Friday that “unborn children are persons with rights that should be protected by law.”

The case involved two women who had been charged under a “chemical endangerment” law because they had ingested illegal drugs – one, cocaine, and the second, methamphetamine — while pregnant.
One woman’s baby tested positive for cocaine when born; the other baby was born prematurely and died shortly thereafter due to “acute methamphetamine intoxication.”

They women appealed their convictions, with their lawyers making numerous arguments but one in particular: that the word “child” did not apply to an unborn child or a fetus. The Court said otherwise. [...]

In its concluding remarks, the Alabama Supreme Court said: “The decision of this Court today is in keeping with the widespread legal recognition that unborn children are persons with rights that should be protected by law.

Today, the only major area in which unborn children are denied legal protection is abortion, and that denial is only because of the dictates of Roe.”


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
[h=2]NY Dem Gov. Andrew Cuomo Pushing Bill Allowing Third-Trimester Abortions…[/h]

Just because a baby could survive outside the womb in the third-trimster still doesn’t make it a person (lib logic, not mine).
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is flexing his political muscle to give abortion advocates their biggest state victory in 40 years since Roe v. Wade: a sweeping expansion of abortion law that, if enforced, could put Catholic hospitals and many state-funded ministries out of business.

Cuomo’s approval ratings have topped 70% for six straight months, and, with just two years in office, he has already pushed through controversial same-sex “marriage” legislation and the most restrictive gun-control law in the nation.

Cuomo, who is Catholic, now is setting his sights on succeeding where governors for the past six years have failed: passing the proposed Reproductive Health Care Act. [...]

“Gov. Cuomo’s bill elevates abortion to a fundamental right and says New York state can’t discriminate on abortion in benefits or services or anything else it provides,” said Kathleen Gallagher, the conference’s director of pro-life activities.

Cuomo’s legislation, she said, would make illegal abortion restrictions, such as parental-notification laws, informed-consent laws, restrictions on taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion bans of any kind. [...]

Cuomo’s bill removes criminal penalties for third-trimester abortions after 24 weeks by adding a broad health exception. Current state law allows such late-term abortions if there is a danger to the mother’s life.

Chris Slattery, director of the Expectant Mother Care (EMC) pregnancy centers in New York City, said the new law will make New York City the late-term abortion capital of the world.

“It’s going to open up the third-trimester market,” Slattery said. “It’s going to be huge, and people all over the world, not just out of state, are going to be coming to New York to have and perform these abortions.”


Well-Known Member
Cuomo is extremely popular (unless you are a state worker) here and can pretty much push through whatever legislation is on his agenda. He has already pushed through one of the most restrictive guns laws in our nation's history. He will get fracking approved. He will use this popularity to carry him to the White House in 2016.

That being said, he will have a tough sell on third trimester abortions. I consider myself to be pro-choice but would not approve of these unless there were signs of fetal distress, birth defects or if the mother developed serious health issues. Yes, I said birth defects---call that selectivism or whatever term you want to use, but if the fetus shows clear signs of birth defects or other abnormalities which would lend themselves to a lesser quality of life I think the parents should have the right to terminate the pregnancy.

I also wholeheartedly agree with island (only for third tremester) that the parents must be shown a sonogram of the fetus before being allowed to terminate the pregnancy. Abortion should not be considered to be yet another form of birth control.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
May God have mercy on him but it will be a hard sell. Nancy and Mario put themselves out there as Catholic legislators At the very least they should be excommunicated. Where is the Archbishop of NY Cardinal Dolan ? Passing the basket around congress or the New York State House ?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Chris Slattery, director of the Expectant Mother Care (EMC) pregnancy centers in New York City, said the new law will make New York City the late-term abortion capital of the world.

“It’s going to open up the third-trimester market,” Slattery said. “It’s going to be huge, and people all over the world, not just out of state, are going to be coming to New York to have and perform these abortions.”

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f13/abortion-189343/index47.html#ixzz2Ie3AKaDL

Something to be proud of ? Baby killer capital of the world ? Herod Cuomo ? I will retire in disgust !


golden ticket member
Hundreds of thousands turned out in DC today for the March for Life. Early estimates on social media believed numbers around half a million, more than last year’s 400,000.

Many in media appear traditionally to ignore the event, or not mention the massive numbers involved.

Via USA Today:
Thousands of young adults thronged the National Mall on Friday to protest abortion and cheer speakers who called for overturning the 40-year-old landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.
Protesters — drawn by social media and church youth groups — flocked to the annual March for Life despite subfreezing temperatures and snow in the forecast.

“We are winning with young people. I see it right in front of me today,” said organizer Jeanne Monahan, president of the March for Life Education & Defense Fund.

As one abortion opponent after another addressed the crowd, Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey drew the loudest applause with an attack on the court ruling: “Forty years ago this past Tuesday marks the Supreme Court’s infamous, reckless and inhumane abandonment of women and babies to the abortionists.”