

Well-Known Member
Roe v Wade and Christians Getting Abortions

Posted by Laurence Vance on January 27, 2013 09:03 AM

The 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade has come and gone. The result has been 55 million legal abortions. The Religious Right denounced abortion and the decision as would be expected. I have no problem with that, although I do have problems with the pro-life movement. As anyone knows who has read my articles on abortion knows, I oppose both abortion and Roe v Wade. But what I want to point out is one reason why the pro-life movement doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2008, 37.3 percent of women getting abortions were Protestant and 28.1 percent were Catholic. It sounds like the Religious Right should be preaching to its own. Now, pro-lifers can dispute these percentages all they want, but I find it hard to believe that everyone who gets an abortion is an atheist. And to the shame of Christians, I don't think it is Muslim women that are getting abortions. And of course, there is also the continued Republican support in Congress for Planned Parenthood.

Laurence makes a good point that if the 2 main factions of christianity would stop getting abortions, total abortions would drop by 2/3rds. I hear people make claims that abortion is an example of what is wrong with America. I say abortion is an example of what is wrong with christianity!


golden ticket member


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I am not making this comment directed at any Race except the Human one.

I would much prefer a Woman take a morning after pill rather than waiting until after she misses a period ---the baby now has a heartbeat.

55 million stopped Heartbeats --is just Heart Breaking.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to abortion, there is an argument that abortion is an outcrop of the old eugenics movement. It's an argument however that I rarely see made by even the pro-life movement and I wonder if that's because it ruffles it's the flag waving sentiment. That said, there is a reality that America must face and I think it's best said by Adolf Hitler himself.

"Now that we know the laws of heredity, it is possible to a large extent to prevent unhealthy and severely handicapped beings from coming into the world. I have studied with interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

Hitler's Debt To America

From NPR: America's Unsettling Early Eugenics Movement

And lastly, from George Mason University's History News Network: The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a co-called "Master Race." But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.
Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws. Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in "colonies," and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning. Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all such surgeries.

Did these people really go away after the downfall of Hitler? If no, then where might they be now? What would you need to be in control of to effect the population at large? On what basis could one condition the mass public that some manner of depopulation was needed and necessary? Could one position themselves in a way to effect society with non invasive means that limit births for example? What functions of society would one have to control in order to achieve such things?

I think it fair to say we'd have to move well beyond abortion if this were true but is it?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
P/T Stewie,

Many years ago --almost a different lifetime--I was an alter boy for the Catholic Church.

I am very sorry the Church does not use its power and voice to protect the unborn. Shameful.

I was the captain of the alter boys did a lot of funerals and weddings (tips) in the middle of Christmas Midnight Mass as the priest went to give me communion and started to say "the Body of...." I fainted out cold I still have a scar on my forehead from Fr. Casey's wingtips LOL. there was nothing like growing up Catholic and going to Catholic school. The stories ........ sounds like a thread topic.
It all seriousness I have a lot of problems with the church but have recently returned .


Well-Known Member
I was the captain of the alter boys did a lot of funerals and weddings (tips) in the middle of Christmas Midnight Mass as the priest went to give me communion and started to say "the Body of...." I fainted out cold I still have a scar on my forehead from Fr. Casey's wingtips LOL. there was nothing like growing up Catholic and going to Catholic school. The stories ........ sounds like a thread topic.
It all seriousness I have a lot of problems with the church but have recently returned .


Could not agree with you more wedding tips were great --getting out of class for late morning funerals was also pretty good. I remember once getting a case of the nervous giggles while holding a big candle by a casket --it was terrible:wink2:

I still have problems with the Church over lack of voice on Key issues, Catholic Universities open their arms to Liberal Democrats that support all Abortion -including Partial Birth and also support Gay Marriage - stand up for what you believe and preach-but will shun conservatives. I also have a tough time with not only the pedifile priests --but the cover-up that went to the higest levels --Cardinals and the Pope.

Have not found my way back - I-believe in God --just do not believe he is Catholic or Jewish or Muslim etc etc.:peaceful:

Probably would be a very interesting thread !!