

Well-Known Member
Kermit Gosnel --No not Kermit the frog ---A new Left wing Hero .

The good Doctor is charged with cutting the spinal cords of newborn infants and calling it ABORTION.

But what the hell it is in the spirit of PRO-CHOICE:sick:



Well-Known Member
I was the captain of the alter boys did a lot of funerals and weddings (tips) in the middle of Christmas Midnight Mass as the priest went to give me communion and started to say "the Body of...." I fainted out cold I still have a scar on my forehead from Fr. Casey's wingtips LOL. there was nothing like growing up Catholic and going to Catholic school. The stories ........ sounds like a thread topic.
It all seriousness I have a lot of problems with the church but have recently returned .

Another alter boy thinking about returning...


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I've never met a woman who has considered having an abortion that took it lightly. Maybe your experience is different than mine.

I don't accept anecdotal evidence as fact.


Well-Known Member
So I was asked how I feel about my tax dollars going to pay for abortions. My response:

If I can't force another woman to have sex with me, then she shouldn't be able to use gov't to force me to pay for her sex with another man!


Well-Known Member
So I was asked how I feel about my tax dollars going to pay for abortions. My response:

If I can't force another woman to have sex with me, then she shouldn't be able to use gov't to force me to pay for her sex with another man!

Would you rather be forced to pay to raise the kid for the next 18 years?

I have yet to see this discussed so I will pose the question----has North Dakota gone too far with their new "fetal heartbeat" abortion law?


Staff member
I'm sure some folks think it didn't go far enough, but from a constitutional standpoint I'm reasonably sure it went too far and will be overturned.


Well-Known Member
Would you rather be forced to pay to raise the kid for the next 18 years?

I have yet to see this discussed so I will pose the question----has North Dakota gone too far with their new "fetal heartbeat" abortion law?

Because I object to the use of force doesn't mean I object to offering help regardless of the choice the woman does make. Nor do I not have empathy for her condition. I reject the notion that there has to be a "gun in the room" as a means to an end. Are you saying that violence or the threat of violence is the only means to solving a problem? If yes, did you beat you kids and wife to achieve the needed ends within your family? If no, and the family is but a microcosm of larger society, then why is it assumed in larger society we must be "beaten" to solve problems and find solutions?


golden ticket member
Planned Parenthood (like PBS) makes enough money on their own, that they can support themselves quite nicely and don't need taxpayer funding anymore.

Like the people on the food stamps and other gov't programs......when they get to a certain level of income....they come off food stamps.....It's called success!!!! The programs are suppose to be hand up not a way of life for years & generations to come.

Congresswoman: Defund Planned Parenthood Over Its Infanticide OK | LifeNews.com
