

golden ticket member
The one bright spot lately has been the flood of pro-life bills being signed into law, this Kansas bill will almost certainly be the next one.


The Kansas state Senate passed a measure on Friday that would ban Planned Parenthood from providing sex education in schools and require women to get more information about fetal development before having an abortion.

The measure was approved by a 28-10 vote and was expected to pass easily in the House of Representatives, which backed the 70-page bill in largely similar form earlier this week. Republicans have large majorities in both chambers. Republican Governor Sam Brownback, who opposes abortion, is expected to sign it.

Opponents of the measure say it contains 40 provisions that affect a woman’s health and intrude on her right to an abortion. Advocates said it mainly codifies existing practices, while helping women make more informed choices.

“This fulfills the legislative intent to create a pro-life state,” said Kathy Ostrowski, legislative director of Kansans for Life.
The Kansas bill prohibits use of public funds, tax preferences or tax credits for abortion services.

The bill also requires abortion clinics to provide printed material about the fetus’ stages of development, a link to websites, material and organizations that help pregnant women, and an explanation of legal responsibilities for an unborn child.

The bill bars school districts from letting abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood offer, sponsor or furnish course materials or instruction on human sexuality or on sexually transmitted diseases.


The Nim
Federal judge rules morning-after pill must be available for women of all ages | Fox News

Legislating from the bench. In my opinion that judge went way beyond his legal powers to make that ruling.

Life in the post Marbury verses Madison America!

"a school nurse can’t even give an aspirin without parental consent, "

Read more: Dr. Manny: Judge is placing young women in danger with Plan B decision | Fox News

Ok, so about 15 years ago I ended up with a broken pencil tip in my hand, it was sharpened and broke off right after it entered my hand, and the school was not allowed to provide me with a pair of tweezers to remove the foreign object in my hand because of insurance liabilities. I was able to remove it myself with my teeth before my mother showed up to take me to the doctors to be treated.

If I'm understanding this correctly an early teenage girl can have unprotected sex and then be allowed to get a drug which to my understanding alters the natural biological actions of the human body. So at least for me I was unable to obtain a device to remove a foreign object from my body even though further medical attention was intended but someone of equivalent age would be able to get a pill to alter biological function and not require that further medical attention is taken.

​Perhaps with my primitive male mind I'm unable to understand this, but I'm unable to understand this.

I'm not completely against abortion either, I just don't feel it should be an easy option outside of things like rape.


golden ticket member
The way some 13 and 14 year olds think......."well, I wasn't going to have sex , but now that I can get the morning after pill....I'm down !!"


The Nim
The way some 13 and 14 year olds think......."well, I wasn't going to have sex , but now that I can get the morning after pill....I'm down !!"

I would certainly not like to think it's that way, but I still have contact with enough people at least within a couple years of that that I cannot say that would not be the thought process for some. Thankfully I can say it would not be a majority decision.

Personally I try to keep in touch with the "generation" after me to try to guide them some, but it's hard. Even if these options are available they still take an emotional toll and effect people in ways they don't expect. I want to let the younger generation learn, but the world is changing so much that some lessons are too rich a cost in my opinion.


golden ticket member
years of your training can go away in minutes talking with their peers.

The innocence we experiencd is gone.....

In class of '65 we had one girl out of 300 girls pregnant. What's the stat today? I didn't check, I honestly don't know, but I'd bet it's higher. .

Kids today need to find out what the Simpsons and Famly Guy are talking about. They Yahoo terms I don't even recognize.


Well-Known Member
:sad-little:We have been and are "PROGRESSING" to a better Country. Please try to be more LIBERAL in your thoughts and actions.:sick:

After all even Obama is in favor of letting an innocent Baby die in a bedpan as it cries for help and survival and a chance just to live--to him it is just a "BOTCHED ABORTION"


golden ticket member
Nail salons got inspected more than abortion clinics. Business Insider answers the question of how Kermit Gosnell was able to get away with his actions for so long:

The clinic was not inspected from 1993 to 2010, when FBI agents finally raided the place. They found moaning women covered in blood-stained blankets and jars with severed fetus feet, according to the 281-page grand jury report.

The grand jury report that lays out allegations against Gosnell has an entire section called “How did this go on so long?” The simple answer is politics.

Pennsylvania’s health department stopped routine inspections of abortion facilities in the state after Tom Ridge, a pro-choice Republican, became governor in 1995.

Health department lawyers “changed their legal opinions and advice to suit the policy preferences of different governors,” health department official Janet Staloski said in grand jury testimony. In this case, she said the state didn’t want to be “putting a barrier up to women” who wanted abortions.

In 1999, high-level Pennsylvania officials met to consider starting up regular inspections again but decided not to, state lawyer Kenneth Brody testified, according to the grand jury report. He told the grand jury that officials were concerns that abortion clinics wouldn’t meet inspection standards and then there “would be less abortion facilities.”

The state’s politics-driven policy continued until the gruesome allegations regarding Gosnell came to light.
Inspections finally resumed in 2010 after more than 15 years. When pro-life Republican Gov. Tom Corbett took office in 2011, he asked officials to issue a report on the state’s failure to inspect facilities for so long, the AP reported.

By February 2011, Corbett had announced sweeping changes at the health department — including routine, unannounced inspections of abortion facilities.



golden ticket member
Wasn't inspected for 17 years ???

Abortionist Slit Born Baby's Necks in Front of Teenager; Told Assistant: 'That's What You Call a Chicken With Its Head Cut Off' | CNS News


golden ticket member
No Comment? Really? How neutral of you !!!!

Via Politico:
White House press secretary Jay Carney declined to comment Monday on the murder trial of Kermit Gosnell, a doctor who performed abortions in Philadelphia.

“The president does not and cannot take a position on an ongoing trial, so I won’t as well,” Carney told reporters.

President Obama is “aware” of the case and, without weighing in on it, Carney added: “Certainly, the things that you hear and read about this case are unsettling.”


golden ticket member
Via WaTi:
It took almost five weeks, but national media outlets finally are beginning to cover the horrific abortion trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell — and at least one of liberal political bent has admitted that the blind eye was purposeful, in order to protect the future of abortion.

“For what it’s worth, I do think that those of us on the left have made a decision not to cover this trial because we worry that it’ll compromise abortion rights,” said Marc Lamont Hill, an associate professor at Columbia University and a frequent television analyst who advances liberal views. He made the comment during a HuffPost Live segment that looked at the media blackout.

“Whether you agree with abortion or not, I do think there’s a direct connection between the media’s failure to cover this and our own political commitments on the left. I think it’s a bad idea, I think it’s dangerous, but I think that’s the way it is,” he said, as The Huffington Post reported.


golden ticket member
I think of the guilt of Michael Jackson's doctor and then the guilt of Gosnell. One is definitely more guilty (IMO) than the other....



Well-Known Member
If the babies were not alive-- human beings ---Why did Gosnel cut their Spinal Cords ???
Is there a war on women ??? Or a real war on babies ????


Well-Known Member
The irony really is astounding here... Had he successfully murdered these babies just seconds before while they were breathing embryonic fluid, that's "ok" and not against the law.....

More typical liberal logic that's all. Again - we'll see if any of it (Benghazi lies and cover ups, IRS corruption and more lies and cover ups) matters come next November. By by Reid, it can't come soon enough - there's so much to repair!


golden ticket member
I'm surprised Obama didn't place himself in the middle of this circus....."Dr. Gosnell could be my grandpa!" That 'doctor' had no clue he was going to be found guilty!! As Gomer would say......"Surprise, surprise!"


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised Obama didn't place himself in the middle of this circus....."Dr. Gosnell could be my grandpa!" That 'doctor' had no clue he was going to be found guilty!! As Gomer would say......"Surprise, surprise!"

​Indeed. Sadly when justice prevails these days it truly is a pleasant surprise.


golden ticket member
The Planned Parenthood statement following the guilty verdict......they said that no woman would be victimized by this doctor ever again.......no mention of the babies though !!!