
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yes, we are scared of Texans (and others) who try to evade laws by working around them so as to essentially make abortions unavailable to most women. The law is the law, and whether you personally agree with it is irrelevant. "God's Will" as you interpret it, is not the law, as much as you'd like it to be.

This would have made coat hangars a popular option in Texas. How about a "Texit"? They can become their own ridiculous Christian, Right Wing sanctuary country. I would vote for that.

Then you can ban abortions, all religions except Christianity, and make Texass your own little heaven on Earth.
You missed the point (of course). So, you OBVIOUSLY think it's ok for gun grabbers to be able to work around The Second Amendment but definitely don't think pro lifers should be able to SUPPOSEDLY work around abortion laws.

And THAT folks is your typical liberal double standard! LOL


Engorged Member
You missed the point (of course). So, you OBVIOUSLY think it's ok for gun grabbers to be able to work around The Second Amendment but definitely don't think pro lifers should be able to SUPPOSEDLY work around abortion laws.

And THAT folks is your typical liberal double standard! LOL

OK, Mr. Paranoid. Take your meds, because nobody is trying to grab your precious guns. You can still go to your favorite gun store, lovingly fondle a long gun, and then walk out and get married. What we Commies would like is to see certain guns banned from people who probably shouldn't have them, like terrorists or the insane. What a radical, Leftist idea.

If that's "gun grabbing", count me in. Comparing abortions to guns is kind of insane, so maybe you shouldn't get either one. The Second Amendment has been interpreted to mean various things, not so with Roe V. Wade. Our founding fathers probably weren't thinking of assault weapons back in 1776 or much about abortions either. If you ascribe to the A.S.S school of thought, everything should be based on a legal view of things from the perspective of 1776, when assault weapon technology nor modern medical practices even existed, we would be in a real quandary.

I can hardly wait for Hillary to appoint some reasonable judges to the SCOTUS and end this crap once and for all.


Inordinately Right
That's your justification (a flat out lie by the way) for killing babies? You sick and twisted *******.
It's not a lie you've gone on and on about ending food stamps and welfare for all the lazy people that have babies they can't afford.

I don't think an embryo is a baby, so I don't think there's anything sick and twisted about it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's not a lie you've gone on and on about ending food stamps and welfare for all the lazy people that have babies they can't afford.

I don't think an embryo is a baby, so I don't think there's anything sick and twisted about it.
Babies are being aborted. Telling yourself they are just embryos is about as stupid as telling yourself they are better off dead instead of giving them a chance to live because they night end up on welfare.
In my life I have come to realize that morals is how one lives his/her life.
Laws are how other individuals live their lives.
That's rhetorical nonsense. You are trying to hide behind that garbage to avoid the issue. That issue being that babies are being systematically killed. Including while outside the womb. They are alive and that's a fact. This country protects animal life pretty well but not human babies. And the justifications you people give to support it are almost as sickening and pathetic as the abortions themselves.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Maybe you're stupid and that's the problem?

I never said any such thing, nice try putting words in my mouth.

I did not say it was your life lesson ... I said it was mine.

Another life lesson that I have learned is:
Don't waste one's time on on things one cannot change.
I'm so glad many people don't follow your lesson. Not giving up on a good cause is a better LIFE lesson. Pun once again intended.


nowhere special
Interesting isn't it how if someone kills a pregnant woman the unborn baby counts as a second murder charge but if a doctor kills the same unborn baby then it's OK.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we are scared of Texans (and others) who try to evade laws by working around them so as to essentially make abortions unavailable to most women. The law is the law, and whether you personally agree with it is irrelevant. "God's Will" as you interpret it, is not the law, as much as you'd like it to be.

This would have made coat hangars a popular option in Texas. How about a "Texit"? They can become their own ridiculous Christian, Right Wing sanctuary country. I would vote for that.

Then you can ban abortions, all religions except Christianity, and make Texass your own little heaven on Earth.

no one lost the right to have an abortion, there were requirements made that would have provided immediate quality health care had there been any complications with the actual abortion. pro abortion proponents chose to keep what is basically coat hanger health care over the quality healthcare offered through this law.