

Inordinately Right
It's called personal responsibility and good parenting. Both of which are concepts that gay WAAAAAY over the heads of the typical liberal.
Again, what is you're point? We're talking about feeding the children whose parents don't take responsibility. And all you can say is, they should take responsibility. No :censored2: sherlock, but they don't.


golden ticket member

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Again, what is you're point? We're talking about feeding the children whose parents don't take responsibility. And all you can say is, they should take responsibility. No :censored2: sherlock, but they don't.
Wow you are slow. If you don't see the problem in murdering babies because their parent(s) MIGHT not be good parents then you are truly a terrible human being.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
no one lost the right to have an abortion, there were requirements made that would have provided immediate quality health care had there been any complications with the actual abortion. pro abortion proponents chose to keep what is basically coat hanger health care over the quality healthcare offered through this law.

Thats not what the Texas law did at all.

The law was FILLED with useless requirements, like parking spots, widths of hallways, size of doorways, types of cloting to be worn by providers, number of gurneys, types of lighting, size of waiting rooms, number of rooms, kinds of plumming and tons of other useless requirements that made it almost impossible for providers to do, without tearing a building down and rebuilding it from the ground up.

The Texas law wasnt about protecting women, but rather, to make it hard to do business for providers by making ridiculous rules that made it too expensive to operate a clinic.

This end around was a right wing scheme to shut down clinics with building codes and had nothing to do with womens health.

The scotus handed the right wing and all the religious nuts in texas and around the country, a GIANT Smackdown.

Sort of like an abortion itself, this ruling aborts the republicans hopes of stopping the practice after carrying the efforts for months.



Inordinately Right
Wow you are slow. If you don't see the problem in murdering babies because their parent(s) MIGHT not be good parents then you are truly a terrible human being.
I do see the problem with that, I never supported that no matter how hard you keep trying to put those words in my mouth. What I'm talking about is why you are so hyped up about unborn babies but don't give 2 :censored2:s about them once they're born. Please TTKU you seem to have trouble following the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Thats not what the Texas law did at all.

The law was FILLED with useless requirements, like parking spots, widths of hallways, size of doorways, types of cloting to be worn by providers, number of gurneys, types of lighting, size of waiting rooms, number of rooms, kinds of plumming and tons of other useless requirements that made it almost impossible for providers to do, without tearing a building down and rebuilding it from the ground up.

The Texas law wasnt about protecting women, but rather, to make it hard to do business for providers by making ridiculous rules that made it too expensive to operate a clinic.

This end around was a right wing scheme to shut down clinics with building codes and had nothing to do with womens health.

The scotus handed the right wing and all the religious nuts in texas and around the country, a GIANT Smackdown.

Sort of like an abortion itself, this ruling aborts the republicans hopes of stopping the practice after carrying the efforts for months.


the texas law would have significantly improved womens health care. while there were claims of clinics being shut down they could have made the adjustments required by the law to improve womens health care instead they chose to go the other way.

thanks to the supreme court medical review board ruling womens health care has digressed to legal coat hanger abortions.


Well-Known Member
the texas law would have significantly improved womens health care. while there were claims of clinics being shut down they could have made the adjustments required by the law to improve womens health care instead they chose to go the other way.

thanks to the supreme court medical review board ruling womens health care has digressed to legal coat hanger abortions.

Do you actually believe that?

And you call 'liberals' sheep.
