Advice needed from former employee.


I have all the texts. I'm not looking to destroy anyone's life, but I also wasn't looking to have my plans for my future taken away either.

If his boss finds out about this he’ll either be fired or sent somewhere far away
While you’ll be put on the do not hire list
Even though none of this is your doing
I would tread very lightly


If his boss finds out about this he’ll either be fired or sent somewhere far away
While you’ll be put on the do not hire list
Even though none of this is your doing
I would tread very lightly
Reality sucks. Guess I'll keep my mouth shut and not say anything to anyone about it. Reapply and hope he can move past it/me.


Binge Poster
One of the bosses who is about to become the operations manager just text me asking me if I was still interested in coming back - a few months after I quit. I really want my job there back and told him yes. He said he wanted me back and was wanting to help me with the process.

He then casually asked to take me out, I politely said I wasn't able to. He text me again a day or so later to let me know he had a paycheck for me. When I picked it up I spoke with him and the current OP manager who also wanted to rehire me and gave me his card and told me to call when I reapplied online.

Well then I get another text a couple hours later to call HIM when I'm ready to come back... followed by another text saying we should have gotten together.

I just genuinely wanted to come back to work and thought that's all he wanted as well. It's the best job/insurance I can get and the best way for me to provide for myself. I never would have thought this man had any interest in me like that and now I'm afraid and don't know how to proceed with reapplying. He has no idea what this job means for me and how depressed I am now trying to wrap my head around this mess.

Have you resolved this issue?

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