Amazon forced to re-run election to unionize in alabama.


Lunch is the best part of the day
As the novice lowest paid new helper in the factory, who had never held a cutting torch in his hand ,or knew how to read a production blue print., I was promoted to lead structural fitter of the small crane division making over double the hourly wage of the helpers that had worked there for over three years.
Those helpers had no drive to better themselves and just took the pay.
Before I took the job I knew I needed to learn new skills to earn a living as a newly married man.
While working 60hrs a week as a net maker, I took a night course at the community college to learn basic welding.
Checked out books from the library to learn blueprint reading.
When I interviewed with the plant manager I told him I would take the cut in pay and accept the job.
On one condition.
He had to promise me that he would keep his eye on me and reward me by my abilities.
He did.
I worked under a great mentor/fitter as a helper and he was sick and did not show up for work.
The foreman told me I would be working on the grinding tables(really sucky job) on a 12hr shift.
I looked at him and said give me a helper and I would build the crane to specs and under time.
He did.
I met my promise and the next day my wage doubled and I was the lead fitter in the small crane dept.
Pissed all the other helpers off that did the same job for three years, but had no intuitive to improve themselves.
Production differences between two people that do the same job is rewarded, in the real world, by the employer.
Never took a job away from anyone, just did it better and was rewarded.
If you are a minimalist, you will always get the minimal.
Supply and demand is basic economics 101.
Demand, then supply seems to be the teamster mindset.
Your value as an employee is what you can produce, not what you demand.
I could be incorrect, but my life experience tells me otherwise.
You can not compare performance and pay between job classifications. An unskilled helper was paid the minimum. A skilled welder was paid more. Your pay was still based on supply and demand within your classification. The lowest of what the market will bear.


He’s an admitted scab drawing a union pension
I wouldn’t put much stock into anything he says
UPS paid into my pension plan, and will continue to pay my pension.
How much did the unions money contribute?
One day, I will share a story about a 4 day all expense paid vacation from the teamsters that controls/manages the teamster pension New York state fund to New Orleans.
A simple Zoom call could have taken care of the issues.
Interesting conversation.
In the 4 days I was there I spent $1500 in hotel costs.
Their trip was fully paid for (air fare and all) by the teamsters, and they stayed in a better hotel than I did.
The teamster paid for all of his expenses to go fishing and play tourist while his wife a "fund" manager was in conference.
Don't take stock in what I say, I am a teamster scab.


You can not compare performance and pay between job classifications. An unskilled helper was paid the minimum. A skilled welder was paid more. Your pay was still based on supply and demand within your classification. The lowest of what the market will bear.
In a non union controlled job, classifications are based on ability.
I preformed and got paid more.
In 1979 I was making more money than an a UPS driver.
I found the land I wanted to live on and worked my way up from there.
UPS was just one of the stepping stones on my path.
Your argument is baseless.
I never claimed to be a welder, I was a fitter that put the pieces together so a welder could mend the pieces together.
My true skilled welder friends can make over $100.00 an hour.
Non union pay.
4hr minimum pay when they show up at a job site even if the are there for only 30 minutes.
If the union works for you, stick with it.
People with skills and work ethic have many options.


Dude...."Union approved"???

What article is that contained in?

This @satellitedriver driver seems to no longer be in a geosynchronous orbit and is lost in somewhere in the twilight zone....
Union allows it, as long as they pay their dues.
No articles needed.
I blame UPS for this lack of professionalism.
I love the Twilight Zone.
Several episodes in the 1960's explore the stupidity of our present day.
Geosynchronous orbit is a great analogy of the union.
Stationary/stable focus from only one point of view towards our planet.
My orbit is more elliptical, based on the forces applied to it.


Never bought my own handtruck
Union allows it, as long as they pay their dues.
No articles needed.
I blame UPS for this lack of professionalism.
I love the Twilight Zone.
Several episodes in the 1960's explore the stupidity of our present day.
Geosynchronous orbit is a great analogy of the union.
Stationary/stable focus from only one point of view towards our planet.
My orbit is more elliptical, based on the forces applied to it.
I hate your guts



Well that's a good look....
I do not breakfast cereal, but tomorrow I am going to buy a box of Cheerios.


Well-Known Member
I hate your guts
The way he talks you’d think he was Johnny “long cock” satellite…. Always has to be a Mr. know it :censored2: all in every group…always has a over processed over thought out comeback for every damn thing. He probably writes it out on a piece of paper before he posts it on here for all of us to ponder his wisdom…


Damage Inc.
I saw the guy in the unmarked, blank van…packed, un organized-wearing a mask(by himself)-clueless deliver packages. Have fun $12.00; China loves you.


Inordinately Right
The whole country needs to wake up and get onboard with the PRO Act.

This legislation, when law, will prevent these Amazon's shenanigans and ensure a fair election.
There were twice as many votes against unionizing as there were in favor.

I don't think the legislation you're selling would change anything in that election.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
There were twice as many votes against unionizing as there were in favor.

I don't think the legislation you're selling would change anything in that election.

These Amazon workers that voted “No” were scared of losing their careers, it would be so easy to close that plant even if there was a collective bargaining agreement. The balance of power will always be with the Corporations, especially if you are represented by a localized small Union. Just look at our Union, it is the largest and one of the oldest in our nation, look what has happened since the Carey days. All of our hard core Unionists on this site seen what has been a cowardly, appeasing, disrespectful attitude from our negotiating committees over the last couple of UPS contracts.

These Amazon workers can analyze the current costs of what will happen if they organize, and frankly I do not fault them if they decline voting in a Union. The only way to grow any collective bargaining unit is to negotiate a strong contract that will provide real improvements in working conditions, wages, health coverages and pensions. If O’Brien’s team can get it done in 2023, the Amazon workers will be knocking at the door to get into a Collective Bargaining Unit. Right now it ain’t worth the risk.


My Senior Picture
There were twice as many votes against unionizing as there were in favor.

I don't think the legislation you're selling would change anything in that election.
Perhaps not in this particular instance, who knows?

What I do know is from my own personal hands of experience trying to organize here locally where we lost by mere percentage points, in the wake of an unequal playing field, provided by outside union busting law firms and inequitable access to the employees.

Had that not been the case, which the PRO Act would greatly reduce, I believe we would have been successful.

What is happening in Alabama is undoubtedly bringing some of these issues to the forefront of the political arena.


Inordinately Right
Perhaps not in this particular instance, who knows?

What I do know is from my own personal hands of experience trying to organize here locally where we lost by mere percentage points, in the wake of an unequal playing field, provided by outside union busting law firms and inequitable access to the employees.

Had that not been the case, which the PRO Act would greatly reduce, I believe we would have been successful.

What is happening in Alabama is undoubtedly bringing some of these issues to the forefront of the political arena.
Maybe they just don't want to be unionized....


Well-Known Member
Perhaps not in this particular instance, who knows?

What I do know is from my own personal hands of experience trying to organize here locally where we lost by mere percentage points, in the wake of an unequal playing field, provided by outside union busting law firms and inequitable access to the employees.

Had that not been the case, which the PRO Act would greatly reduce, I believe we would have been successful.

What is happening in Alabama is undoubtedly bringing some of these issues to the forefront of the political arena.
I personally like the move Amazon did with having USPS install a box on property 3 days before the vote…right under a myriad of cameras…ummmm, yeah, not fishy at


Well-Known Member
Didn't stop us from getting the Butch Lewis Act passed into law and suring up our failing pensions.

Now is the time.
Which was signed by Biden, and was part of the American Rescue Plan.
Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 219 - 212

*Do I need to mention who the Nays 212 count were? One guess, trumplicans.
You can thank this for passing because Trump lost the House, Senate and Presidency.