Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


Well-Known Member
I agree but, he wants somebody to give him a definitive answer

Not gonna happen
What i am looking for are opinions and advice from veteran UPSers who have been through contracts and strikes before. Two years ago i left a good paying job to come to UPS in hopes that it would be a good career to provide for my family. I have read a lot of threads on here about the up and coming contract and peopel keep mentioning permanent layoffs. So i am just wondering from guys who have been through contracts and strikes if they would advise guys on the bottom of the seniority list like muself should start looking for a new career. If i get laid off for a month two months then so be it i can survive through that and thats not what i am talking about i am talking about permanently being let go. I know not anybody has a definite answer as to what the future holds. Im just looking for advice.


What i am looking for are opinions and advice from veteran UPSers who have been through contracts and strikes before. Two years ago i left a good paying job to come to UPS in hopes that it would be a good career to provide for my family. I have read a lot of threads on here about the up and coming contract and peopel keep mentioning permanent layoffs. So i am just wondering from guys who have been through contracts and strikes if they would advise guys on the bottom of the seniority list like muself should start looking for a new career. If i get laid off for a month two months then so be it i can survive through that and thats not what i am talking about i am talking about permanently being let go. I know not anybody has a definite answer as to what the future holds. Im just looking for advice.

Don’t know where you are but here if you’re Layed for 1 week you can bump 2 part time jobs to get your 40 hours

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Us part timers cant get starved out when we live with mum.

we also will likely miss work for weeks at end regardless of the strike vote or preceeding government intervention.

Frankie's Friend

Do not lump me in with that maroon.
Are you now spewing hate for blacks???

Racist biggot?

Frankie's Friend

so you have been through a strike with UPS before?
Dude, he wss working there in 97 but he abandoned his coworkers on the strike line. He didnt have the stones to put in one shift to support the union who, thru collective bargaining, lined his wallet all these years.
Do you know what the word "parasite" means? Dont expect upstate "joe culler" to give you credible info. He wasnt there.

Gizzy gee

Thanks for that info i just found where it says that in my local rider of my contract book. Thats exactly the type of info i am looking for
After doing a hitch in the Navy I was a preloader for 7 yrs. I've been on strike (not fun).. I sometimes worked three jobs, donating my meager UPS PT paycheck to daycare and paying the bills with the other jobs. The benefits provided always were a major factor. Driving now 17 yrs. harassed many ways, and paid my dues in spades. That said I make more $$ and better bennies than my girlfriend and all her colleagues with Master degrees. I got news for you... It ain't easy anywhere and this job ain't for everybody. I've been here 24yrs and Im not sure it's for me still. You do what you got to do. Find a better paying job? I say suck it up.


Well-Known Member
After doing a hitch in the Navy I was a preloader for 7 yrs. I've been on strike (not fun).. I sometimes worked three jobs, donating my meager UPS PT paycheck to daycare and paying the bills with the other jobs. The benefits provided always were a major factor. Driving now 17 yrs. harassed many ways, and paid my dues in spades. That said I make more $$ and better bennies than my girlfriend and all her colleagues with Master degrees. I got news for you... It ain't easy anywhere and this job ain't for everybody. I've been here 24yrs and Im not sure it's for me still. You do what you got to do. Find a better paying job? I say suck it up.
Suck it up? Find a better paying job? What are you talking about? I dont want to find a different job UPS is the greatest job I've ever had and i genuinely enjoy everyday im out there slinging boxes. I worked three different jobs when i was on pre load. Im just trying to get some info on what it will be like once the strike ends is all. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say go find a better paying job. I make more $$$ racing this brown truck around than i have anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
Dude, he wss working there in 97 but he abandoned his coworkers on the strike line. He didnt have the stones to put in one shift to support the union who, thru collective bargaining, lined his wallet all these years.
Do you know what the word "parasite" means? Dont expect upstate "joe culler" to give you credible info. He wasnt there.
The union gave us an option to work.


File! File! File!
If we strike ill be on the line, but as a driver still in progression its been tough building up the fund. I could maybe go 4 to 5 weeks with no work but I have a feeling low seniority guys like me that dont make enough to build a good fund will need a lot more than what i have.