Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


Well-Known Member
A $200 annual deductible is chump change.
After the raise in February, a part-timer loses that raise for 57 working days before taxes just to pay his annual deductible. 3 months of extra buying power for their families to help a fund that's already making money off our backs.

That's moving backwards, not exactly how I envisioned a unionized employee working for a very profitable multi Billion dollar company


As you may or may not know, our (Upstate NY) pension plan is severely underfunded (46%). There area a group of retirees who have formed a committee to look in to any possible ways to restore full funding. One of the ideas was to organize a protest in front of the office of Assemblywoman Elise Stefanik.

Can you imagine the public backlash when they find out that we are bitching that our former $7K/month pension has been reduced to $5K/month?

There would be zero support for a strike and both the Company and Union know this all too well.

Based on the second paragraph, you're assuming that the only reason for a strike is the pension. Trust me, in the South, guys/gals will strike over this work-week issue, and more, its that important.

I don't know what criteria the company uses in deciding how many drivers are needed in centers but it doesn't seem to be taking into consideration vacations, disability/workman comp, etc.. so heavy weeks of vacation, management just pulls from the T-S list for Monday and vice versa for Saturday.

So, many of us down here don't trust the company to give us two days off once this pandora box is opened up. I need to hear more specifics with regards to this particular issue. The language is to general to ultimately settle on it yet for me.

In regards to the public, you're assuming that the public is following the actual specifics of the contract etc... That's a big assumption! Most of the public will only care about fixing the issues! I don't buy the public will not support us argument!

Even if they do, the boxes are still going to pile up and the stock is still going to go down! This is why I think the company is going to loosing up as the expiration date draws near or we are going to be working under a old contract for a long time and receive a nice retroactive paycheck!


Well-Known Member
Don't kislis to they crap. Vote No and wait for a better offer.



wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
That's why i said replacement.

You and upstate agree. Great minds think alike.

Snowflake, huh? Nice try trigger. Quit stumping for Hoffa, you guys only participate on BC during contract years and then you'll be gone.
Not a fan of Hoffa. And you’re obviously not up to speed on the union forum. But I expected no less. I don’t just disagree with people just because of an emotional instability. If someone says something correct, I’ll agree weather I like them or not. And I’ve disagreed with people I like. You must come on here once every 2 months huh?


Well-Known Member
Yeah! Some of us are Teamsters that don’t cross picket lines like scabs and don’t drink the D’s of UPS management. You’re a confused individual.

No confusion here.

I have never nor would I ever cross an active picket line; however, informational pickets are different and, yes, I have crossed several of these while on the clock.

Your last part does not merit a response.


Staff member
Or I could take a knee and take a lesser job like you did. Because you wasn't man enough to do the job

Go away Barney.
You are a loser.

How did I miss your eloquent outlook on my situation?

I believe the real loser here is the one taking part time work away from deserving employees.

You aren't man enough to give the young guys a break and a chance to make a few extra bucks.

Trust me, Barneymeister, I am perfectly fine and happy in ways you will never understand or experience.

My "lesser" job is just for grins, and nothing more.

Go back to "your" thread and leave the rest of us alone. Loser.


Staff member
Cosmo1 retired and is now working part time transporting cars for a local dealer.

You are the loser and are the one who needs to put down the bottle and go away.

Thank you, Dave, for quoting this and making me look.

Apparently we all don't bow to the post king.