Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


More insults, sad
Right and that makes sense and i could see how guys could get laid off for a while and eventually get called back. I just dont understand when i read guys talk on here about permanent lay offs. There is a difference from getting laid off and permanently laid off
If we lose enough business a lot of people with low seniority will never be called back.
It took a long time for us to get customers back after the strike of 97
I credit most of the new business to the internet.


Never bought my own handtruck
The ones who want to strike don’t realize how selfish they really are. The higher seniority have little to nothing to lose. They whine about issues that are minuscule to what lower seniority have to deal with. After a strike they won’t stand up for you. They won’t take a long term layoff to allow the lower seniority to work.

If you struck and insisted on surepost being loaded back on you’re package car instead of given away to the post office, we would have plenty of work and then some. Pay attention and open your eyes man!


Well-Known Member
If you struck and insisted on surepost being loaded back on you’re package car instead of given away to the post office, we would have plenty of work and then some. Pay attention and open your eyes man!
You can guarantee that surepost won’t go to another carrier? I never saw a drop in volume when surepost was implemented.
If you struck and insisted on surepost being loaded back on you’re package car instead of given away to the post office, we would have plenty of work and then some. Pay attention and open your eyes man!
Or at least put it on our cars Mondays and Fridays to balance out the routes. They are still paying money into our pension and health insurance. That package car isn't making any money being parked outside.
They cut us down to the bone all year then they scratch their heads wondering why peak is always a disaster.


Well-Known Member
If we lose enough business a lot of people with low seniority will never be called back.
It took a long time for us to get customers back after the strike of 97
I credit most of the new business to the internet.
So then in the case that i never get called back back, i can just bump inside the Building and work pre-load again until enough volume comes back where they need me to drive again, right? In your opinion?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
So then in the case that i never get called back back, i can just bump inside the Building and work pre-load again until enough volume comes back where they need me to drive again, right? In your opinion?
Sure you can bump into the preload as long as you have more seniority then the PT employee you are displacing.
So then in the case that i never get called back back, i can just bump inside the Building and work pre-load again until enough volume comes back where they need me to drive again, right? In your opinion?
Just depends on how much business is lost
If people ahead of you are laid off , obviously they will get the opportunity to work ahead of you.


Bad Moon Risen'
The ones who want to strike don’t realize how selfish they really are. The higher seniority have little to nothing to lose. They whine about issues that are minuscule to what lower seniority have to deal with. After a strike they won’t stand up for you. They won’t take a long term layoff to allow the lower seniority to work.
I'm number 1 on my center seniority list. I would happily give up 4 days/week for a lower seniority person to work. Just want that one punch/week to keep my pension and healthcare credit.

Frankie's Friend

The ones who want to strike don’t realize how selfish they really are. The higher seniority have little to nothing to lose. They whine about issues that are minuscule to what lower seniority have to deal with. After a strike they won’t stand up for you. They won’t take a long term layoff to allow the lower seniority to work.

You ran our diverted volume for a competitor?

Many did. The union put them to work for a teamster competitor.
So you whine about alleged upper seniority not caring about you but yet you ran our struck goods while we all walked the picket line to better everyone including fighting for pt workers to get fulltime jobs and you scum helped divert our future and present volume.
Youre scum dude. The worst kind of scab.
The upsers that crossed the picket line had more guts than you did. At least they moved ups freight in our vehicles and they were visible to their coworkers.

You helped ups lose volume and now you cry that the volume didnt materialize or come back?
Two faced scab.
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Frankie's Friend

Surepost is volume that we never would have had in the first place.
Another stupid lie.
We have caught many commercial packages going to the post office that used to be delivered by ups drivers and filed on it.
Stick to issues that you know something about.
That limits the topic margins.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Another stupid lie.
We have caught many commercial packages going to the post office that used to be delivered by ups drivers and filed on it.
Stick to issues that you know something about.
That limits the topic margins.
did upstate ever answer my question