Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


Frankie's Friend

All he did was try to switch the subject to alleged financial prowess.
He opened up the topic that bites him in the butt because as he repeatedly slams stewards and strong union members he hides the fact that if it wasnt for strong members fighting for our (and his) bennies and wages his Roth and related financial gains would not be anywhere they are today.

And that makes him a financial wizzard?
He takes union negotiated wages and pension contributions but degrades the stallwart members who fight every day to uphold the cba.
Screw him and the dead horse he rode in on as he got hired off the street ahead of real teamsters that broke their backs at 4 am unloading trailers.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
All he did was try to switch the subject to alleged financial prowess.
He opened up the topic that bites him in the butt because as he repeatedly slams stewards and strong union members he hides the fact that if it wasnt for strong members fighting for our (and his) bennies and wages his Roth and related financial gains would not be anywhere they are today.

And that makes him a financial wizzard?
He takes union negotiated wages and pension contributions but degrades the stallwart members who fight every day to uphold the cba.
Screw him and the dead horse he rode in on as he got hired off the street ahead of real teamsters that broke their backs at 4 am unloading trailers.
i think something happened


Well-Known Member
So you whine about alleged upper seniority not caring about you but yet you ran our struck goods while we all walked the picket line to better everyone including fighting for pt workers to get fulltime jobs and you scum helped divert our future and present volume.
Youre scum dude. The worst kind of scab.
The upsers that crossed the picket line had more guts than you did. At least they moved ups freight in our vehicles and they were visible to their coworkers.

You helped ups lose volume and now you cry that the volume didnt materialize or come back?
Two faced scab.
The union put people to work. So you are saying the union supported scabs?

Frankie's Friend

Probably not at that time. But nobody knows what will happen in the future. We only know what could happen. Ups lost future promised volume in 1997. They still haven’t gotten it yet.
Thats why our volume is 50% higher than the 97 average daily volume?
List the large accounts we were "promised". This will be full of speculation and suppositions.


Well-Known Member
I'm number 1 on my center seniority list. I would happily give up 4 days/week for a lower seniority person to work. Just want that one punch/week to keep my pension and healthcare credit.
So would I. But sorry, it’s all or none. Can you get the top 10 drivers do it 5 days a week?

Frankie's Friend

Anyone that eroded our strength by scabbing struck goods during the 97 work stoppage should have had their union cards pulled.
Go work for the people you prostituted yourself to.
We dont need or want you.
You are not a teamster.


Victory Ride
The union put people to work. So you are saying the union supported scabs?

@burrheadd figure this out

Gizzy gee

Suck it up? Find a better paying job? What are you talking about? I dont want to find a different job UPS is the greatest job I've ever had and i genuinely enjoy everyday im out there slinging boxes. I worked three different jobs when i was on pre load. Im just trying to get some info on what it will be like once the strike ends is all. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say go find a better paying job. I make more $$$ racing this brown truck around than i have anywhere else.
I meant no offense...a strike is scary, financially and emotionally. I meant you have to "suck it up", don't panic and stick together. Nothing worse than a scab. Thank God for the Teamsters.

Frankie's Friend

The diehard strike baiters should put themselves in other people’s shoes. Look at things as if they were one of the bottom 5 in seniority. I need to work and won’t be on the picket line for more than 1 day.

No, I picketed everyday of the strike. Never once set foot inside the gates of a UPS facility.
Your stories.
Keep digging yourself a deeper hole dude.


Wow, this sums up the yes strike mentality on here.

I wouldn't call it a mentality but a strong desire to see the Company held accountable! The problem is what is the criteria or standard we should use to coming to a decision with a new contract!

Past contracts, personal situation, profitability, and many more.....???? I don't have a ton of full-time seniority but somebody has to keep this company accountable!

I agree that emotions rather than reason gets the best of me sometimes but at the end of the day we have thousands of teamsters who might vote no based on one issue, or a multitude of issues or just out of pure hatred and disgust for how they have been treated over the years or because it is just a bad contract, which there is such a thing! Im just glad I have that freedom!

Guys and gals will always have this mentality, to use your word, as long as they see this Company profitable! Do you think there ever is a legitimate reason to strike? And if so what criteria are you using to come to that decision?