I'm coming up on my SS time in the next few months. I'm living fine on the pension. I considered (considering) not taking SS right away, but the CPA says don't even think about it. I think I'm gonna take it at 62. I was considering waiting another year for another 8%, but I'm told it may not be another 8% until after full retirement age. I think it'll be 62.
Personally, I'm in that exact same boat. I don't need it, but it's just the thought I may not live that long life to break even if I wait till 67. Thought is, what If I wait till 67 and die at 70? Along with sad, I think I'd feel stupid if death were not immediate. I think it's along the same lines as these guys who work for 45 years so they can triple dip. Might be okay if you leave to 100 years healthy. But what a stupid move if you retire for 3 healthy years and health declines rapidly to death.
Just my thought.
Gonna take it at 62 also. Take the questions out of it and you have your answer . The day they will pay you , whether it is a pension , social security , whatever , take the money and run. We can ask what if , what about , if I wait , all day." Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - Lennon
I waited until I was 65. Once you hit 65 you go on Medicare. Now they take your Medicare payment directly from your
social security. If you're not collecting your social security you need to send the government a check every 3 months to
cover your Medicare until you start collecting your social security.
I didn't want to do that. By having your Medicare taken directly from your social security check you never really
miss it anyway. So I sort of got the best of both. I got the 8% boost a year for 3 years and then at 65 i started collecting
and had the Medicare paid for out of my check.
Yes i know there is always the health issue. We can all fall over dead tomorrow. But my health is excellent, Thank you God,
and waiting for those 3 years gave me a nice little boost. No one ever mentions collecting at 65. They always talk
about 66 or 67 or 70. To me 65 gives you the best of both worlds. A little boost and never having to send in
a check to cover your Medicare.