APWA is controlled by a Union-busting Lawyer


OK I won't respond to all the BS previously posted here but I will elaborate on a few things:

The way I witnessed Mgmt posting the cards in our locker room was this: I arrived for work at 2:30 a.m. Monday morning and went directly to punch in then down to our locker room. The locker room is accessible only by key because many Feeder drivers keep their radios and such in there. As I was entering the locker room, a p/t supervisor (identifiable by the red polo type shirts they were but of course with no nametag) was leaving. In his hand he had a stack of white cards. I didn't think anything of it until I went to my locker in the back of the room and there was one of those white cards in the door. That's when I recognized it as a card-check for the AWPA, an organization I had never heard of. I laughed at the time because it seemed ludicrous to me that the company could seriously think they could get us to ditch the Teamsters in mid-contract negotiations. So I took all the other cards and trashed them. I did not witness Mgmt putting them in package cars, but I was told drivers found the card-checks and a flier in their cars (just as I originally posted). I don't know who this p/t sup was, and I am relatively new to this building so I know very few people other than those in my immediate work area. I don't know what more conclusive proof you can ask for. Now that I now what to look for you can bet I will whip out my camera phone if I witness such an event again.

I'm sorry your Central States pension is in such sorry shape. I'm in the Western Conference and we are doing more than fine. I have nothing against multi-employer pension plans because just as diversifying you portfolio reduces your risk, so does spreading money from many employers. Multi-employer plans allow all Teamsters, and we are all brothers, to enjoy a pension. You might remember how Freight carried us back in the 70's and so we are supporting them now. UPS might not always be so high on the hog. I think you CS people will be pleasantly surprised when negotiations are complete. I know it has been an effort to 'fix' the central states for some time. UPS has been making bank in these last 5 years so it will be hard to justify not allocating more toward CS pensions.

I know if I was in the CS, I would take some personal responsiblity and go to the heart of unionism. I would organize my fellow workers to do informational pickets and 'send the company a message' through work slowdowns, T-shirt wearing, and other such mediums. I would do this outside of the Union because the Union can be sued for such actions. The Union would have to disavow your actions because of the legal liability, but believe me they would be secretly cheering you. The power of the Union is not Jim Hoffa, it is each and every one of you standing up together.

Lastly, this is an internet forum and I am no stranger to forums. I realize that anyone here could be a UPS employee, UPS management, and just Joe Blow off the street. Some people have this weird fascination of trying to 'troll' on the internet and create controversy. I am not one of those people. I take everything I read here with a grain of salt. For all I know, Brown Cafe could be management created for there is really no info on here as to who is behind it and the domain name is registered out of Atlanta Georgia and the IP is only 16 miles from UPS Corporate HQ.

Speaking of domain names, if you look up APWA, it's located in Bethesda MD, quite a hike from North Carolina but rather close for the not-so-honorable Francis T. Coleman. The listed owner, Warren Weitzman, turns up a not so flattering resume of being a spammer. Quite interesting.

Personally, I think the APWA could promise everyone a BMW and their own personal covered parking spot at work. It has about as much weight as what they are promising now. No background, no power, no experience (other than union-busting).... why not!


Senior Member
Satellitedrive, the only reason you would get 700 a month with 25 years service in the central states area is I'm guessing that you were under the part time company controlled plan when you started. All those years full time prior to the end of 2003 were paying at a rate of 100 dollars for every vested year. From my understanding the years after 2003 are penalized that 6 percent for every year before the age of 62, so your totals do not make sense.

I have never been part time.
Yes, all years vested before 2003 are $100.00 each all years after that are vested at $56.00.
The 6% deduction for each year under the age of 62 applies to your total pension. This is explained on the CS website under the retirement projection section.
Here is how my numbers shake down, taken directly from my personal info with CS.
I will be 58 after 25yrs service. My pension will be $2407.00. Deduct 24%( 6% per year) from that= 1829.32. Now deduct 15% if I choose my wife to get my pension after my death=$1554.92. Deduct 15% for income tax= $1321.68. Deduct $560.00 for CS insurance= $761.68.
So my net pension after 25 yrs is $761.68 and my wife will recieve 1/2 of that when I die.
It is not that my totals do not make sense. It is that this total is far too small for the average worker to be able to retire on.
Also, you are not allowed to work at any job for more than 80 hrs a month and the jobs you can do are highly restricted before the age of 65.
Plan, save and invest for your own future.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Lastly, this is an internet forum and I am no stranger to forums. I realize that anyone here could be a UPS employee, UPS management, and just Joe Blow off the street. Some people have this weird fascination of trying to 'troll' on the internet and create controversy. I am not one of those people. I take everything I read here with a grain of salt. For all I know, Brown Cafe could be management created for there is really no info on here as to who is behind it and the domain name is registered out of Atlanta Georgia and the IP is only 16 miles from UPS Corporate HQ.

The Brown Cafe is not ran out of Atlanta, it is ran out of California. You should get your facts straight before making stuff like this up.


Senior Member
I'm sorry your Central States pension is in such sorry shape. I'm in the Western Conference and we are doing more than fine. I have nothing against multi-employer pension plans because just as diversifying you portfolio reduces your risk, so does spreading money from many employers. Multi-employer plans allow all Teamsters, and we are all brothers, to enjoy a pension.

I do not diversify my portfolio by investing in stocks that only drain away from my total return.
I only have 4 brothers and 1 sister. None of them demand and require me to contribute 60% of my benefits contributed for me by the company I work for so they can enjoy a pension.
I am a UPS driver and I only want UPS employees to get 100% of the benefits earned by our work.
I could care less about other company employees. If their individual companies can not provide the promised benefits, to bad for them.


Browncafe Steward
So you would give $8 dollars an hour (roughly) back to the company, except less medical coverage,and job security for a little extra when you retire? Lets not forget who got us what we have and ups didnt give it to us without the teamsters. Would you leave your wife, brother,sister,mother, or father when times got a little tough or would you stand with them and see them through the tough times?


Senior Member
So you would give $8 dollars an hour (roughly) back to the company, except less medical coverage,and job security for a little extra when you retire? Lets not forget who got us what we have and ups didnt give it to us without the teamsters. Would you leave your wife, brother,sister,mother, or father when times got a little tough or would you stand with them and see them through the tough times?
Where did the $8.00 give away come from?
My family has come through many tough times and always with mutual support.
To use your analogy of family, I would say I belong to the clan UPS not the clan teamster. The teamsters giveth and the teamsters taketh away.


Well-Known Member
The Brown Cafe is not ran out of Atlanta, it is ran out of California. You should get your facts straight before making stuff like this up.

Scratch is correct. A lot of us have been here from the beginning/yahoo boards
UPS has been making bank in these last 5 years so it will be hard to justify not allocating more toward CS pensions.

UPS has contributed enough money to give me a decent pension... but do I? . Im not gonna let them throw more money at it.
I know if I was in the CS, I would take some personal responsiblity and go to the heart of unionism. I would organize my fellow workers to do informational pickets and 'send the company a message'

Should be send CS a message ..LOL


Well-Known Member
OK I won't respond to all the BS previously posted here but I will elaborate on a few things:

The way I witnessed Mgmt posting the cards in our locker room was this: I arrived for work at 2:30 a.m. Monday morning and went directly to punch in then down to our locker room. The locker room is accessible only by key because many Feeder drivers keep their radios and such in there. As I was entering the locker room, a p/t supervisor (identifiable by the red polo type shirts they were but of course with no nametag) was leaving. In his hand he had a stack of white cards. I didn't think anything of it until I went to my locker in the back of the room and there was one of those white cards in the door. That's when I recognized it as a card-check for the AWPA, an organization I had never heard of. I laughed at the time because it seemed ludicrous to me that the company could seriously think they could get us to ditch the Teamsters in mid-contract negotiations. So I took all the other cards and trashed them. I did not witness Mgmt putting them in package cars, but I was told drivers found the card-checks and a flier in their cars (just as I originally posted). I don't know who this p/t sup was, and I am relatively new to this building so I know very few people other than those in my immediate work area. I don't know what more conclusive proof you can ask for. Now that I now what to look for you can bet I will whip out my camera phone if I witness such an event again.

I'm sorry your Central States pension is in such sorry shape. I'm in the Western Conference and we are doing more than fine. I have nothing against multi-employer pension plans because just as diversifying you portfolio reduces your risk, so does spreading money from many employers. Multi-employer plans allow all Teamsters, and we are all brothers, to enjoy a pension. You might remember how Freight carried us back in the 70's and so we are supporting them now. UPS might not always be so high on the hog. I think you CS people will be pleasantly surprised when negotiations are complete. I know it has been an effort to 'fix' the central states for some time. UPS has been making bank in these last 5 years so it will be hard to justify not allocating more toward CS pensions.

I know if I was in the CS, I would take some personal responsiblity and go to the heart of unionism. I would organize my fellow workers to do informational pickets and 'send the company a message' through work slowdowns, T-shirt wearing, and other such mediums. I would do this outside of the Union because the Union can be sued for such actions. The Union would have to disavow your actions because of the legal liability, but believe me they would be secretly cheering you. The power of the Union is not Jim Hoffa, it is each and every one of you standing up together.

Lastly, this is an internet forum and I am no stranger to forums. I realize that anyone here could be a UPS employee, UPS management, and just Joe Blow off the street. Some people have this weird fascination of trying to 'troll' on the internet and create controversy. I am not one of those people. I take everything I read here with a grain of salt. For all I know, Brown Cafe could be management created for there is really no info on here as to who is behind it and the domain name is registered out of Atlanta Georgia and the IP is only 16 miles from UPS Corporate HQ.

Speaking of domain names, if you look up APWA, it's located in Bethesda MD, quite a hike from North Carolina but rather close for the not-so-honorable Francis T. Coleman. The listed owner, Warren Weitzman, turns up a not so flattering resume of being a spammer. Quite interesting.

Personally, I think the APWA could promise everyone a BMW and their own personal covered parking spot at work. It has about as much weight as what they are promising now. No background, no power, no experience (other than union-busting).... why not!
From what you have said, I can only deduce that you are a business agent or a part time employee. A full time package car driver would not come to work at 2:30 in the morning. Are you a BA and afraid that your big salary and secure pension is in jeopardy if the APWA succeeds in replacing the Teamsters? I have seen and heard about the tactics the Teamsters use to intimidate the UPS employees into believing the propaganda that they spew. How did you manage to remove all the cards from the lockers when in all probability some of them were locked? Also, you were trespassing by going into lockers that weren't yours. Care to explain this? Your post sounds like another feeble attempt from the Teamsters to spread more lies!!!!


First of all, if you had bothered to read some of my posts you would see that I am a Feeder driver. I was a steward for 8 years but since there is no need right now I have stepped down. I have never been a business agent.

The cards were stuck in the locker doors with an edge protruding. No 'trespassing' necessary.

Please elaborate upon what 'tactics' you refer to. We do no such thing in my local.

And what I stated was that the DOMAIN name for Browncafe is registered as being owned by a company in Atlanta Georgia. This is public information anyone can research at Web Hosting, web site design and domains from Network Solutions (click on WhoIs). Map the IP and it comes out to downtown Atlanta. Map UPS Corporate HQ (55 Glenlake parkway) and do a directions search, bingo 16 miles from UPS corporate HQ, almost a direct route up highway 400. Coincidence? I think not.
Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
You are not understanding what you are posting. You are suggesting that this discussion board is somehow being run by UPS. It is not. I am a Moderator and Cheryl, the administrator who started and still runs Brown Cafe, is in California. The IP domain address you are talking about means that company originally owned that name and resold it to who runs it now. The correct current IP address is based in California. I am in Atlanta and I am a Package Driver who has never set foot in UPS Corporate. Brown Cafe is run out of California by a private individual who does websites.


Well-Known Member
The Brown Cafe is not ran out of Atlanta, it is ran out of California. You should get your facts straight before making stuff like this up.

scratch, he is just another teamster plant blowhard that doesn't know crap only what he hears and makes up, like the pt/sup passing out the cards, as far as I know the mailings haven't gone to Az. yet, plus there are legalities that would have been broken had management done this, and as I said the company wouldn't need someone to set up a new union if they wanted to get rid of the teamsters, and if they wanted it, it would been done by now


I started this.
Staff member
First of all, if you had bothered to read some of my posts you would see that I am a Feeder driver. I was a steward for 8 years but since there is no need right now I have stepped down. I have never been a business agent.

The cards were stuck in the locker doors with an edge protruding. No 'trespassing' necessary.

Please elaborate upon what 'tactics' you refer to. We do no such thing in my local.

And what I stated was that the DOMAIN name for Browncafe is registered as being owned by a company in Atlanta Georgia. This is public information anyone can research at Web Hosting, web site design and domains from Network Solutions (click on WhoIs). Map the IP and it comes out to downtown Atlanta. Map UPS Corporate HQ (55 Glenlake parkway) and do a directions search, bingo 16 miles from UPS corporate HQ, almost a direct route up highway 400. Coincidence? I think not.
Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.
LOL :lol:

Since I am in CA and have owned this domain since I originally registered it in 1999 I give my personal guarantee that the information in your post which states that this domain is owned by a company in Atlanta is flat out wrong. I don't know why you posted that... Do you have some kind of subversive agenda towards this website or are you just really confused?

BTW, looking up a website ip address doesn't really tell you anything about where the site is managed, designed or administrated. Many sites use Shared web hosting service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This site has had at least 4 different ips in the last 7+ years and I have no idea where any of them were physically located or even if the ips the virtual hosting companies assigned to it had anything to do with server locations.

The ip we currently use is assigned from A Small Orange - Web Hosting, Software and more!, if you think that they have anything to do with UPS then look them up too...


Explain what I have copy/pasted below then. I don't think it takes 8 years to update WHOIS info....

Current Registrar:SPOT DOMAIN LLC DBA DOMAINSITE.COM IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search) IP Location:US(UNITED STATES)-GEORGIA-ATLANTA Record Type:Domain Name Server Type:Apache 1 Lock Status:clientDeleteProhibited Web Site Status:Active DMOZ 1 listings Y! Directory: see listings Web Site Title:Brown Cafe: UPS info for UPSers Meta Description:UPS news, stock information, financials, discussion boards and links related to UPS. Not affiliated with United Parcel Service. Meta Keywords:ups, united parcel, package car, ups driver, upsers Secure:No E-commerce:Yes Traffic Ranking:4 Data as of:12-Sep-2006

ARIN Details

browncafe.com Type:
IP Address
OrgName: Global Net Access, LLC OrgID: GNAL-2Address: 55 Marietta St, NWAddress: Suite 1720City: AtlantaStateProv: GAPostalCode: 30303Country: USReferralServer: rwhois://rwhois.gnax.net:4321NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: GNAXNETNetHandle: NET-207-210-64-0-1Parent: NET-207-0-0-0-0NetType: Direct AllocationNameServer: DNS1.GNAX.NETNameServer: DNS2.GNAX.NETComment: RegDate: 2005-04-12Updated: 2006-01-09OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE745-ARINOrgAbuseName: GNAX ABUSE OrgAbusePhone: +1-404-230-9150 OrgAbuseEmail: abuse @ gnax.net OrgTechHandle: ENGIN7-ARINOrgTechName: GNAX ENGINEERING OrgTechPhone: +1-404-230-9150OrgTechEmail: engineering @ gnax.net


Browncafe Steward
Where did the $8.00 give away come from?
My family has come through many tough times and always with mutual support.
To use your analogy of family, I would say I belong to the clan UPS not the clan teamster. The teamsters giveth and the teamsters taketh away.

I was just taking a wild unfounded guess as to what we would be earning without the teamsters bargaining it on our behalf. Fedex is a little over $20 an hour so i was comparing us to them, most of us go to work and dont need the support of the union, but its nice to know that were a just cause employee and not an at will employee, and if needed the union is there for us.


I started this.
Staff member
And your personal guarantee is worth the paper you printed it on Cheryl. Lets have full disclosure.
Nice try with the cut and paste, it's almost believable if you have little understanding or experience with domains and websites. I don't know if you're our old troll here under yet another name just slinging accusations to cause trouble or if you're for real.

Either way what you don't seem to understand is that Domainsite is the registrar that I used to register the domain name, not the owner of the domain... The ip address was randomly assigned and has nothing to do with the website location. Please note that we have had 3 ips in the past 2 years according to the official whois information. None of the ips had anything to do with this site, they were all assigned by different shared hosting services. That's all public record too...


What I cut and pasted is exactly what came up when I plugged your domain into Network Solutions WHOIS. No trolling here, it looked suspicious to me. Suspicious enough to ask for full disclosure since background info seems to be lacking on your site. It's interesting that when I plug my own domain name into either site my info comes up, complete with the right IP address.
Well I'm satisfied that you are based in California and not Atlanta, but unfortunately that doesn't prove anything as far as who is really behind the site other than what you say. It could be UPS, Teamsters, APWA, TDU, or even Fed Ex. It's easy for anyone to misrepresent themselves on the WWW. I'll take this site as entertainment just like anything else.