APWA is controlled by a Union-busting Lawyer


Well-Known Member
OH and I'm for real, not some old troll. I'll be around as long as this site amuses me.

Why should you expect us to believe that you're not a troll when you act like a pompous a..?

Maybe you should have spent some time in here to realize what kind of a community this is before you claim the evil empire of UPS is big brothering you.:cool:

Periscope down and full speed ahead.

Now we are being amusing!!:lol:




I started this.
Staff member
OH and I'm for real, not some old troll. I'll be around as long as this site amuses me.

Play nice or go away, you can express any opinion about any topic you wish but I don't appreciate your hostility towards me or anyone else in our community.

Maybe you should read the terms of servce again...


Well-Known Member
Why should you expect us to believe that you're not a troll when you act like a pompous a..?

Maybe you should have spent some time in here to realize what kind of a community this is before you claim the evil empire of UPS is big brothering you.:cool:

Periscope down and full speed ahead.

Now we are being amusing!!:lol:



He has some valid points and is entitled to speak his mind on these boards. We all know the honchos in Atlanta browse these boards and even my Center Manager has spoken about them. It really wouldnt be a surpise to me if Eskew himself was a moderater on these boards. We do have a freedom of speech in this country to speak about topic at the workplace and all they can do is read them. As long as Submarine stays within the terms of the brown cafe board, he can say whatever he wants.


Browncafe Steward
I bet you work alot harder than your BA too ? I used the word "Work" loosely ! He also has better beni`s than you too + use of a car. Not a truck :-)
we phycisally work harder than a ups ba, but the hours those bas put in are insane. They take a huge pay cut to represent the members, so they do it for the love of the union not for the money. Most ups bas go under the nmfa for their medical which is alot worse than the bcbs or aetna medicalthey received as ups employees. They should be intitled to either the use of a car or to write if their expenses for their car, why not?


Well-Known Member
He has some valid points and is entitled to speak his mind on these boards.

Never said otherwise. Personally I didn't agree with his approach to attacking a community based board because he's paranoid.
Just speaking my mind.:thumbup1:

We all know the honchos in Atlanta browse these boards and even my Center Manager has spoken about them.

Your point?

It really wouldnt be a surpise to me if Eskew himself was a moderater on these boards.

And I thought Sub was paranoid!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

We do have a freedom of speech in this country to speak about topic at the workplace and all they can do is read them. As long as Submarine stays within the terms of the brown cafe board, he can say whatever he wants.

Again, I'm just expressing my opinions as well...Right on Brother!!


I've been out of the game for the last year or so due to a divorce. Two weeks ago I came into work early in the morning and noticed someone from management had placed card checks into all of our lockers from the APWA (and later I was told there were flyers in the cabs of the package cars). Well I tossed those but did a little research on the APWA via their website.

Sorry about you divorce buddy, it's surprising that someone with your magnetic personality would have difficulty in a personal relationship. After reading your previous posts I think it's funny that you brag about your internet research skills.

And what I stated was that the DOMAIN name for Browncafe is registered as being owned by a company in Atlanta Georgia. This is public information anyone can research at Web Hosting, web site design and domains from Network Solutions (click on WhoIs). Map the IP and it comes out to downtown Atlanta. Map UPS Corporate HQ (55 Glenlake parkway) and do a directions search, bingo 16 miles from UPS corporate HQ, almost a direct route up highway 400. Coincidence? I think not.
Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.

I did try it and the information that you posted was a lie.


Post your cut and paste and prove that then. I posted what I came up with, even repeated it several times.

I'm really not interested in making friends at this forum. It's the internet and forums are just for entertainment purposes.


I started this.
Staff member
Hey retired, while I appreciate that you've got my back I would also appreciate it if you would stop the personal jabs at submarine. We can all behave better than this...

submarine, I don't think that you understand the standards of our community here. If you don't intend to treat all of our members with respect then you should find another forum. You really are starting to sound like our old troll.


If you are new here and don't know me then what is your problem with me?


I started this.
Staff member
I apologize for hijacking this thread and invite submarine to contact me by email or private message.

Back on topic please.


adirondack man
First of all, if you had bothered to read some of my posts you would see that I am a Feeder driver. I was a steward for 8 years but since there is no need right now I have stepped down. I have never been a business agent.

The cards were stuck in the locker doors with an edge protruding. No 'trespassing' necessary.

Please elaborate upon what 'tactics' you refer to. We do no such thing in my local.

And what I stated was that the DOMAIN name for Browncafe is registered as being owned by a company in Atlanta Georgia. This is public information anyone can research at Web Hosting, web site design and domains from Network Solutions (click on WhoIs). Map the IP and it comes out to downtown Atlanta. Map UPS Corporate HQ (55 Glenlake parkway) and do a directions search, bingo 16 miles from UPS corporate HQ, almost a direct route up highway 400. Coincidence? I think not.
Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.
Sounds to me like you may be one of the nervous IBT rank and file, who stands to loose alot when the APWA takes over representing the fine UPS employees who no its time to jump ship before we sink like you submarine!:lol:


Hmmmm, it seems to me that if the APWA could deliver any of their promises, why would I be nervous? It they 'take over' you and I will cease to have a job as we know it so everyone should be nervous. Can you say "at will employment?" How about 1997's "Last, Best, and Final Offer" implemented unilaterally?


adirondack man
Hmmmm, it seems to me that if the APWA could deliver any of their promises, why would I be nervous? It they 'take over' you and I will cease to have a job as we know it so everyone should be nervous. Can you say "at will employment?" How about 1997's "Last, Best, and Final Offer" implemented unilaterally?
If you believe if the teamsters our ousted you will loose your job you our brain dead.But i gurentee you the IBT will be out of buisness.The only other way you would loose your job is if you our one of the fine lazy useless workers that in my opion would be no loss the union or UPS!


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, it seems to me that if the APWA could deliver any of their promises, why would I be nervous? It they 'take over' you and I will cease to have a job as we know it so everyone should be nervous. Can you say "at will employment?" How about 1997's "Last, Best, and Final Offer" implemented unilaterally?
Please explain why I will loose my job if the Teamsters are voted out. It would definitely change my outlook.


Senior Member
Hmmmm, it seems to me that if the APWA could deliver any of their promises, why would I be nervous? It they 'take over' you and I will cease to have a job as we know it so everyone should be nervous. Can you say "at will employment?" How about 1997's "Last, Best, and Final Offer" implemented unilaterally?
Keep on posting.
You are a better representive for change to APWA from the teamsters than any APWA supporter can be.
I have never heard the term " at will employment". Please do explain that to me.
And Yeah, how about 1997? Great year for the teamsters. Bad year and all years that followed for UPS employees.


Senior Member
I apologize for hijacking this thread and invite submarine to contact me by email or private message.

Back on topic please.
No apology necessary, at least to me.
He and all of his ilk take care of themselves through their own words and actions. It is kind of amusing to see someone get hung with their own rope.


Well-Known Member
No apology necessary, at least to me.
He and all of his ilk take care of themselves through their own words and actions. It is kind of amusing to see someone get hung with their own rope.
Rope, did you say rope, I have some extra you can have. And I'll help with the hanging.:lol:


Oooh, lots of personal attacks going on, heck even threatened physical, but Cheryl is strangely absent. Keeps my suspicions about the origin of this forum alive anyway.

"Lose" is spelled with one 'o' by the way, "loose" is the opposite of "tight". Not bitching about typos, but that seems to be a common spelling mistake.

Yes if by some odds defying way the Teamsters were voted out you can say goodbye to your jobs. APWA has no power, no history, and no backing. Striking is now not an option. So the company could easily neutralize the APWA and implement provisions they wanted to do in 1997.

What the company wants is to change the basic structure of your jobs to that of Fedex: where you load in the morning, drive or drive then unload. They do that by eliminating any new regular full time driver positions (hey, anyone think this could be Cover Drivers?). Now the separations start, either by discipline, early buyout, or simply working you to death til you quit. Think they can't easily go the discipline route? You have no more 3 tiered grievance process as you did under the Teamsters, if you have one at all (no mention of the grievance process on the APWA site).
So what are you going to do? You're a driver who may have his degree but might not. No other company is offering the pay and benefits you had so you either try to get into Fedex before everyone else beats you or maybe UPS 'allows' you to re-apply for your job again at the new pay and benefit rate, and of course new work rules. Congratulations!

"At will employment" is the same thing as what Right to Work (for less) states have. You basically work at the will of the employer and they can fire you anytime for no reason, for good reason, but not for a bad reason if you are willing to sue. So pretty much you are screwed.