Hello everyone!
I would like to add my 2cents. First I have been a pkg driver for 14 yrs and I was part-time for 6 yrs before that. I have been a steward for about 18 of those yrs. To the person who is in the West and has had no problem with their pension, I very thankful you haven't, but I would say it should be quite disturbing that it has happened to your brothers and sisters in brown anywhere. If they would do it to the largest group i.,e, Cental States why would anyone think their's is safe, other than the fear of seeing "the golden goose" take flight/pressure from the parcel workers union?
As far as referring to one of the attorney's as being a union buster etc...Have you checked the Teamster President's former employment? Yes he worked for an employee attorney firm to my knowledge. He certainly never drove a brown truck, and neither did the parcel director!
As I stated I have been a steward for 18yrs. and I can tell you I am tired of having to fight both sides all the time. We work too hard to have the lame duck pension the current union has thrown at us, as well as the poor representaion. Of course one could say vote in new people in the local, and I will tell you we have, but just like the book the Animal Farm, new faces same results. It is in my opinion, that there is too much corruption and politics in the Teamsters for us to get a fair shake. From the first steward seminar I went to about 18 yrs ago, the Teamster officials say the same thing about UPS, "The Golden Goose that lays the golden eggs", and so far they have showed that is their greatest concern with those of us in brown.
I will say I know many good Teamster reps., that have been greatly helpful to me in the past, granted they are few and far between, but for those it will greatly pain me if the "Golden Goose" has to take flight and seek a better nest for her eggs, because they shared info w/me and taught me alot when our own local would not.
When I say few and far between I am speaking from my opinion and experience, so please take it for what it's worth, but I can assure you I have been in the trenches for 18yrs and not just a steward by title. I care about every one of our workers, and imho if one is being wronged WE ALL ARE BEING WRONGED!
Back to one of the Atty's for the Parcel Workers being a Union buster, he has been hired to my knowledge for a sepcific purpose, and when that purpose is finished and his expertise in labor law is not needed he will go his way.
If we do choose to have our own union, the Teamsters can either learn from a very major screw up and get better or they can keep making lame exscuses, and mismanaging the members funds, and maintain the mentality that we work for them rather than vice versa. As my dentist says, if you ignore your teeth, they will go away, same applies to a union and it's members
As far as the company being behind it I have to laugh, because once it is organized if it is organized, then the men and women in Brown will make it work, and the right way. We're not as stupid as some would have us believe.
I appreciate the chance to air my views.
Peace and God bless!