APWA is controlled by a Union-busting Lawyer


Engineer i have looked up how much my local 705 bas make, and the starting salary for a ups ba is $60,000. I made a hell of alot more than that last year, we see our ba 2 to 3 times a week, and they fall under the nmfa medical plan, $50 per prescriptions, a higher deductible and can only see certain doctors. Now ask yourself would you give up what you have now for that thankless job, no matter what you do people come on here and other websites to complain that your not doing enough. When the fact is us (the members) arent doing what we should be to help enforce the contract. **** or get off the pot.

Don't BA's generally draw more then one salary? I know ours makes close to 200 K when you throw everything together.


First of all, if you had bothered to read some of my posts you would see that I am a Feeder driver. I was a steward for 8 years but since there is no need right now I have stepped down. I have never been a business agent.

The cards were stuck in the locker doors with an edge protruding. No 'trespassing' necessary.

much more likely that the p/t sup was removing flyers not placing them. Our management folks are told to retrieve and discard union pamplets not found in approved areas.


Well-Known Member
Satellitedrive, the only reason you would get 700 a month with 25 years service in the central states area is I'm guessing that you were under the part time company controlled plan when you started. All those years full time prior to the end of 2003 were paying at a rate of 100 dollars for every vested year. From my understanding the years after 2003 are penalized that 6 percent for every year before the age of 62, so your totals do not make sense.

I have never been part time.
Yes, all years vested before 2003 are $100.00 each all years after that are vested at $56.00.
The 6% deduction for each year under the age of 62 applies to your total pension. This is explained on the CS website under the retirement projection section.
Here is how my numbers shake down, taken directly from my personal info with CS.
I will be 58 after 25yrs service. My pension will be $2407.00. Deduct 24%( 6% per year) from that= 1829.32. Now deduct 15% if I choose my wife to get my pension after my death=$1554.92. Deduct 15% for income tax= $1321.68. Deduct $560.00 for CS insurance= $761.68.
So my net pension after 25 yrs is $761.68 and my wife will recieve 1/2 of that when I die.
It is not that my totals do not make sense. It is that this total is far too small for the average worker to be able to retire on.
Also, you are not allowed to work at any job for more than 80 hrs a month and the jobs you can do are highly restricted before the age of 65.
Plan, save and invest for your own future.

I could be wrong, but I checked and reconfirmed with CS, and the vested years before 2003 are frozen at the 100 per month per year...


Well-Known Member
I try and stay out of fights, but I’ll just say this. As far as the “union busting lawyer” stuff goes, if I need a lawyer, I’ll look for a good experienced one. Example, when I was a police officer I found the best defense lawyers to be former prosecutors. Most of the top criminal defense law firms hire retired police officers to conduct investigations. I know one attorney specializing in personal injury cases, he began his law career working for a major insurance company.

Lawyers work for their clients, if I’m the client I want a good lawyer. One that has been on both sides of the fence wouldn’t be a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Engineer i have looked up how much my local 705 bas make, and the starting salary for a ups ba is $60,000. I made a hell of alot more than that last year, we see our ba 2 to 3 times a week, and they fall under the nmfa medical plan, $50 per prescriptions, a higher deductible and can only see certain doctors. Now ask yourself would you give up what you have now for that thankless job, no matter what you do people come on here and other websites to complain that your not doing enough. When the fact is us (the members) arent doing what we should be to help enforce the contract. **** or get off the pot.

It may be that way with BA in Chicago, but in the 391 in NC, BA get $80,000, an expense account, car allowance, gas paid for, and who knows what else, and this is in the Central States territory were our pension and health care have been cut.
Oh, and our particular BA is in line for two pension checks also, from his BA job and being on the national negotiating comity.


Actually, I'm more secure in my job now than ever. Our current contract is the best ever and I am reaping the benefits. I found this website while I was searching for apwa related stuff.

I believe this is all a smoke screen to facilitate UPS withdrawing from the multi-employer pension plans. Sure they will promise the moon, but make no mistake that would be the first step toward dismantling our pensions.
All i can say is that if the teamsters control the pension from here on out - The trend of the funding is proof enough in the pudding ! Central States -New England - New York City fund all under performing due to the incompetence of our fearless and most of the time "Useless" Teamsters. Looks like the best contract meaning higher wages was a trade off for the imcompetence of our retirement security. Talk about time to trim the fat have you seen some of the BA`s lately ? Jenny Craig is not their best friend !


Staff member
Seems to me Submarine took a lot of hits before he started firing back, but I guess that was OK by the moderators.

He was quite knowledgable in other threads. Hope you cop wannabes didn't ban him.


I started this.
Staff member
Seems to me Submarine took a lot of hits before he started firing back, but I guess that was OK by the moderators.

He was quite knowledgable in other threads. Hope you cop wannabes didn't ban him.
over, If you had seen the offensive posts he made that were quickly deleted I believe you would have a different opinion. I only saw some of them, there were several that were already deleted before I had a chance to see them. I have seen the private messages and they were so offensive that it has been suggested that law enforcement get involved. Although he is knowledgable, this person is pretty disturbed...


Senior Member
I try and stay out of fights, but I’ll just say this. As far as the “union busting lawyer” stuff goes, if I need a lawyer, I’ll look for a good experienced one. Example, when I was a police officer I found the best defense lawyers to be former prosecutors. Most of the top criminal defense law firms hire retired police officers to conduct investigations. I know one attorney specializing in personal injury cases, he began his law career working for a major insurance company.

Lawyers work for their clients, if I’m the client I want a good lawyer. One that has been on both sides of the fence wouldn’t be a bad thing.

I agree.
If I knew how to add some green buttons for your rep, I would.
So somebody out there inform me. I am too lazy to figure it out for myself.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

I would like to add my 2cents. First I have been a pkg driver for 14 yrs and I was part-time for 6 yrs before that. I have been a steward for about 18 of those yrs. To the person who is in the West and has had no problem with their pension, I very thankful you haven't, but I would say it should be quite disturbing that it has happened to your brothers and sisters in brown anywhere. If they would do it to the largest group i.,e, Cental States why would anyone think their's is safe, other than the fear of seeing "the golden goose" take flight/pressure from the parcel workers union?

As far as referring to one of the attorney's as being a union buster etc...Have you checked the Teamster President's former employment? Yes he worked for an employee attorney firm to my knowledge. He certainly never drove a brown truck, and neither did the parcel director!

As I stated I have been a steward for 18yrs. and I can tell you I am tired of having to fight both sides all the time. We work too hard to have the lame duck pension the current union has thrown at us, as well as the poor representaion. Of course one could say vote in new people in the local, and I will tell you we have, but just like the book the Animal Farm, new faces same results. It is in my opinion, that there is too much corruption and politics in the Teamsters for us to get a fair shake. From the first steward seminar I went to about 18 yrs ago, the Teamster officials say the same thing about UPS, "The Golden Goose that lays the golden eggs", and so far they have showed that is their greatest concern with those of us in brown.

I will say I know many good Teamster reps., that have been greatly helpful to me in the past, granted they are few and far between, but for those it will greatly pain me if the "Golden Goose" has to take flight and seek a better nest for her eggs, because they shared info w/me and taught me alot when our own local would not.

When I say few and far between I am speaking from my opinion and experience, so please take it for what it's worth, but I can assure you I have been in the trenches for 18yrs and not just a steward by title. I care about every one of our workers, and imho if one is being wronged WE ALL ARE BEING WRONGED!

Back to one of the Atty's for the Parcel Workers being a Union buster, he has been hired to my knowledge for a sepcific purpose, and when that purpose is finished and his expertise in labor law is not needed he will go his way.

If we do choose to have our own union, the Teamsters can either learn from a very major screw up and get better or they can keep making lame exscuses, and mismanaging the members funds, and maintain the mentality that we work for them rather than vice versa. As my dentist says, if you ignore your teeth, they will go away, same applies to a union and it's members;)

As far as the company being behind it I have to laugh, because once it is organized if it is organized, then the men and women in Brown will make it work, and the right way. We're not as stupid as some would have us believe.

I appreciate the chance to air my views.

Peace and God bless!


Browncafe Steward
Maybe if he is on the joint council or under the international also as a v.p. If hes making $200,000 hes probably a secretary treasurer and a vp for a teamster region.


Well-Known Member
Any committe they are on they get paid, and get multiple pensions on top of that. I agree it often is a thankless job, but if you are really going out and representing your members, those that are involved will know it. I just don't think with the politics and corruption in the Teamsters that even good ba's can get alot done. Why wouldn't the Teamsters have a UPSER as Parcel director, if they're serious about us? IMHO because they don't want anyone who has sweat it out in the trucks etc...and really knows the operation.

Imho they view us only as the "Golden Goose, that lays the golden eggs" as I have heard multiple officers of the Teamsters refer to us.

It sucks that it has to come to this, but we did our part, they did not, so if/when the "Golden Goose" fly's it is on those that chose to have the attitude that we work for them rather than vise versa. It will be a sad day if/when it happens, and no doubt it will likely get very ugly when this thing really heats up, but maybe people will pay much better attention to who they vote for, and build a real corruption free union, where fear and intimidation etc...have no place.


Well-Known Member
Don't be shocked at some of the tactics and statements made here. You should see a Teamster convention, when they hire there boo birds to boo everything the opposition says, and spit at you, try to start fights etc...so you get thrown out and can't vote etc...Very very immature and unprofessional to say the least. Sorry but if that's the best they have to offer we don't have to put up with it and simply will not.


Browncafe Steward
Any committe they are on they get paid, and get multiple pensions on top of that. I agree it often is a thankless job, but if you are really going out and representing your members, those that are involved will know it. I just don't think with the politics and corruption in the Teamsters that even good ba's can get alot done. Why wouldn't the Teamsters have a UPSER as Parcel director, if they're serious about us? IMHO because they don't want anyone who has sweat it out in the trucks etc...and really knows the operation.

Imho they view us only as the "Golden Goose, that lays the golden eggs" as I have heard multiple officers of the Teamsters refer to us.

It sucks that it has to come to this, but we did our part, they did not, so if/when the "Golden Goose" fly's it is on those that chose to have the attitude that we work for them rather than vise versa. It will be a sad day if/when it happens, and no doubt it will likely get very ugly when this thing really heats up, but maybe people will pay much better attention to who they vote for, and build a real corruption free union, where fear and intimidation etc...have no place.
Cole Maybe your not aware of this here in chicago, we elected a ups teamster to run our local and the first thing he did was to give all the fulltime upsers a pension increase. That really pisssed of the freight guys, but he said ups pays more so we should get more. I think the easier thing to do would get a ups guy back down running the ibt, instead of all this apwa ups lawyer talk it wont fly. Ask yourself who vote vote for the apwa? Probably the bonus babies who are only worried about themselves and not the bigger picture. How would that make us stronger?


Well-Known Member
I will have to return to what Satellitedriver stated about the 6 percent penalty reduction for every year till age 62 for an early retirement benefit currently in effect under the central states fund. Alot of members were under the assumption that it only applied to the years after 2003. For example if you want to retire at age 55 which is basically a standard your TOTAL retirement package will be reduced 42 percent, almost in half. It puts most of us in a situation of working over 40 years to collect a doable pension benefit, the problem is the wear and tear on the body doing this kind of work for that period of time let alone the normal aging factor. What percentage of UPS workers will be forced into early retirement or lose any benefit due them through permanent disability? Just observe how some of these long term employees come limping into work, especially the package car drivers, most will not make it till 55 without major harm to their bodies. What is the use of a fair retirement package if you can not walk around the block without pain. Question is are these newly created combo full time positions just paying into a retirement plan that they will not be able to benefit from?


Well-Known Member
705, no I was not aware of that as I am not in Chicago. In a previous post I stated I knew some really good Teamsters, and one of them last I heard was in Chicago, but that was several years ago.

No over all, imho, we did our part over and over and the Teamsters as a whole have dropped the ball over and over. Granted, alot of people who lets say have been less than active with the union have been quick to jump on the awap, but once you mess with the pension you have messed with one of the most major purposes of the union, and at some point you have to fire the responsible group etc...imho. That is definatley an issue that will unite even the most docile of people, and it should.

Cezanne, you are right on the money! The wear and tear, will prevent the majority from making it until age 62, and the stipulations set up seem pretty much criminal to me. Why shouldn't someone be able to work whereever they wish when they retire?
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Well-Known Member
Cole Maybe your not aware of this here in chicago, we elected a ups teamster to run our local and the first thing he did was to give all the fulltime upsers a pension increase. That really pisssed of the freight guys, but he said ups pays more so we should get more. I think the easier thing to do would get a ups guy back down running the ibt, instead of all this apwa ups lawyer talk it wont fly. Ask yourself who vote vote for the apwa? Probably the bonus babies who are only worried about themselves and not the bigger picture. How would that make us stronger?

Bonus babies who are only worried about themselves and not the big picture?????????

All we have heard you rattling on about is how good you have it in local 705!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW!!!!! Who's not getting the big picture??????