Senior Member
I am not anti-union ,I was IBT for ten years.Before that I was IBEW and before that Steel Worker(can't remember the initials 35 years ago). I am anti-teamster for Upser's. And I am a card carrying member of AWPA. Call me anything you like, protected speech or not. You like facts, so those are the facts.What he posted pretty much sums up a bottom feeder, someone who will work at a Union workplace and not join the Union. (bottom feeder, scab, and scab rats are protected speech per the NLRB and I will use those terms freely)
IF the APWA were to 'take over', Sam wouldn't join anyways with the attitude he is conveying.
The APWA would be better served becoming a voice of dissent much like TDU. The Teamsters are a democratic organization and dissent is always healthy.