APWA is controlled by a Union-busting Lawyer


Senior Member
What he posted pretty much sums up a bottom feeder, someone who will work at a Union workplace and not join the Union. (bottom feeder, scab, and scab rats are protected speech per the NLRB and I will use those terms freely)
IF the APWA were to 'take over', Sam wouldn't join anyways with the attitude he is conveying.

The APWA would be better served becoming a voice of dissent much like TDU. The Teamsters are a democratic organization and dissent is always healthy.
I am not anti-union ,I was IBT for ten years.Before that I was IBEW and before that Steel Worker(can't remember the initials 35 years ago). I am anti-teamster for Upser's. And I am a card carrying member of AWPA. Call me anything you like, protected speech or not. You like facts, so those are the facts.


whoa! LOOK at all the personal insults in this post! Any action by the so-called moderators?

where is there a personal attack in that? An attack implies harm, he said he'd delete him if he was her, there are no overly demeaning remarks in that statement. The divorce thing may have been over the top, but no where near submarines reference of hanging cheryl from a tree....lets cool it kids


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Myself and another Moderator was just moderating. I gave an Infraction to someone who I think came back as someone else. That second person was banned by me, not Cheryl. We will not put up with this type of behavior.


I started this.
Staff member
Wow, I walked away from my computer for a couple of hours and missed all of this.

I love our moderators :) thank you scratch and all the other mods.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Myself and another Moderator was just moderating. I gave an Infraction to someone who I think came back as someone else. That second person was banned by me, not Cheryl. We will not put up with this type of behavior.

Nice job Scratch!! There's no room for the likes of that kind of behavior.

We need to protect this site from the destructive forces that come in here to tear it down.:wink:

Some people just can't tolerate an open community where diverse opinions are welcome and flames are not.


Browncafe Steward
You can look up their lm2s and see what they make!!!! The average starting salary for a ups ba in chicago is $60,000. and how much do you make?


Well-Known Member
Myself and another Moderator was just moderating. I gave an Infraction to someone who I think came back as someone else. That second person was banned by me, not Cheryl. We will not put up with this type of behavior.


I guess we were right all along...Just another lonely crazed troll.

You guys are doing a nice job.



Browncafe Steward
Why don't you go to The Center for Union Facts and see the huge salaries and benefits your BA and Teamsters fat cats are making. Huge pay cut? I doubt it. Love for the union, not for the money. give me a break!!
Engineer i have looked up how much my local 705 bas make, and the starting salary for a ups ba is $60,000. I made a hell of alot more than that last year, we see our ba 2 to 3 times a week, and they fall under the nmfa medical plan, $50 per prescriptions, a higher deductible and can only see certain doctors. Now ask yourself would you give up what you have now for that thankless job, no matter what you do people come on here and other websites to complain that your not doing enough. When the fact is us (the members) arent doing what we should be to help enforce the contract. **** or get off the pot.


Browncafe Steward
Can i have the screen name submarine please. He wont be using it for a while. He did bring up some valid points but got carried away. we arent always going to agree on alot of topics but we do have to agree to disagreee.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
I think this is the part of the show where, Jerry Springer takes the stage and offers the audience and the viewers at home words of wisdom and encouragement. Sadly, I did not get to ask for my "Jerry Beads" :crying:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Can i have the screen name submarine please. He wont be using it for a while. He did bring up some valid points but got carried away. we arent always going to agree on alot of topics but we do have to agree to disagreee.
Yes, he/she did make some good points while on topic. This is a discussion board where all opinions are welcome. But there is a certain point where certain behavior can't be tolerated. As a moderator, I feel that we let a lot of things slide a little further than we should sometimes. I don't want to be too strict, we all have different opinions and levels of toleration.


Browncafe Steward
Yes, he/she did make some good points while on topic. This is a discussion board where all opinions are welcome. But there is a certain point where certain behavior can't be tolerated. As a moderator, I feel that we let a lot of things slide a little further than we should sometimes. I don't want to be too strict, we all have different opinions and levels of toleration.
You were right scratch, sorry my last post didnt point that out like it should have.


Senior Member
I'm sorry, I DID put a smiley face after my hanging comment.:crying::lol:
Don't be. I thought he/she could last longer. You nailed him at the very beginning of this thread. I brought up the hanging comment and you just politely offered rope that wasn't needed. He/she had plenty to do the job all alone.
Scratch, you did the correct thing.
He/she has fired all their torpedoes and reached crush depth.
He/she will ressurect theirselves under a different guise, but the voice will be the same.


Yes, he/she did make some good points while on topic. This is a discussion board where all opinions are welcome. But there is a certain point where certain behavior can't be tolerated. As a moderator, I feel that we let a lot of things slide a little further than we should sometimes. I don't want to be too strict, we all have different opinions and levels of toleration.

Agreed. Cheryl spends too much of her valuable time here providing us with this forum. She deserves better then she got from submarine. Even I shut up and listen when she tells me I'm crossing the line. :laugh: Yea I know its a lot but I think I'm down to about three spankings a day.


He has some valid points and is entitled to speak his mind on these boards. We all know the honchos in Atlanta browse these boards and even my Center Manager has spoken about them. It really wouldnt be a surpise to me if Eskew himself was a moderater on these boards. We do have a freedom of speech in this country to speak about topic at the workplace and all they can do is read them. As long as Submarine stays within the terms of the brown cafe board, he can say whatever he wants.

He has no rights here. He has to earn his rights. When he starts attacking Cheryl then I personally think he should get the boot.